Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*surplus payment sum
Atrasts 541 termins
*absolute surplus of employees
accord payment
account payment
account servicing payment service provider
ACI Payment Unit
acquiring of payment transactions
acquiring payment service provider
active payment balance
additional category payment
additional payment
additional payment for delivery
additional payment for [driver] class
additional payment for economizing on materials
additional payment for high quality
*additional payment for idle time
additional payment for instruction
additional payment for long service
additional payment for night work
additional payment for overtime work
additional payment for quality
*additional payment for speed
*additional payment for storage
additional payment for urgency
*additional payment for working conditions
additional payment for working on holidays and rest days
adjustment payment
advance payment
after-tax payment
agricultural surplus
agri-environment-climate payment
amortisation payment
area-based direct payment
area payment
area-related direct payment
back payment
balance of payment
balloon payment
bank payment
bank payment order
basic payment scheme
Basic Payment Scheme entitlement
benefit payment
benefit payment product
bereavement payment
*bonus factor payment
bonus payment
budgetary payment
budgetary position close to balance or in surplus
budgetary surplus
budget fiscal surplus
budget surplus
Canadian Payment Association
cancellation, refusal or total or partial non-payment
capitalisation of tax payment basic debt
capitalization of surplus value
capitalization of tax payment basic debt
card-based payment instrument
card-based payment transaction
card-issuing payment service provider
card payment instrument
case-based payment system
cash payment
cause of non-payment
central electronic system of payment information
centralized payment system
check payment
claim for payment
clearing and payment system
commission payment
Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems
Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the Group of Ten central banks
compensation payment
*compensatory payment
compulsory payment
conditional digital euro payment transaction
conditions of payment
confirmation of payment
consumer surplus
consumer surplus for the single day ahead or intraday coupling
contactless payment
contactless proximity payment
contract-based payment
counterfeiting of means of payment
coupled direct payment
coupon payment
crop-specific payment for cotton
cross-border electronic payment transaction
cross-border payment
current account surplus
current payment
date of payment
deadline for payment
*debt of social security payment
debt service payment
decoupled direct payment
decoupled payment
decoupled single farm payment
deemed date of payment
deemed payment
default [in] payment
default of payment
default on payment of duties
default payment
deferment of payment
deferment payment customs system
deferred [excise] tax payment
deferred payment
deferred payment of capital
deferred payment of tax
deficiency payment
degressive payment
delayed payment
delay in payment
delivery versus payment
delivery-versus-payment mechanism
delivery-versus-payment system
demand for payment
designation of payment
diagnosis-related group payment system
digital euro payment
digital euro payment account
digital euro payment service
digital euro payment transaction
direct debit payment
Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payment in commercial transactions
Directive 2014/92/EU on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, payment account switching and access to payment accounts with basic features
Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on payment services in the internal market
Directive on payment services in the internal market
direct payment
direct payment scheme
direct payment system
discount for payment in advance
distance payment
documents against payment
down payment
DRG-based payment system
due payment
earned surplus
ECB payment mechanism
economic surplus
economic surplus for the single day ahead or intraday coupling
electronic bill presentment and payment
electronic payment
enforcement of payment
envelope payment
erroneous payment
European Agreement on continued Payment of Scholarships to students studying abroad
European Card Payment Cooperation
European Central Bank Payment Mechanism
European Convention on the Place of Payment of Money Liabilities
European order for payment
European order for payment procedure
European Payment Council
European payment initiative
European payment order
excessive interest payment
extra payment
face-to-face payment
facilitation payment
fee for the late payment
final payment
financial provision payment
fine for delay in payment
first payment
fiscal surplus
*fixed-date payment
fixed payment
flexibility surplus
floating surplus-population
food surplus requisitioning
forgery of means of payment
form of payment
form of payment for work
general government surplus
giving in payment
government surplus
green direct payment
greening payment
green payment
gross payment of VAT
guarantee of payment
headline surplus
heavy terms of payment
impending payment reserve
imprisonment for default of payment of a fine
imputation of payment
incentive payment
indirect payment
indirect piece work payment system
informal payment
initial payment
instalment payment
instant payment
instrument of payment
insurance payment
interbank payment
intercity payment
intercompany payment journal
interest payment
interim payment
intermediary payment service provider
intermediate payment
international means of payment
international payment
intra-EU payment
irregular payment
irrevocable payment commitment
issuing of payment instruments
labour payment fund*
labour surplus
large-value payment system
late payment
late payment charge
Late Payment Directive
late payment interest
late payment money
late payment of the registration fee
law of surplus value
lease payment
lumpsum payment
means of payment
medium of payment
milestone payment
mobile payment
mobile proximity payment
monthly payment
*month of payment
non-cash means of payment
non-cash payment instrument
non-standard payment
*normal time payment
obligatory payment
Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements
on-account payment
operating surplus
operational or security payment-related incident
out-of-pocket payment
outstanding payment
overdue payment
overtime payment
payment account
payment account identifier
payment accounting division
Payment Accounts Directive
payment against a bank guarantee
payment against a document
payment amount
payment application
payment appropriation
payment before due date
payment by a letter of credit
payment by cash
payment by instal[l]ment
payment by instalment
payment by instalments
*payment by kilometre
payment by letter of credit
payment by the due date
payment by transfer
payment brand
payment card
payment card fraud
payment card scheme
payment card transaction
payment category
payment claim
payment clause
payment commitment
payment company
payment date
payment delay
payment document
payment entitlement
payment facilities
payment factory
payment for agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment
payment for areas with natural constraints
payment for connection
*payment for forced idle-time
payment for young farmers
payment for small farmers
payment fraud
payment from budget
payment gateway
payment holiday
payment in advance
payment in cash
payment in due course
payment infrastructure
payment in full
payment initiation service
payment initiation service provider
payment in kind
payment in part
payment institution
payment instrument
payment instrument challenge
payment journal
payment leg
*payment list
payment method
payment object
payment objective
payment of an advance
payment of author's emoluments
payment of balance
payment of benefit
payment of costs
payment of damages
payment of expenditure
payment of import duties
payment of import duties and taxes
payment of night work
payment of principal
payment of reduced working hours
payment of royalties
payment of spoilage
payment of tax
payment of the amount of duty
payment of the final balance
payment operation
payment option
payment order
payment pattern
payment period
payment procedure
payment received
payment request
payment request bill
payment run
payment service
payment service provider
Payment Services Directive
Payment Services Directive 2
payment service user
payment service user interface
payment system
payment system based on diagnosis-related groups
Payment Systems Market Expert Group
payment status
payment suspension
payment tax-sheltered
payment tax-sheltered extension
payment term
payment term extension
payment terminal
Payment Terms
payment to areas facing natural or other specific constraints
payment to come
payment token
payment tokenisation
payment transaction
payment turnover*
payment uncertainty
partial payment
partial payment of duty
part payment
passthru payment
penalty payment
periodic payment by way of a penalty
periodic penalty payment
person liable for payment of customs debt
person liable for payment of tax
person liable to make payment
person-to-person payment
piece payment
piece work direct payment system
piece work payment system
postponed payment
postponement of payment
power payment
precipitation surplus
preferential payment
prepaid payment instrument
present payment
press for payment
primary budget surplus
primary surplus
principal date of payment
prior payment
prior to payment
private payment moratorium
producer surplus
production of surplus value
production surplus
progress payment
prompt payment
prompt payment against documents
proof of payment
prospective payment
proximity payment
public payment moratorium
public utilities payment
punctual payment
payment to come
prospective payment
turpmākais maksājums
предстоящий платеж
künftige Zahlung
bevorstehende Zahlung
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija