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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*table accounting
Atrasti 864 termini
acceptable biometric capture attempt
acceptable daily intake
acceptable means of compliance
acceptable operator exposure level
acceptable thickness tolerance
acceptable use policy
accountable entities
accountable for
accountable governance
*accountable month
*accountable person
*accountable person card
accountable storage
accountable storage regime
accountable to
Accounting & finance
accounting and planning
Accounting and Treasury Unit
accounting application
accounting balance sheet
accounting by names
accounting category
accounting cycle
accounting clearance
accounting clerk
accounting commission
accounting consolidation
accounting control system
*accounting cost
accounting currency
accounting currency unit
accounting customer
accounting day
accounting data*
accounting data
accounting date
accounting distribution
accounting distribution line
accounting document
accounting documents
accounting entity
accounting entry
accounting estimate
accounting event
accounting event liquidity classification
accounting file
accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
accounting for inventories
accounting form
accounting forms
accounting formula*
accounting for revenue and associated expenses
accounting framework
accounting in days
accounting information
Accounting Integration
accounting year
accounting journal
accounting journal entry
accounting machine
accounting management
accounting method
accounting methods
accounting mismatch
accounting model
accounting of documents
accounting officer
accounting of material values
accounting of operations
accounting of working places
accounting period
accounting policy
accounting portfolio
accounting practice
accounting price
accounting principle
accounting principles
accounting procedures
accounting process
accounting quantity
accounting record
accounting records
*accounting register
accounting register
Accounting Regulatory Committee
accounting report
accounting reports
accounting rule
accounting segregation
accounting segregation method
Accounting Service
accounting system
accounting systems
*accounting stamp
accounting standards
accounting statements
accounting unit
accounting value
accrual accounting
accrual-based accounting
accrual-based accounting principle
Accrual-Based Accounting System
accrual basis accounting
accruals accounting
accruals-based accounting
accruals basis of accounting
action table
activated vegetable carbon
active implantable medical device
adaptable robot
adaptable robot control
adjustable back-gauge
adjustable clamp
adjustable contact
adjustable delay
adjustable electrically heated vacuum oven
adjustable-gap inductor
adjustable lap
adjustable load curve
adjustable nozzle
adjustable pitch propeller
adjustable punching knife
adjustable resistor
adjustable safety belt
adjustable-speed drive
adjustable speed [electric] motor
adjustable-speed motor
adjustable stop
adjustable support
adjustable valve
adjustable voltage source
adjustable wrench
aerodrome climatological table
age-class table
agricultural accounting
agricultural accounting information system
air-cushion table
AL Table Proxy Generator
amortization table
applicable accounting standard
assembly table
at the foot of the table (team)
authentication, authorisation and accounting
authentication, authorization and accounting
auxiliary table
*auxiliary table
balance table
band sawing machine with table
band saw table
bare table
base table
bill of fare / table d'hote
bills / accounting office
bistable relay
bistable (trigger) circuit
blittable type
body of a table
Boolean operation table
bootable CD
budget accounting*
budgetary accounting
bulb vegetable
butt joint with dovetail table
butt joint with splayed table
call accounting system
cash accounting
cash accounting scheme
cash-based accounting
cash basis accounting
cash basis of accounting
cell of a table
charitable bequest
charitable contribution
charitable contributions
charitable foundation
charitable institution
charitable organisation
charitable organization
*chessboard-type table
child table
circular saw bench with travelling table
circular table
classification table
clock-face timetable
Collapse of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
collapsible table
color look-up table
color table
*combined table
comfortable in the air (player)
commitment accounting
Committee of Inquiry into the collapse of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
Committee of Inquiry into the crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
common reporting format table
common reporting table
compact disc-rewritable
complete accounting
complete table
compostable carrier bag
compostable packaging
compostable plastic
compostable plastic carrier bag
compostable waste
compound rotary table
computerized accounting system
concordance table
configuration status accounting
consolidated group for financial accounting purposes
contactable edge
contingency table
conversion table
corner table
*correlation table
correlation table
cost accounting
cost-accounting enterprise
cost accounting relations
cost rate table
council for accounting methods
CRF table
Crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
crude vegetable oil
current accounting
custom table
data extractable format
data table
decision table
decision table testing
delivery table
demountable body
derived table
detailed table
detectable element
dilatable soil
dimension table
Directive (EU) 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union
Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions
disarray in the customs accounting control
disconnectable busbar
disconnectable busbars
*disputable debt
disputable presumption
disputable transaction*
distributable items
distributed routing table
double-entry accounting
double-turn table
draw table
driver-selectable mode
dustable powder
easily transportable
Economic and Finance Committee - Financial Stability Table
editable ink
EDP notification table
EFC Financial Stability Table
elected accounting category
engraving table
environmental accounting
equitable remuneration
equitable tourism
estate accounting
etching table
EU accounting rule
EU-Brazil Civil Society Round Table
EU-Brazil Round Table
EU-China Round Table
EU-India Round Table
European accounting system
European Round Table
European Round Table of Industrialists
European Union accounting rule
evaluation table of difficulty
evaluation table of vaulting
event table
executable documentation
executable file
executable program
executable (qualifier)
executable statement
executable template
executable test case
expenditure and income table
expenditure recognition accounting rule
Expert Group on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
exploitable age
extended side table
*extended table (in BBC)
external table
extraction table
fact table
fair and equitable treatment
fair value accounting
false accounting
federated table
feed table
felling table
file allocation table
Finance and Accounting System Implementation
financial accounting
financial accounting net income or loss
floatable river
flower vegetable
folding table
folio table
foot of the table
foreign table
fourfold table
freight calculation table
fresh vegetable
from farm to table
from stable to table
front drop half turntable
front table
*fruit and vegetable industry
fruit-bearing vegetable
fruiting vegetable
fruit vegetable
full turntable
gathering table
genealogical table
general accounting
general accounting principle
Generally accepted accounting principles
general table of faults
go close to the table
*goods in accountable storage
goods in accountable storage
government accounting
green accounting
green leafy vegetable
gross-net accounting
ground-water table
grouping table
group table
GUID partition table
half turntable
hash table
hash table search
hedge accounting
height adjustable suspension
High Level Industrial Roundtable
High Level Industrial Roundtable 'Industry 2030'
highly profitable economy
hydrogenenated vegetable oil
hydrotreated vegetable oil
IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
immutable ID
implantable device
imposing stone (surface, table)
imposing table
Incheon Declaration: Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all
incontestable write-off
India-EU Round Table
indictable-only offence
indisputable recovery
industrial accounting
industrially compostable packaging
industrially compostable plastic
inflatable boat
inflation accounting
inflorescence vegetable
inheritable mutation
injectable drug
injectable medicinal product
injectable medicine
injectable preparation
ink table
Ink to Table
input-output table
integrated environmental and economic accounting
Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
intermediate adjustable link
*internal accounting
internal accounting price
International Accounting Standard
International Accounting Standards Board
International Accounting Standards Committee
International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 1986
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2005
International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015
feeding board
feed table
pielikšanas galds
накладная доска
накладной стол
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija