Trešdiena, 15. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*town under district jurisdiction
Atrasti 403 termini
1968 Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
acceptance under benefit of inventory
accessibility theory of jurisdiction
Adaptation Fund under the Kyoto Protocol
Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
administrative district
administrative district court
advanced therapy medicinal product prepared under hospital exemption
advance under a contract
advisory jurisdiction
Agreement on Marine Biodiversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction
ancient town
approved for transport under customs seal
a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention
area of fisheries jurisdiction
area under crown-cover
area under cultivation
area under management
area under the curve
area under vines
assets under management
back uprise to straddle under hands to free support rearways
back uprise to straddle under hands to rearward swing in hang rearways
back uprise to straddle under hands with half (½) turn to swing forward in hang
backward circle under bars
backward somersault below (under) bars
bending under breaking load
be responsible to the Registrar, under the authority of the President
be under the supervision of the Judge-Rapporteur
board of representatives of a city district
board of representatives of a statutory town
Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment
body with jurisdiction at first instance in public procurement cases
border town
Cape Town
Cape Town Agreement
Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the Implementation of the Provisions of the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977
Cape Town Convention
Cape Town Principles
Cape Town Principles and Best Practices
case that falls within the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
case under investigation
Central Business District, CBD / downtown
chair of the district executive board
*chief town
choice of jurisdiction
city district
city district court
city with district rights
city with district status
Common Regulations under the Lisbon Agreement and the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement
company constituted under civil law
complex planting in a town*
compulsory jurisdiction
conceal under one's clothing
concurrent jurisdiction
conflicting claim of jurisdiction
conflict of jurisdiction
consequences under criminal law
consistent with obligations under GATT
contentious jurisdiction
Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
council of a statutory town
council of the district local government organisation
Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations
court having special jurisdiction
Court jurisdiction
court of civil jurisdiction
court of general jurisdiction
court of specialised jurisdiction
crime under international law
cross-beam under back seat
cross-beam under front seat
cultivation under plastic
customs convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets
customs convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Convention
declining of jurisdiction
deductible interest under thin capitalisation rules
deductible interest under thin capitalization rules
deflection under bending load
deputy district mayor
dispute of jurisdiction
distribution of population in a town
district assembly
district budget*
district centre
district consolidated budget*
district cooling
district council
district council area
district councillor
District Court
District Court (Criminal Division)
district executive
district executive board
*district factor
*district factor bonus
district forest officer (UK)
district heating
district heating and cooling operator
district heating and cooling system
district heating and cooling system operator
district heating installation
district heating plant
district heating-related historical activity level
district heating system
district heating sub-installation
*district layout
district local government organisation
district mayor
district metered area
district metering area
district municipality
district planning
*district seat
*district shop
district town
district union of cooperative societies
downtown / city centre
driving under the influence of alcohol
driving under the influence of drugs
drying under canopy
electoral district
enforcement jurisdiction
enforcing jurisdiction
enter the goods under a customs procedure
ESF+ strand under shared management
EU Domestic Advisory Group under the EU-UK TCA
EU-UK Joint Committee under the Withdrawal Agreement
evidence under oath
exclusive jurisdiction
exorbitant jurisdiction
export jurisdiction
exposure under probation
extent of jurisdiction
extraterritorial jurisdiction
fall under a tariff heading
fiscal jurisdiction
fishing under ice
forest [ranger] district
frontier town
garden town
George Town
goods imported under licence
goods under arrest
goods under customs seal
growth district
Guiding principles for transparency in negotiations under Article 50 TEU
harbour town
heir entitled under a will
historical town
hop change under bar
humanitarian status under national law
immunity from jurisdiction
importation of goods under preferential conditions
impregnation under pressure
individuals resident within the tax jurisdiction of the state
industrial town
institution under resolution
international jurisdiction
year under review
judgment delivered under the preliminary ruling procedure
judgment under appeal
jurisdiction area
jurisdiction in adversarial proceedings
jurisdiction in relation to the subject matter
jurisdiction of the courts
jurisdiction over infringement and validity
jurisdiction ratione loci
jurisdiction ratione materiae
jurisdiction related to subject matter
jurisdiction shopping
jurisdiction to enforce
just transition scheme under InvestEU
Kosovo under UNSCR 1244
land under cultivation
line flying under supervision
local jurisdiction
low-tax jurisdiction
mayor of the city district
*manufacturing under licence
marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction
marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction
marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction
marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
market town
medium-sized town
member of the board of representatives of a city district
member of the board of representatives of a statutory town
member of the council of the district local government organisation
member of the district assembly
member of the district executive
member of town council
Memorandum of Understanding between the European Economic Community and the United States of America on oil seeds under GATT
metropolitan district
migration from the countryside to the town
moving under the ball
municipal district
museum town
name under which the product is sold
national tax jurisdiction
negative conflict of jurisdiction
new town
"no creditor worse off than under normal insolvency proceedings" principle
non-exclusive licence under patent
non-metropolitan district
no tax jurisdiction
offshore jurisdiction
operator of a district heating and cooling system
operator of a district heating or cooling system
out-of-town branch (located in some other town)
over-and-under bouncing
*payer from another town
Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
penetration under the net
period under review
place the goods under a customs procedure
placing of goods under a customs procedure
placing under protection
plea of lack of jurisdiction
positive conflict of jurisdiction
president of the bureau of the district assembly
president of the council of the district local government organisation
president of the district council
president of the district executive
prevention of conflicts of jurisdiction
processing under customs control
product under review
protected historic district (US)
recreational district
red light district
reference for a preliminary ruling which is to be dealt with under an urgent procedure
regeneration under a shelter-wood
Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and in matters of parental responsibility for children of both spouses
Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
Regulation (EU) 2018/842 on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States from 2021 to 2030 contributing to climate action to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement
Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
repair under a guarantee
research under contract
residual jurisdiction
resolution of conflict of jurisdiction
river basin district
rule under emergency powers
sales tax jurisdiction
satellite town
saw not under tension
secrecy jurisdiction
several separate acts punishable under the criminal law
system under test (SUT)
small town
Sofia District region
soil district
spa town / spa resort
statutory town
straddle under both hands to a rear-lying support
subject-matter jurisdiction
sub-licence under patent
subsidiary jurisdiction
substance under control
sugar under quota
suspension hole under the head
Task Force for the Preparation and Conduct of the Negotiations with the United Kingdom under Article 50 TEU
tax jurisdiction
Technical guidance on the application of ‘do no significant harm’ under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation
territorial jurisdiction
testimony under oath
test procedure under load
the material under test
to be placed under a customs procedure
to be under bond
to be under consideration
to be under customs procedure
to be under obligation
to be under suspicion
to bring under control
to carry goods under a customs transit procedure
to destroy under customs control
to destroy under customs supervision
to fall under jurisdiction
to free from obligations under the contract
to import under the tariff quota
to keep under observation
to maintain under reflux conditions
to move the cargo under custodian bond
to move under the established transit procedure
to place under a customs procedure
to place under transit procedure
to remain under customs control
to take action against... under customs legislation
to transport goods under customs escort
to transport under customs control
to transport under the ITI procedure
tourism district
town and country planning
town boundaries
town council
town councillor
town-country relationship
*town effective area
town estate
*town-formational branches
town formation factor*
town government
town hall
town hall debate
town history
*town-land economy
town land-utilization system*
town planning
town-planning profession
town-planning regulations
town-planning scheme
town traffic
town twinning
town under district jurisdiction
town user
town users
town with county rank
town with county rights
town with its own charter
transfer under the Dublin Regulation
Transition town
transport of goods under customs seal
transport under cover of a TIR carnet
transport under customs control
Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water
under a right in international law
under arrangement
under a separate cover
under a tax treaty
under bark
under-bar salto (somersault)
under compulsion
under consideration
under constraint
under cover of a TIR carnet
under customs custody
under customs supervision
under-declared employment
under-declared work
under decommissioning
under-developed countries
under evaluation
under favourable conditions
[under]ground water
under-implementation of appropriations
under licence
under no circumstances
under par
*under-patronage enterprise
under preferential conditions
under repair
under review
under soil heating (pitch)
under somebody's guidance
under somebody's leadership
under surveillance of the customs authorities
under the authority of the President of the Court
under the circumstances
under the cover of
under the cover of night
under the distance
under the existing legislation
under the present agreement
under the pretence of
under the responsibility of the official veterinarian
under the rules
under the same cover
under the supervision of the official veterinarian
under-the-table payment
under the tax law
under the VAT law
under-utilisation of appropriations
under weight
United Nations agreement on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction
unlimited jurisdiction
urban district
vessel sailing under the flag of ...
vice-president of the council of the district local government organisation
chair of the district executive board
chair of the county executive board
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