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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*transfer factor
Atrasti 683 termini
abiotic environmental factor
abiotic factor
absorption factor
acceleration factor
accidental voltage transfer
accuracy limit factor
actual transfer rate
adaption factor
additional factor
Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
adhesion factor
ad transfer
ageing factor
aggravating factor
Agreement on the Application between the Member States of the European Communities of the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
Agreement on the transfer and mutualisation of contributions to the Single Resolution fund
Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses
agricultural factor income
air factor
air-gap factor
allocation factor
ambient correction factor
amortisation factor
amplification factor
anthropogenic factor
anti-pernicious anaemia factor
applicant subject to a transfer procedure
arms transfer
artificial transfer of profits
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
*assembling factor
assessment factor
asset transfer
assurance factor
atenuation factor
attenuation factor
automatic load transfer
[automatic] transfer line
automatic transfer service account
automatic transfer switch
availability factor
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
bank transfer
bank wire transfer
batch file transfer
behavioural risk factor
binary file transfer
bioconcentration factor
biotic factor
Bit Block Transfer
blank transfer
blocking factor
block transfer
*bonus factor payment
brake factor
brown penalising factor
Build, Operate and Transfer
Build, Own, Operate and Transfer
Build, Transfer and Operate
burst factor
calculation factor
calibration factor
call transfer
capacity factor
*capacity factor
capacity utilization factor
capital transfer
capital transfer tax
cash transfer
CBAM factor
CDIF transfer
CDIF transfer file
CDIF transfer format
CDIF transfer syntax and encoding
certainty factor
characterisation factor
charge transfer
cyclical factor
cyclic duration factor
climatic factor
clotting factor II
coagulation factor II
coefficient of tangential momentum transfer
co-factor supplemented post-mitochondrial fraction
colony stimulating factor
Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items
compensation factor
concentration factor
conditional transfer
confidence factor
conformity factor
confounding factor
connecting factor
consumption factor
contrast factor
control factor
controllable factor
convective heat transfer
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction
Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
conversion factor
conversion or transfer of property
correction factor
cost factor
costs of ownership transfer
coupling factor
course credit transfer
coverage factor
credit conversion factor
credit risk transfer
credit transfer
credit transfer order
critical stress intensity factor
critical success factor
crypto-asset transfer
cross adhesion factor
cross-border credit transfer
cross-border money transfer
CWT factor
damping factor
data transfer
data transfer call
data transfer phase of the call
data transfer rate
debit transfer
decision on a transfer of appropriations
decision on transfer
decision to transfer
demand factor
deportation or forcible transfer of population
dielectric loss factor
digital transfer rate
dilution factor
directivity factor
discharge factor
*discount factor
dissipation factor test
distortion factor
distribution factor
*district factor
*district factor bonus
dynamic factor
dryness factor
dry transfer lettering
drug-resistance factor
Dublin transfer
Dublin transfer decision
early action factor
earth fault factor
ecological factor
edaphic factor
effective risk transfer
effective transfer rate
efficiency [factor]
Efficient File Transfer
efflux factor
electronic file transfer access method
electronic funds transfer
embryo transfer
emission factor
emissions factor
emissivity [factor]
emissivity factor
end of year transfer
energy capability factor
energy intensity factor
energy loss factor
energy transfer
environmental factor
equalization factor
EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum
EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum expert group
European Agreement on Transfer of Responsibility for Refugees
European Community Course Credit Transfer System
European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
European credit transfer system
European Payments Council’s SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme
European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
EU transfer pricing documentation
*evenness factor
excess air factor
expansion factor
expert group on transfer pricing
external factor
factor analysis
factor depreciation method
factor II
factor of air resistance
*factor of irregularity
factor of merit
factor of production
factor of quality
*factor of renewal of fixed assets
factor of safety
*factor of smooth functioning
factor of withdrawal of fixed assets
factor out
Factor Theorem
failure intensity factor
*family factor
fatigue notch factor
fatigue strength reduction factor
feedback factor
fee for the recording of the transfer
field form factor
file transfer
file transfer (in networking)
file transfer, access and management
File Transfer, Access and Management protocol
file transfer and access management
File Transfer Protocol
fill factor
flood risk factor
forced technology transfer
form factor
transfer factor
freight transfer
friction factor
fudge factor
full zone transfer
funds transfer
gain factor
gamete intra-fallopian transfer
gateway factor
global transfer
granulocyte colony stimulating factor
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
greatest common factor
green supporting factor
ground factor
growth factor
hazardous fire factor
head-related transfer function
heat and mass transfer
Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems
heat availability factor
heat conductivity factor
heat loss factor
heat transfer
heat-transfer agent
heat transfer agent
heat-transfer behavior
heat-transfer coefficient
heat transfer coefficient
transfer factor
heat-transfer fluid
heat transfer fluid
heat-transfer medium
heat transfer medium
heat-transfer resistance
heat-transfer surface
hedging set supervisory factor coefficient
high stowage factor
hybrid transfer
hydrocarbon response factor
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
horizontal gene transfer
human factor
impact factor
inbound profit transfer
inbound transfer flight
induction factor
influence factor
influencing factor
informal value transfer services
instant credit transfer
instant of transfer
instrument security factor
intensity factor
Intergovernmental Agreement on the transfer and mutualisation of contributions to the Single Resolution Fund
internal transfer
international arms transfer
international transfer certificate
intra-corporate transfer
inventory transfer
job transfer and manipulation
K-factor of an LFC area or LFC block
Kiev Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information
kinetic concentration factor
Kyiv Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
klirr factor
knowledge transfer
lay factor
lamination factor
lateral gene transfer
leakage factor
level of a factor
linking factor
load factor
load transfer
longtudinal adhesion factor
loss factor
low stowage factor
mass distribution factor
mass transfer
mass-transfer coefficient
mass transfer rate
mass utilization factor
matching factor
mechanization factor
meshing dynamic factor
message transfer (in electronic mail)
message transfer agent
message transfer envelope
message transfer system
meteorological factor
Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portal
Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server
Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal
mileage utilization factor
minimum transfer amount
mitigating factor
mixture assessment factor
modelled risk factor
money or value transfer service
money transfer
monetary transfer
mopping-up transfer
multi-factor authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portal
multi-factor authentication registration policy
Multi-Factor Authentication Server
Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal
multiple-factor stress test
multiplier factor
multiplying factor
natural factor
net value added at factor cost of agriculture
Network News Transfer Protocol
nominal transfer rate
non-instant credit transfer
non-linear-distortion factor
non-linearity factor
non-renewable primary energy factor
normalization factor
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations
off-site transfer
omnibus transfer
onward transfer
Open processing and transfer operations with minerals/metals at elevated temperature
order to transfer
Other Risk Transfer Mechanisms
outbound profit transfer
overload factor
oxidation factor
packet transfer mode
packing factor
payment by transfer
particle concentration reduction factor
pass for the transfer of persons enjoying temporary protection
peak-load effective duration factor
peeling factor
pegylated bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor
personal factor
person-to-person transfer
person-to-person transfer of crypto-assets
person-to-person transfer of funds
phase factor
photo-irritation factor
pitch factor
planned transfer order
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
postal giro transfer
postal transfer
post and transfer
power demand factor
power factor
power transfer distribution factor
preliminary emission factor
primary energy factor
processing factor
production capacity factor
production factor
profit and loss transfer agreement
proposal for transfer of appropriations
protective factor
Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
pull factor
push factor
qualitative factor
*quality factor
quality factor
quantitative factor
radial factor
radiant heat-transfer coefficient
radiative heat transfer
rated voltage factor
rectification factor
redundancy factor
reflection factor
outbound profit transfer
izejošais peļņas pārskaitījums
Gewinnverlagerung ins Ausland
transfert de bénéfice en sortie
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