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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*transfer to the possession
Atrasts 381 termins
accidental voltage transfer
actual transfer rate
Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
ad transfer
Agreement on the Application between the Member States of the European Communities of the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
Agreement on the transfer and mutualisation of contributions to the Single Resolution fund
Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses
applicant subject to a transfer procedure
arms transfer
artificial transfer of profits
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
asset transfer
automatic load transfer
[automatic] transfer line
automatic transfer service account
automatic transfer switch
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
ball control (possession), handling the ball
bank transfer
bank wire transfer
batch file transfer
binary file transfer
Bit Block Transfer
blank transfer
block transfer
Build, Operate and Transfer
Build, Own, Operate and Transfer
Build, Transfer and Operate
call transfer
capital transfer
capital transfer tax
cash transfer
CDIF transfer
CDIF transfer file
CDIF transfer format
CDIF transfer syntax and encoding
charge transfer
coefficient of tangential momentum transfer
Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items
conditional transfer
convective heat transfer
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction
Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
conversion or transfer of property
costs of ownership transfer
course credit transfer
credit risk transfer
credit transfer
credit transfer order
crypto-asset transfer
cross-border credit transfer
cross-border money transfer
data transfer
data transfer call
data transfer phase of the call
data transfer rate
debit transfer
decision on a transfer of appropriations
decision on transfer
decision to transfer
deportation or forcible transfer of population
digital transfer rate
dry transfer lettering
Dublin transfer
Dublin transfer decision
effective risk transfer
effective transfer rate
Efficient File Transfer
electronic file transfer access method
electronic funds transfer
embryo transfer
end of year transfer
energy transfer
EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum
EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum expert group
European Agreement on Transfer of Responsibility for Refugees
European Community Course Credit Transfer System
European Convention on the Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Firearms by Individuals
European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
European credit transfer system
European Payments Council’s SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme
European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
EU transfer pricing documentation
expert group on transfer pricing
fee for the recording of the transfer
file transfer
file transfer (in networking)
file transfer, access and management
File Transfer, Access and Management protocol
file transfer and access management
File Transfer Protocol
forced technology transfer
free-field transfer factor
freight transfer
full zone transfer
funds transfer
gamete intra-fallopian transfer
global transfer
head-related transfer function
heat and mass transfer
Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems
heat transfer
heat-transfer agent
heat transfer agent
heat-transfer behavior
heat-transfer coefficient
heat transfer coefficient
heat-transfer factor
heat-transfer fluid
heat transfer fluid
heat transfer medium
heat-transfer medium
heat-transfer resistance
heat-transfer surface
hereditary possession
hybrid transfer
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
horizontal gene transfer
inbound profit transfer
inbound transfer flight
informal value transfer services
instant credit transfer
instant of transfer
Intergovernmental Agreement on the transfer and mutualisation of contributions to the Single Resolution Fund
internal transfer
international arms transfer
international transfer certificate
in the possession of somebody
intra-corporate transfer
inventory transfer
job transfer and manipulation
Kiev Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the UNECE Convention on Access to Information
Kyiv Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
knowledge transfer
lateral gene transfer
load transfer
mass transfer
mass-transfer coefficient
mass transfer rate
message transfer (in electronic mail)
message transfer agent
message transfer envelope
message transfer system
minimum transfer amount
money or value transfer service
money transfer
monetary transfer
mopping-up transfer
Network News Transfer Protocol
nominal transfer rate
non-instant credit transfer
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines
OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations
off-site transfer
omnibus transfer
onward transfer
Open processing and transfer operations with minerals/metals at elevated temperature
order to transfer
Other Risk Transfer Mechanisms
outbound profit transfer
packet transfer mode
payment by transfer
pass for the transfer of persons enjoying temporary protection
person-to-person transfer
person-to-person transfer of crypto-assets
person-to-person transfer of funds
physical possession
planned transfer order
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
possession of nformation
possession of status
postal giro transfer
postal transfer
post and transfer
power transfer distribution factor
profit and loss transfer agreement
proposal for transfer of appropriations
Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
radiant heat-transfer coefficient
radiative heat transfer
Register Transfer Language
regular credit transfer
Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
right of possession
risk transfer
sale, supply, transfer or export of goods or technology
Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
SEPA Credit Transfer Scheme
SEPA instant credit transfer
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer scheme
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst.) Scheme
sheet transfer
sheet transfer mechanism
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
simple message transfer protocol
Sirene picture transfer
somatic cell nuclear transfer
somatic cell nucleus transfer
Southern transfer
statistical transfer
steady-state heat transfer
surrender or transfer of parental responsibility
tangential momentum transfer coefficient
tax on the transfer of property
*tax transfer
technology transfer
temporary transfer
temporary transfer of a person in custody
temporary transfer of prisoners
text transfer
thermal transfer printer
thermal wax-transfer printer
title transfer collateral arrangement
Title Transfer Facility
Title Transfer Facility Virtual Trading Point
title transfer financial collateral arrangement
to come into possession of
to enter into possession of
to take possession of something
total digital transfer rate
to transfer
to transfer cargo ownership
to transfer money by cable
to transfer money from savings accounts to third parties
to transfer money into an account
to transfer one’s rights and obligations to a third party — nodot tiesības un saistības trešajai personai
to transfer ownership
to transfer property by gift
to transfer rights
to transfer the beneficial interest
to transfer the title
to transfer to another tax
traditional credit transfer
tranched transfer of risk
Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross settlement Express Transfer system
transfer (in electronic mail)
transfer a complaint
Transfer and conversion
transfer balance*
transfer bar
transfer batch
transfer by clearing
transfer by the Commission
transfer bus
transfer busbar
transfer call
transfer capability
transfer cargo
transfer charges
transfer code key*
transfer coefficient
transfer decision
transfer department
transfer device*
transfer device
transfer equation
transfer facilities
*transfer factor
transfer factor
transfer finger
transfer forme
transfer function
transfer impedance
transfer interpreter
transfer into account
transfer laser
transfer learning
transfer list
transfer log
transfer machine
transfer mail
transfer notification
transfer of a business carried on by a permanent establishment
transfer of alimony
transfer of appropriations
transfer of a product from one heading to another in the customs tariff
transfer of arms
transfer of assets
transfer of a trade mark registered in the name of an agent
transfer of authority
transfer of balancing capacity
transfer of businesses
transfer of competence
transfer of control point
transfer of criminal proceedings
transfer of crypto-assets
transfer of enforcement of judgement
transfer of estate
transfer of farms
transfer of funds
transfer of knowledge
transfer of material
transfer of meaning
transfer of money
transfer of ownership
transfer of own goods
transfer of pension rights
transfer of population
transfer of prisoners
transfer of proceedings
transfer of proceedings in criminal cases
transfer of proceedings in criminal matters
transfer of property
transfer of resources
transfer of results
transfer of rights
transfer of rights and obligations
transfer of rights and temporary leasing
transfer of risk
transfer of seat
transfer of sentenced persons
Transfer of substance or preparation, charging/discharging, from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
Transfer of substance or preparation, charging or discharging, from/to vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers
transfer of tax residence
transfer of technology
transfer of the applicant
transfer of the applicant for asylum
transfer of the asylum applicant
transfer of the Community trade mark
transfer of the registered office
transfer of title
transfer of virtual assets
transfer [operation]
transfer operation
transfer operations
transfer order
transfer order line
transfer-ownership certificate
transfer ownership certificate
transfer payments
transfer phenomena
transfer power
transfer price
transfer prices
transfer pricing
transfer pricing adjustment
transfer printing
transfer process
transfer proposal
transfer rate
transfer ratio
transfer record
transfer request
transfer resolution strategy
transfer restriction
transfer ribonucleic acid
transfer rights
transfer RNA
transfer strategy
transfer tax
transfer ticket
transfer time
transfer to the possession
transfer to the reserve
transfer (transporting) conveyor
transfer under the Dublin Regulation
transfer value
transfer wedge
transfer worker (puller, printer)
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TR transfer note
unconditional transfer
underground transfer services
UN-ECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
UNECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
Union regime for the control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items
unsteady heat transfer
virtual asset transfer
vortex transfer
Windows Easy Transfer
wire transfer
Xbox 360 Hard Drive Transfer Cable
zone transfer
transfer cargo
transfēra krava
umgeladene Frachtstücke
fret en correspondance
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