Svētdiena, 5. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*transportable cargo
Atrasti 140 termini
advance cargo information
air cargo or mail carrier operating into the Union from a third country airport
*arrival of cargo
bag[ged] cargo
break bulk cargo
bulk cargo
cargo agent
cargo boat
cargo capacity
cargo carried inwards
cargo carried outwards
[cargo-]carrying capacity
cargo container
cargo declaration
cargo documentation
cargo dues
cargo flow
cargo handler
cargo height*
cargo hold
cargo insurance
cargo lighter
cargo manifest
*cargo name
*cargo of low transportability
cargo owner
cargo plan
cargo port
cargo processing
cargo rate
cargo receiver
cargo rice
*cargo run
*cargo safety
cargo service
cargo ship
cargo shipment
(cargo) survey report
cargo tariff
cargo transport
cargo turnover
cargo vessel
cargo waybill
cargo worker
clearance of cargo
commercial cargo
consolidated cargo
container/ro-ro cargo ship
container cargo
containerised cargo
conventional cargo
dangerous cargo
*dead cargo
deck cargo
delivery of cargo
detention of cargo
dry cargo
easily transportable
*entrusted cargo
examination of cargo
*export-import cargo
express cargo
Future Medium-sized Tactical Cargo
Future Medium-size Tactical Cargo
general cargo
general cargo ship
*goods cargo
heterogenious cargo
high-risk cargo
high risk cargo and mail
high risk cargo or mail
illicit cargo
*inbound cargo register
incoming cargo
*keeping quality of cargo
lack of cargo
landing of a ship's cargo
large cargo container
law abiding passengers and cargo
liquid cargo
loose cargo
low-risk cargo
mixed cargo
motor tanker, dry cargo as if liquid (e.g. cement)
motor tanker, liquid cargo, type N
non-received cargo
on-the-way cargo
out-going cargo
out of gauge cargo
outsize cargo
outsized cargo
palletized cargo
pushtow, one cargo barge
received cargo
refrigerated cargo ship
refrigerated cargo vessel
ro-ro cargo ship
shipment of cargo
ship's cargo declaration
smuggled cargo
speed of cargo delivery*
split cargo
Strategic Air Transport for Outsized Cargo
tankbarge, liquid cargo, type N
the cargo speciefied above
timber cargo
type of cargo
to arrest the cargo
to avoid damaging cargo
to be covered by the cargo declaration
to check cargo
to clear cargo
to clear the cargo
to control cargo
to damage cargo during examination
to declare cargo
to discharge a cargo
to examine cargo
to facilitate the movement of cargo
to land cargo
to move cargo
to move the cargo under custodian bond
to open cargo
to present the cargo
to probe cargo
to process cargo
to tally cargo
to tally the cargo
to transfer cargo ownership
to work cargo
transfer cargo
transit cargo
transportable boiler
transportable cargo
transportable caul hopper
transportable station
unit cargo
way cargo
out of gauge cargo
outsize cargo
outsized cargo
sevišķi liela krava
sevišķi liela izmēra krava
lielgabarīta krava
übergroße Lasten
übergroße Fracht
cargaison hors gabarit
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