Piektdiena, 10. janvāris
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*use fee
Atrasti 726 termini
‘rendez-vous’ clause
ABS Clearing-House
abuse case
abuse of a dominant position
abuse of a position of vulnerability
abuse of authority
abuse of dominant position
abuse of functions
abuse of office
abuse of power
abuse of process of a court
abuse of rights
abuse of trust
Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House
accounted greenhouse gas emissions and removals
accredited in-house technical service
accredited in-house technical service of the manufacturer
adobe house
Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
aggregation clause
alarm fuse
allocation clause
animal house
Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory
anti-abuse clause
anti-abuse provisions
anti-mouse antibody
approved warehouse
arbitration clause
area-wide refuse disposal
assisting spouse
athymic nude mouse
atrium house
attributive clause
autarkic house
authorised warehouse keeper
Automated Clearing House
autonomous house
banker's [house]
Biosafety Clearing-House
biting house fly
Blair House Agreement
board storehouse
boiler house
boiler house operator
bonded warehouse
book louse
book printing house
books and magazines publishing house
books publishing house
border customhouse
brake clause
bridging clause
burnout of refuse
bus mouse
calcite druse
cartridge fuse
causal clause*
causal clause
cause and effect chain relationship
cause and effect diagram
cause-effect analysis
cause-effect diagram
cause-effect graph
cause-effect graphing
cause indication
cause list
cause of action
cause of non-payment
cause of unfitness*
cavity in the front wheelhouse
CBA mouse
CCP Clearing House
celibacy clause
Central Counterparty Clearing House
central EU database of default greenhouse gas emission factors
central EU database of greenhouse gas emission factors
cessation clause
Chatham House
Chatham House Rule
check clause
child abuse
child sexual abuse
Child Sexual Abuse Directive
child sexual abuse image
child sexual abuse material
child sexual abuse online
child sexual abuse performance
civilian warehouse
clearance from bonded warehouse
clearing house
Clearing House Cell
Clearing house for medical equipment
clearing house for medical equipment (COVID-19)
clearing house mechanism
close-out clause
collective action clause
Committee on the monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
common cause
common house cricket
Community greenhouse gas inventory
comparative clause
completing warehouse
computer abuse
Conceptual Basis for a House of European History
concessive clause
conditional clause
conscience clause
consecutive clause
contract clause
cooking-house / kitchen
Cooperation group to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in drugs
Coordinating Authority for child sexual abuse issues
cordless mouse
core EU database of default values for greenhouse gas emission intensity
corresponding clause
council house
Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse
countryard house
country-house museum (GB)
COVID-19 Clearing House for medical equipment
cross-default clause
currency clause
current-limiting fuse
current-limiting fuse-link
custom-house broker
custom house examination
custom house formalities
customs and excise warehouse
customs house
customs house of destination
customs storehouse
customs warehouse
data abuse
data lakehouse
data warehouse
data warehouse database
death of a spouse
decedent’s spouse — mirušā laulātais
Decision No 1359/2013/EU clarifying provisions on the timing of auctions of greenhouse gas allowances
Decision No 406/2009/EC on the effort of Member States to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the Community’s greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments up to 2020
deck house
deduction for a non-working spouse
deflated house price index
DELETE clause
'de minimis' anti-abuse clause
design for reuse
destructive pea louse
diffuse acoustic field
diffuse alopecia
diffuse emissions
diffuse emissions of volatile organic compounds to air
diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma
Diffuse Lighting
diffuse midline glioma
diffuse porosity
diffuse-porous wood
diffuse radiation
diffuse reflectance
diffuse reflection
diffuse solar radiation
diffuse source
diffuse source of pollution
diffuse use
diffuse VOC emissions
diffuse VOC emissions to air
Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the EU
Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a system for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Union
disconnection clause
disconnector fuse
distribution warehouse
dog house
domestic abuse
domestic refuse
double druse
drop-out fuse
Due Restraint Clause
duty to refuse to testify
dwelling house
early amortisation clause
early redemption clause
early repayment clause
economic abuse
elder abuse
electronic fuse
emergency brake clause
emotional abuse
enclosed fuse
enclosed fuse-link
English clause
enrichment's refuse
entered for warehouse
escape clause
EU Centre on Child Sexual Abuse
EU centre to prevent and combat child sexual abuse
EU Climate Change Adaptation Clearing House
European Civil Society House
European house of democracy
European Union Clearing House on Adaptation
EU strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse
evidence substantiating information on greenhouse gas emissions of a transport service
excessive pause
exchange clause
excise warehouse
exclusionary clause
exclusion clause
expulsion fuse
fallback clause
Farmhouse and Artisan Cheese & Dairy Producers European Network
fast fuse
finance house
fir-tree louse
fiscal warehouse
fisherman house
flexibility clause
fluorinated greenhouse gas
forcing greenhouse
franchise warehouse
free warehouse
freight house
Friends of the Presidency Group (Integrated Political Crisis Response arrangements and Solidarity Clause Implementation)
fulfilment house
full house
fuse base
fuse-base contact
fuse block
fuse cap
fuse carrier
fuse-carrier contact
fuse cartridge
fuse-combination unit
fuse disconnector
fuse element
fuse holder
fuse interrupting rating current
fuse link
fuse-link contact
fuse panel
fuse socket
fuse switch disconnector
fuse tube
garbage / refuse
*gardener house
general anti-abuse rule
general escape clause
general warehouse
glasshouse cultivation
Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online
Global Alliance to fight child sexual abuse online
global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions
gold clause
Government Spokesperson in the House of Lords
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gas
greenhouse gas activity
greenhouse gas activity data
greenhouse gas emission allowances trading system
greenhouse gas emission intensity
greenhouse gas emission offset
greenhouse gas emissions
greenhouse gas emissions allowance
greenhouse gas emission savings
greenhouse gas emissions intensity
greenhouse gas emissions savings
greenhouse gas emissions savings threshold
greenhouse gas flux
greenhouse gas intensity
greenhouse gas intensity index
greenhouse gas intensity limit
greenhouse gas intensity target
greenhouse gas inventory data
greenhouse gas neutrality
greenhouse gas precursor
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
greenhouse gas removal
greenhouse gas reservoir
greenhouse gas sequestration
greenhouse gas sink
Green Paper on greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union
green pea louse
gross-up clause
half way house
halfway house
hardship clause
hereditary house
historic house
historic house museum (US)
hydrothermal druse
holder of warehouse
homogeneous series of fuse-link
homozygous nude mouse
hothouse effect
*house and grounds register
house automation
house building
house building industry
house-building plant
house building plant
house-building rat
house carpentry
house cricket
house crow
house generator
household refuse
house-in-house system
house load operation
house management
house-manager's office
house name
House of Commons
house of correction
House of European History
house officer
House of Lords
House of Representatives
House of Representatives of the States General
house of the member states
*house ownership
(house) planning on a mass scale
house price index
house use
humanitarian clause
humanitarian pause
human rights abuse
hunter house
indemnity clause
Indian house cricket
Indian house crow
indicating fuse
information system abuse
in-house check
in-house contract award
in-house document
in-house email system
in-house procurement
in-house reproducibility
in-house technical service
inhouse use of documents
Initial IMO greenhouse gas strategy
Initial Strategy on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships
inland customhouse
inland customs house
instrument warehouse
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
invalidating cause
inward processing warehouse
IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Jean Monnet's House at Bazoches-sur-Guyonne
joining a spouse for the purpose of family reunification
Joint Declaration from Energy Importers and Exporters on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fossil Fuels
Keep away from any possible contact with water, because of violent reaction and possible flash fire.
*kitchen garden house
knockout mouse
left mouse button
life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions
life cycle greenhouse gas emissions
Lighthouse Initiative
lighthouse project
little house fly
load switch fuse
location clause
loyalty clause
long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy of the European Union and its Member States
low-capacity slaughterhouse
low energy house
Kristalogrāfijas un mineraloģijas termini. LZA TK 63. biļetens — R., Zinātne, 1993
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija