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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*value indices
Atrasti 693 termini
A, B, C, D, E, F value groups
ABC code value
absolute value
absolute value of a vector
accounting value
accrued value
acid value
acquisition value
actual value
actual value of a specified time
actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits
added value
added value chain
added value of Union involvement
additional value adjustment
additive genetic value
adjusted price value
administrative value
admissible value
ad valorem charges and fees for the services tied to the value of the merchandise
Advisory Committee on value added tax
aere value
aggregate value
aggregate value of the importation
aggregate value of the lots
air-saturation value
air transport costs to be included in the value for customs purposes
allowable value
alpha value
amenity value
annuity accumulation value
antiquarian value
aperture value
appraised value
approximate basic value of a unit of the product
approximate value
arbitrary value
archival value
arithmetic mean value
artistic value
asymptotic value
assessed value of real estate
asset value
at par value
attribute value
automotive industry value chain
automotive value chain
A-value group
average tax value
average value
average value [of size]
balance sheet value
base-line value
baseline value
base value
Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government
binding biological limit value
binding occupational exposure limit value
biological guidance value
biological limit value
biological value
book value
boundary value
boundary value analysis
boundary value coverage
boundary value testing
breeding value
B-value group
calculated value
calculation of the normal value
call by value
caloric value
calorific value
calorific value of a fuel
canary value
capitalization of surplus value
Card Verification Value
carrying value
cash surrender value
cash value
certificate of value
certified metric value of CO2 emissions
chain indices
CIF value
c.i.f. value
classify the value
code value
collateral value
color value
colour value
comma-separated value file
commemorative value
commercial value
common system of value added tax
communicative value of museum objects
compensation of value parts
Comprehensive Audit (both regulatory/financial audit and performance value-for-money audit)
computed value
concept of value
conditional value at risk
considerable advantage for the offences against common Value Added Tax system
considerable damage for the offences against the common Value Added Tax system
constructed value
contract value
contradictions between value and costs
*conventional natural indices
Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value
converted form of value
core value
Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax
Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society
credit value adjustment
credit value date
critical value
cryptographic checkvalue
cross cut value
current market value
current mark-to-market value
current value
current value of a currency
customs value
customs value of goods
cut-off value
cut value
database column value
data value
data value chain
declaration of value
declared value
deductive value
deductive value method
default absorption value
default value
definition of value
definition of value for customs purposes
definitive uniform arrangements for the collection of own resources accruing from value added tax
departure from value
depreciation in value
design value
determination of the value for customs purposes
determination of value
*deviation of face value
digital demand value
digital value chain
dimension[al] value
dimension value
dimension value set
disengaging value
disengaging value of the characteristic quantity
documentary value
document of particular value*
duplicate value
dutiable value
DWORD value
earned value
economic indices
economic value
economic value creation
economic value of equity
Edit Field Value Lists
efective value
effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value
effective notional value
effective value
element of value
element without value
emission limit value
energy value
energy value chain
*enlarged indices
epidemiological cut-off value
equal pay for work of equal value
equal remuneration for work of equal value
estimated breeding value
estimated total value of contract
estimated value
EU added value
EU added value test
European added value
European Added Value Assessment
European Added Value Assessment Unit
European Added Value in Action
European added value test
European Added Value Unit
European Partnership for an Industrial Battery Value Chain
EU value added
evidential value
exchange value
exemption from value added tax
expanded form of value
expectation value
experimental value
exposure value
expression in terms of value
external value of the ECU
extreme value
face value
fair market value
fair value
fair value accounting
fair value hedge
fair value reserve
fall in the value of money
fictitious value
field value
final indices
financial dimension value
financial dimension value constraint
financial value
finite value
fiscal value
fixed assets acquisition value
fixed assets residual value
fixed assets restoration value
fixed value
fixed[-value] resistor
FMSY point value
food value
forecasted value
franchise value
fraud of value added tax
freeness value
free of value added tax
fully-adjusted exposure value
fundamental value
future value
GDP in value
general form of value
generic mass value
genetic value
genomic breeding value
geometric mean value
global value chain
going concern value
goods and material value
Government Open Value Agreement
gross book value
gross calorific value
gross domestic product in value
gross heating value
gross value
gross value added
gross value of output
half-life value
half-life (value) of drying
hard-to-value asset
harmonic mean value
hash value
Head Injury Criteria value
heating value
heat value
HIC value
high calorific value gas
higher heating value
high heating value
high heat value
high nature value
high nature value farming
high value chemicals
high-value dataset
high-value resistor
historical value
historic value
in absolute value
incommensurable indices
increase in value
increment in value
indicated value
indicative occupational exposure limit value
indices of difficulty
indices (pl)
individual normal value
informal value transfer services
informational value
informative value
initial estimated total value of the contract
initial value
input value
input value-added tax
input value added tax
in relative value
in service value
instantaneous value
Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of Outstanding Universal Value
international value
interpolation of indices
interpretative notes to the definition of value
intrinsic value
investment value of real estate
iodine value
issue value
key-value store
*labour productivity indices
labour theory of value
land assessed value
land assessed value of city
land base value
land base value of city
land conditioned sample value of city
land market value
land real sample value of city
land sample value
land sample value of city
land value tax
land value zone of city
large-value payment system
law of surplus value
law of value
legal value
less than fair value
limiting dynamic value
limiting dynamic value of an energizing quantity
limiting thermal withstand value
limiting value
limiting value of the characteristic quantity
limit value curve
liquidation value
liquidation value of fixed assets
literature value
loan to value percentage
loan-to-value ratio
logical value
loss in value
low calorific value
low calorific value gas
lower calorific value
lower heating value
lower of cost or market value
low heat value
*low-value article
low-value asset
low value contract
low-value equipment
low value fish
low value grant
low-value lease
low-value pool depreciation
low-value resistor
macroeconomic indices
marginal value
market value
market value of real estate
mark-to-market value
material consumption economy indices
*material expression of value
material value
material value (of the composition)
maximum spot-luminance value
maximum value
mean, mean value
mean value
mean value of random load
measured value+D12964
measure of value
median, median value
median value
microeconomic indices
middle-value contract
minimum customs value
minimum value
minimum value commitment
mode, modal value
money form of value
*money indices
money or value transfer service
money value
monetary value
mortgage lending value
move of no value
multi-stage non-cumulative value added tax
museum value
name/value pair
name-value pair
national value
negative predictive value
negative value
negligible value
net asset value
net book value
net calorific value
net heating value
net present value
net present value of debt
net value added at factor cost of agriculture
net value-added tax
net-zero technology value chain
neutralising value
nodal value
nominal demand value
nominal value
non-operate value
non-release value
no-par-value stock
normal arrangements for value added tax
normal value
computed value
aprēķinātā vērtība
errechneter Wert
valeur calculée
computed value
aprēķinātā vērtība
errechneter Wert
valeur calculée
IATE šķirkli
© Download IATE, European Union, 2024
computed value
aprēķinātā vērtība
Angļu-latviešu nodokļu terminu vārdnīca. — R., RTU, 2006
computed value
aprēķinātā vērtība
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
© 2005–2024
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija