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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*watch method
Atrasti 448 termini
ABC method
abstract method
abstract test method
access method
accounting method
accounting segregation method
accrual method
acoustic method
actuarial valuation method
acute toxic class method
Additional Agreement to the Agreement concerning Products of the Clock and Watch Industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation
administration method
adopted method of training
*aggregate method
aggregation method
Agile method
Agreement concerning products of the clock and watch industry between the European Economic Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation
AI Watch
Alternative Method of Compliance
alternative method to animal testing
amortised cost method
analytical method
*analytical method of stocksearching
a posteriori method
apportionment method
a priori method
archaeological method
archaeomagnetical method
Asylum Interview Method
assay method
assistant to the engineer officer in charge of the watch
ATC method
authentication method
auth method
auxiliary method
back-to-back method
balance method
bare hand method
*batchwise method
benchmarking method
*bibliographical method of stocksearching
bioanalytical method
block cipher method
bondary element method
Bulk Current Injection (BCI) method
buoyancy method
candidate FSM method
carbon balance method
cartographycal method
causality assessment method
causality method
check method
chronometer watch
classification tree method
class method
clock and watch industry
cold gluing method
colorimetric method
column elution method
Common Interactive Watch and Anticipation Mechanism
common method of calculation
Community method
comparable uncontrolled price method
*comparative method of analysis
compensation method
complex method
complication (Apple Watch)
compression method
computation method
confirmatory method
conflict resolution method
*consecutive method of coding
conservation method
conservation method (US)
consumption depreciation method
continuous method verification
cooling method
coordinated test method
correction publish method
correlation method
*correspondence method
cost accumulation method
costing method
cost plus method
cost plus pricing method
Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List
credit method
critical chain method
critical path method
critical-path method
critical piece method
CUP method
DCF method
deduction and aggregation method
deductive method
deductive value method
default valuation method
Delphi method
descriptive method
Dialogical Communication Method
dilution method
dipping (method)
direct method
direct observation method
discounted cash flow method
discovery method
displacement method
dye binding method
double-entry method
drop plate method
drug-detection method
effect-based method
effusion method
electronic file transfer access method
emission abatement method
energy method
epidemiological method for a post-authorisation safety study
equity method
evaluation method
Ewers method
Ewers polarimetric method
exemption method
experimental method
expert method
external test method
*facet method of classification
factor depreciation method
factory method
felling method
FIFO inventory valuation method
Financial Collateral Comprehensive Method
financing method
finite-difference method
first in, first out inventory valuation method
first order decay method
first out) method
fishing method
fixed distribution allocation method
fixed percentage allocation method
fixed weight allocation method
flask method
fluctuation method
*focal method
FOD method
forest management method
[form-]copying method
[form-]generating method
funding gap method
Galerkin['s] method
Galerkin's method
galley method
game like method
gas saturation method
genealogical method
gestalt method
Giemsa method
gradient method
graphical method
grapho-analytical method
gravimetric method
hand stop watch
heuristic method
*hierarchical method of classification
hifo method
high-pressure method of lacquer spraying
hyperlapse method
Human Rights Watch
immersed body method
implementation method
implicit allocation method
implicit capacity allocation method
impregnation method
imputability method
index method
indirect method
indirect reconciliation method
input method editor
instance method
instrumental method
insulated gloves method
intergovernmental method
Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 - Accelerated working method for official codification of legislative texts
internal model method
internal pricing method
intonogram method
in vivo method
irrigation method
isotope dilution method
iteration method
*iterative method
iterative method
kimogram method
Kjeldahl method
knots measuring method
laboratory watch glass
last in, first out inventory valuation method
last-in-first-out method
leaf attachment method
least squares method
LIFO inventory valuation method
linguistic method
loading-back method
local test method
loop-back test method
*machine method
Magnusson and Kligman method
manual depreciation method
manual method
manufacturing method
mark-to-market method
matched name selection method
*matrix method
MAW method
Maxwell-Mohr) method
meniscus method
mesh method
meteorological watch office
method (in programming languages)
method blank
method bloat
method excise duty
method for active surveillance
method for adjusting capital
method for gender mainstreaming
method for the determination of residues
method of accounting
method of administration
*method of aggregate repair
*method of analysis
method of application
method of collection
*method of combined production line
method of complex numbers
method of contact
method of converting
method of co-operation
method of dating
*method of divided production line
method of execution
method of forces
*method of group processing
*method of high-speed production line
method of implementation
*method of indirect calculation
method of joints
method of line production
method of management
method of manufacture
method of measuring
*method of moments
*method of price difference
method of printing
method of processing
method of sampling
method of scoring
method of sections
method of settlement
method of statistical testing
method of valuation
method of virtual load
method of whip movement
method of work
method of working
method rate of excise duty
method[s] of pricing
method that replicates the matched model approach
method (type) of edition
method validation
min/max method
Monte Carlo method
moving averaging window method
multiple comparison method
net planning method
network method
Newmark method
nodal method
node-potential method
non-internal model method
non-testing method
normalised method
null method
numerical method
OEF method
on-going method validation
open development method
open method of coordination
Open Method of Coordination for Social Protection and Social Inclusion
open-tank dipping [method] treatment
operational method
*orderal method of coding
*order method
organisation environmental footprint method
original exposure method
oscillographic method
payment method
*parallel method of coding
PEF method
perceptive method
perturbation method
physiological method
photometric method
pyrometallurgical method
*planning method
planting method
plate incorporation method
plate method
polarimetric method
pour plate method
power binning method
preincubation method
printing method
product environmental footprint method
production method
profit split method
property method
prospection method
protection method
pulsating motion method
*questionnaire method
Rayleigh—Ritz['s] method
ratings based method
reciprocity method
refrigeration method
*relinquishment of one's watch
remote test method
resale price method
research method
resonance method
restoration method
retail-and-parcel method
retardation method
ring method
risk-based method
[Ritter's] method of sections
robot programming method
rounding method
rubber gloves method
run again the watch
sample method
sampling method
sap-displacement method
scaling method
scientifically grounded method
scrath method
screening method
search method
self-synchronizing method
semi-quantitative method
separate method
*sequential chain method
sequential method
serial sectioning method
shake-flask method
similar test method
simulation method
symmetrical component method
Skype for Apple Watch
smart watch
smoothing method
sniffing method
Social Open Method of Coordination
*sociological method of stocksearching
somatic method
Southern method
spectrographic method
spotting method
spreading method
spread plate method
sprinkler irrigation method
squares method
stale seedbed method
standardised method
standardised sorbent trap monitoring method
statistical method
statistic[al] method
*statistical method of stocksearching
step-by-step method
sterile-male method
stirrup method
stop watch
stopwatch (game)
straight-line depreciation method
straight-line service life depreciation method
straight-line service life remaining depreciation method
stripline method
strip selection method of cutting
stroboscopic method
*substitution method
substitution method
superlapse method
superposition method
supervisory formula method
suspension method
*target-programme method
taxable distribution method
teaching method
symmetrical component method
simetrisko komponentu metode
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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