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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
*zone factor
Atrasti 590 termini
1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
abiotic environmental factor
abiotic factor
abyssal zone
absorption factor
acceleration factor
accuracy limit factor
adaption factor
additional factor
adhesion factor
adjacent balancing zone
aerodrome traffic zone
African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty
ageing factor
aggravating factor
agricultural factor income
Air Defence Identification Zone
air factor
air-gap factor
allocation factor
ambient correction factor
American Free Trade Zone
amortisation factor
amplification factor
anthropogenic factor
anti-pernicious anaemia factor
aphotic zone
archeologic zone
area of offence, attack zone
arid zone
*assembling factor
assessment factor
assurance factor
atenuation factor
attenuation factor
availability factor
backcourt zone (wing back)
balancing zone
barf zone
behavioural risk factor
benthic zone
bidding zone
bidding zone border
bidding zone configuration
bioconcentration factor
biotic factor
blocking factor
*bonus factor payment
border zone
brake factor
brown penalising factor
buffer zone
building zone
burner primary combustion zone
burst factor
calculation factor
calibration factor
capacity factor
*capacity factor
capacity utilization factor
catchment zone
CBAM factor
certainty factor
change-over zone (relay)
characterisation factor
check zone
cyclical factor
cyclic duration factor
clearance zone
clear zone
climate zone
climatic factor
climatic zone
closed security zone
clotting factor II
coagulation factor II
coastal zone
co-factor supplemented post-mitochondrial fraction
colony stimulating factor
combustion zone
commutation zone
commuting zone
compensation factor
concentration factor
conduction zone
confidence factor
conformity factor
confounding factor
connecting factor
consumption factor
contiguous zone
continental zone
continental (zone) championship
contrast factor
control factor
controllable factor
controlled regime zone
control zone
Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone
conversion factor
cooling zone
correction factor
cost factor
coupling factor
coverage factor
credit conversion factor
critical stress intensity factor
critical success factor
crystallographic zone
cross adhesion factor
customs maritime zone
customs surveillance zone
CWT factor
damping factor
dead zone
debug zone mask
default zone
deficit bidding zone
deformation zone
demand factor
demilitarised zone
demilitarized zone (DMZ)
denuded zone
depletion of the ozone layer
desired zone
destination zone
dielectric loss factor
dilution factor
directivity factor
discharge factor
*discount factor
disk diffusion zone diameter
disphotic zone
dissipation factor test
distortion factor
distribution factor
*district factor
*district factor bonus
dynamic factor
dryness factor
drug-resistance factor
duty-free zone
early action factor
earth fault factor
ecological factor
edaphic factor
efficiency [factor]
efflux factor
emission factor
emissions factor
emissivity [factor]
emissivity factor
energy capability factor
energy intensity factor
energy loss factor
entrance zone
environmental factor
equalization factor
equatorial zone
Eurozone country
evaporation zone
*evenness factor
excess air factor
exclusive economic zone
exit (outlet) zone
expansion factor
export processing zone
external factor
facilitated regime zone
factor analysis
factor depreciation method
factor II
factor of air resistance
*factor of irregularity
factor of merit
factor of production
factor of quality
*factor of renewal of fixed assets
factor of safety
*factor of smooth functioning
factor of withdrawal of fixed assets
factor out
Factor Theorem
failure intensity factor
failure zone
*family factor
family zone
fatigue notch factor
fatigue strength reduction factor
feedback factor
field form factor
fill factor
first (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) zone
first grip zone of the horse
fishing zone
flood risk factor
forbidden zone
forbidden zone of contact
foreign trade zone
form factor
free commercial zone
free-field transfer factor
free industrial zone
free trade zone
free zone
free zone procedure
friction factor
frigid zone
front court (forecourt), front zone
frontier zone
frontier zone inhabitant
frontier zone inhabitants
fudge factor
full zone transfer
further restricted zone
gain factor
gateway factor
gliding zone
granulocyte colony stimulating factor
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
greatest common factor
green supporting factor
ground factor
ground-level ozone
groundwater zone
growth factor
growth zone
hazardous fire factor
head loading zone
heart zone
heat availability factor
heat conductivity factor
heating zone
heat loss factor
heat-transfer factor
hedging set supervisory factor coefficient
high stowage factor
hydrocarbon response factor
human factor
humid zone
ICES zone
ignition zone
imbibition zone
impact factor
induction factor
industrial free zone
infected zone
infested zone
infiltration zone
influence factor
influencing factor
inhibition zone diameter
instrument security factor
integrated coastal zone management
intensity factor
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
international transit zone
intertidal zone
K-factor of an LFC area or LFC block
Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
kinetic concentration factor
klirr factor
knot zone
lay factor
lamination factor
land value zone of city
leakage factor
level of a factor
lightless zone
lightning protection zone
linking factor
littoral zone
load factor
longtudinal adhesion factor
loss factor
low atmospheric ozone
low emission zone
low level ozone
low stowage factor
machine-readable zone
mass distribution factor
mass utilization factor
matching factor
match-up (flexing) zone defence
mean useful voltage (zone)
mechanization factor
melting zone
meshing dynamic factor
meteorological factor
Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portal
Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server
Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal
mileage utilization factor
mitigating factor
mixing zone
mixture assessment factor
modelled risk factor
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
multi-factor authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Management Portal
multi-factor authentication registration policy
Multi-Factor Authentication Server
Multi-Factor Authentication User Portal
multiple-factor stress test
multiplier factor
multiplying factor
natural factor
*nature economic zone
net value added at factor cost of agriculture
network zone
neutral zone
no-fly zone
non-eurozone country
non-linear-distortion factor
non-linearity factor
non-renewable primary energy factor
non-saturated zone
normalization factor
obstacle free zone
off-shore zone
overload factor
oxidation factor
ozone-depleting potential
ozone-depleting substance
ozone depletion
ozone depletion potential
ozone-depletion potential
ozone-destroying potential
ozone killer
ozone layer depletion
ozone precursor
ozone precursor substance
packing factor
particle concentration reduction factor
passing outside the take-over zone
passing zone
peace zone
peak-load effective duration factor
pedestrian zone
pedestrian zone / precinct
peeling factor
pegylated bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor
pelagic zone
perimeter of the free zone
peripheral zone
personal factor
person living in frontier zone
phase factor
photo-irritation factor
pitch factor
player of zone 1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
plastic zone
pollution control zone
power demand factor
power factor
power transfer distribution factor
preliminary emission factor
preservational zone
previously disease-free zone
primary burner combustion zone
primary energy factor
primary zone
procedure in a transit zone
processing factor
production capacity factor
production factor
production zone
profundal zone
protected zone
protected zone quarantine pest
protection zone
Protection zone of the Baltic Sea and the Riga Sea Gulf coast
protective factor
protective zone
Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean
Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone
pro zone
pull factor
push factor
qualitative factor
*quality factor
quality factor
quantitative factor
quiet zone
radial factor
radio mandatory zone
rated voltage factor
recognition of protected zone
recreation zone
recrystallization zone
rectification factor
reduced emissions zone
cyclical factor
cikliskuma faktors
konjunktureller Faktor
facteur conjoncturel
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