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[bank ]note
Atrasti 416 termini
a cover note
acquiring bank
advice [note]
advising bank
African Development Bank
agent bank
aggregator bank
Agreement establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
agricultural bank
ailing bank
air consignment note
'A' item note
analytical note
Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank
Annual Report of the European Investment Bank
application note
Asian Development Bank
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
'at a glance' note
Audit Committee of the European Investment Bank
automatized data bank
backboard (US bank)
backboard (US bank) shot
bad bank
bank account
bank-account penetration
bank account register
bank account registers interconnection system
bank account registers single access point
bank advice
bank angle
bank associations
bank balance
bank-based funding
bank bill
*bank cartel
bank charges
bank classification
bank code
bank credit
bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework
bank deposit
bank deposits
bank details
bank document*
bank documentation
bank draft
bank[ed] winding
banker’s bank
bank erosion
bank failure
bank fee
Bank Financial Strength Rating
bank financing
Bank for International Settlements
bank giro number
bank ground
bank guarantee
bank guarantee letter
bank holding company
bank holiday
bank identifier code
bank in distress
bank interest
bank investments
bank issue
bank laws
bank levy
bank-like credit intermediation
bank loan
bank money
bank note
*bank-note issue limit
bank notes
bank notes (registered notes)
bank office
Bank of Greece
bank of issue
Bank of Latvia
Bank of Latvia monetary policy
bank of systemic importance
bank overdraft
bank oversight
bank payment
bank payment order
bank profit
bank rate
bank recapitalisation
bank reconciliation
bank recovery and resolution
Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive
bank remittance
bank rescue package
bank reserve ratio
bank reserves
bank resilience
bank resolution
bank resolution fund
bank resolution tool
*bank resources
bank routing code
bank savings
bank secrecy
bank secret
bank slope
bank sorting code
bank-sovereign link
bank-sovereign loop
bank-sovereign nexus
bank statement
bank supervision
bank support scheme
bank switching
bank transfer
bank transit number
bank trust
bank wire transfer
biographical note
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank
Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank
borrower’s note
borrower's note
bottom note
branch bank
branch of a bank
bridge bank
bunker delivery note
bunker fuel delivery note
burner bank
business note
business transactions bank*
capacitor bank
Caribbean Development Bank
*cash funds of a bank
cash holdings in the bank
cell bank
Central American Bank for Economic Integration
central bank
Central Bank Council
central bank digital currency
central bank intervention
central bank liability
central bank liquidity
Central Bank MFO Code
central bank money
central bank of issue
central bank policy rate
central bank transaction code
certificate from the bank regarding financial situation
channel bank
cylinder bank
client bank
closing of bank account
CMR consignment note
CMR note
College of staff representatives of the European Investment Bank
commercial bank
common analysis and guidance note
concentration of bank capital
concept note
consignment note
consultation of the European Central Bank
contact bank
convection tube bank
conversation note
convertible note
cooperative bank
correspondent bank
corresponding bank
Council of Europe Development Bank
counterfeit bank-note
counting of bank-notes
country guidance note
cover note
credit bank
credit linked note
credit note
*credit-savings bank
creditworthy bank
currency bank*
custodian bank
customer mobility in relation to bank accounts
cut-in note
damaged bank-note
data bank
debit note
*decrepit bank-note
delivery note
depositary bank
deposit bank
despatch note
development bank
direct bank recapitalisation
discount bank
dispatch note
distressed bank
Dogger Bank
duplicating (duplicating note) paper
Dutch development bank
earthen bank
East African Development Bank
electronic consignment note
ethical bank
EUAA guidance note
EU climate bank
EU framework for bank recovery and resolution
EU Hydrogen Bank
Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on trade and cooperation between the European Community and the PLO for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
European Bank Coordination Initiative
European Bank Coordination “Vienna” Initiative
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Central Bank
European Central Bank opinion
European Central Bank Payment Mechanism
European Hydrogen Bank
European Investment Bank
European Investment Bank Group
Eurosystem central bank
Exchange Traded Note
Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Expert group on customer mobility in relation to bank accounts
explanatory note
*explanatory note
export bank*
export-import bank
external business bank*
failing bank
floating rate note
forged note
freight note
G20 Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
gene bank
General Council of the European Central Bank
Global Environment Facility of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
global systemically important bank
good bank
goods received note
Governing Council of the European Central Bank
Governor of a national central bank
guidance note
Harmonised System Explanatory Note
"I/A" item note
industrial bank
information note
in-line shaded side-note
innovative bank
Inter-American Development Bank
interest note
interest on bank deposits
Interim Association between the European Community and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
interim association between the European Union and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
International Bank Account Number
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
introductory note
investment bank
Islamic Development Bank
issue bank
issue of bank-notes
issue of bank notes
joint-stock bank
Judicial Trainer’s Guidance Note
keybutton bank
key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank
key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital
layman's summary note
land bank
Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank
Leaders' Agenda note
Leaders' note
legal note
local bank
local branch of the bank
London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
long-term deposit bank*
maker of a note
Management Committee of the European Investment Bank
map note
mark slip, judging note
materity date of a note
member of the European Central Bank
memory bank
modem bank
mortage note
mortgage bank
multilateral development bank
municipal bank*
national central bank
national promotional bank or institution
negative bank-sovereign feedback loop
nominated bank account
nonbank bank
non-bank credit activity
non-bank credit intermediation
non-bank financial institution
non-bank insolvency
non-bank sector
Nordic Investment Bank
note board
note container
note in the margin of the original of the judgment
note issuance facility
note tag
note-taking tool
Note Verbale
obligatory bank reserves
offshore bank
oyster bank
open bank bail-in
open bank bail-in strategy
opening of bank account
overnight central bank facility
overseeing central bank
payment against a bank guarantee
partial share of a bank
participating national central bank
people's bank
personal note
piggy bank
postal savings bank
Post a note
pound note
power bank
Presidency steering note
President of the European Central Bank
President of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
private bank
private note
promissory note
*promissory note
promotional bank
protest of a promissory note
Protocol on the Statute of the European Investment Bank
Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
public bank
publicly owned bank
quasi-public bank
release note
retail central bank digital currency
Rules of Procedure of the European Central Bank
Rules of Procedure of the European Investment Bank
Rules of Procedure of the General Council of the European Central Bank
sales note
savings bank
savings-bank book
scope note
secure note
securities note
seizure note
shell bank
shipping note
short-term note
side note
Single Bank Resolution Fund
single name credit linked note
systemic bank
social bank
spatial note
Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank
Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund
Staff Note
state bank
state-obligated bank-note*
Statute of the European Investment Bank
Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
steering note
sticky note
stone bank
stream-bank erosio
structured note
summary note
Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank
sustainable bank
tagged note
technical guidance note
Technology Bank
Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries
thank you note
three-phase transformer bank
time bank
to draw money from a bank
to keep money with a bank
to negotiate a bill to a bank
top-tier bank
transit advice note
transit bond-note
transit note
transnational bank
treasury note
troubled bank
standing facility
overnight central bank facility
pastāvīgā iespēja
ständige Fazilität
facilité permanente
facilité de banque centrale au jour le jour
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