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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
[furnace] load
Atrasti 402 termini
active load
actual load
additional load
adjustable load curve
allowable load
alternating load
amount of training load
annual-peak load
anthropogenic load
antigen load
area load
artificial load
automatic frequency load shedding
automatic load limiter
automatic load restoration equipment
automatic load shedding control equipment
automatic load transfer
average load
axial load
axle load
balanced load
base load
base load operation
base-load power station
base load set
basic (dynamic) load rating
bending breaking load
bending load
bending under breaking load
bifurcation load
breaking load
bulk load
capacitive load
capacity load
car load
changing load
cyclic load
cognitive load
coincident load peak
collapse load
concentrated load
connected load
constant load
contact load
continuous load
controllable load
controllable load set
critical buckling load
critical load
customs load
cut-off load
daily load curve
*daily machine load output
dead load
deferrable load
defferable load
deflection under bending load
dependency load
design load
diagram of distributed load
direct load
distributed load
dynamic load
dynamic robot load
dummy load
duty with non-periodic load and speed variations
eccentricity of load
eccentric load
economical load of a unit
electric[al] load
electric load
emergency load
engine load
environment load
equipment load balance*
equivalent dynamic load
examination of the load
excess load
extensive load
external load balancer
extra high load capacity
extra load capacity
extra load tyre
failure load
fatigue limit on cyclic load
fatigue load
fire-load density
fixed load
fixed load curve
fluctuating load
forest load
full load
full load hour
full load of production capacity
fulltrain load
full train load
[furnace] load
furnace load
generation and load data
generation and load data provision methodology
genetical load
heating load
heat load
high-load construction species
hyperphysiological load
hypophysiological load
house load operation
ice load
impact load
impuls[iv]e load
inductive load
industrial load
initial load
initial program load
instantaneous load
intensity of distributed load
intensive load
*intermediate load
intermittent load
International Convention on Load Lines
interruptible load
lateral load
levelling of load
Lighten the Load – Have Your Say!
lighting load
light load test
light-load time
limit load
limit of physiological load
lining inside the load compartment
liquid load
load adjustment range
load admittance
load angle
load angle characteristic
load balancing
load-bearing capacity
[load] bearing function
load block
load-break switch
load bus
load capacitance
load capacity
load-capacity index
load capacity of a journal (friction) bearing
load capacity reserve
load carrying capacity
load-carrying capacity
[load-]carrying capacity
load[-carrying] capacity
load carrying capacity of sleeve bearing
load-carrying structure
load cell
load center
load centre
load characteristic
load chart
load circuit
load compartment
load condition
load conditions
load control
load current
load curve
load decrease
load density
load diagram
load distribution
load distribution device
load distribution function
load duration curve
load-duration curve
load exercise
load factor
load file
load flow
load flow calculation
load fluctuation
*load fluctuations
load forecast
load-frequency control
load-frequency control area
load-frequency control block
load-frequency control structure
load full torque
load governor
load impedance
load in a system
load index
load inductance
load[ing] resistor
load intensity diagramm
load-interrupt switch
load job
load leveling
load line
Load Line Convention
load loss
load loss[es]
load management
load map
load meter
load module
load on the cylinder
load-on-top system
load peak
load per axle
load planning
load platform
load point
load power
load profile
load-proportioning valve
load rating of rolling bearing
load recovery
load rejection
load resistance
load response
load rheostat
load sensing valve
load set
load sharing
load shedding
load shedding protection
load space
load stability
load standard
load start
load starting
load starting torque
load switch
load switch fuse
load tap change
load tap changer
load test
load testing
load testing tool
load throw-off
load transfer
load unbalance
load unit
load (in databases) (verb)
load voltage
load weighted equivalent interruption duration
longitudinal load
loss of load
loss of load expectation
low- and medium-load species
lumped load
machine load[ing] schedule
main load direction
matched load
maximum load
maximum peak load
maximum static vertical load
maximum vehicle load
mean value of random load
method of virtual load
moving load
natural load of a line
Network Load Balancing
no-load characteristic
no-load conditions
no-load current
no-load curve
no load engine speed
no-load fund
no-load loss
no-load loss[es]
no-load loss test
no-load operation
no-load power
no-load run
no-load speed
no-load test
no-load test; open-circuit test
no-load voltage
nominal load
non-uniform ice load
non-uniform load
normal load
off-load tap changer
on-load tapchanger
on-load tap changer
on-load tap changer blocking
on-load tap-changing transformer
operation load
optimum load
output load
parabolic load
partial load
part[ial] load
part load
part load for heating
part-load goods
part-load ratio
part-load shipment
peak load
peak-load conditions
peak-load effective duration factor
peak-load period
peak[-load] power station
peak-load power station
peak load set
peak-load set
peak load time
peak load time of power system
periodic load
perishable load
permanent load
permissible load
permissible peak load
permitted connected load
Pesticide Load Indicator
plant load
pollutant load
power load
power system load
power system minimum load
power system peak load
practice load
preventive load curve
production assortment load
production load
pulsating load
radial load
rated load
rated load torque
reactive load
recreational load
regulatory load
resistive load
road load
safe load
sealing by load
shear force (load)
shipper's load store and count
shock load
space reserved for the load
specific load
statical load
static axle load
static load
static load balancing
static load rating
station load
steady load
steady-state load characteristic
steam load
storage load
supplementary load loss[es]
surface load
sustained load
tax load
temporary load
test load
test procedure under load
thermal load
thorax load limiter function
tyre load
tyre load capacity
to have access to the load compartment
to load
to load (in computer programming)
to load goods
to load in bulk
total load
traction load
training load
train load movement
transformer off load tap
transient load characteristic
transit load
transmitted load
transverse [bending] load diagram
transverse load
trapezoidal load
triangular load
ultimate design load
ultimate load
ultimate tensile load
unbalanced load
underfrequency load shedding
uniform ice load
uniform load
unit load
unit-load (dummy-load
useful load
value of lost load
variable load
vertical load
voltage drop or rise for a specified load condition
wag[g]on load
wind load
*worker's load
working load
maximum static vertical load
maksimālā statiskā vertikālā slodze
charge statique verticale maximale
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