Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
[grammatical] object
Atrasti 238 termini
Access Object Model
a Community trade mark as an object of property
Active Data Object
Active Directory object
active enterprise object
active object
Active User Object
ActiveX object
advancing depending on the object
amber object
antler object
application object
Application Object Tree
archaeological object
art object
art object of the month
authentic object
Automation object
base object
basic engineering object
basic engineering object class
basic engineering object type
BCD object
BDC Administration object model
BDC Runtime object model
binary large object
by object restriction
bone object
Boot Configuration Data object
bound object frame
browser helper object
capacity object
capacity planning object
CBOR Object Signing and Encryption
child object
CIM Object Manager
client object
client object model
Common Information Model Object Manager
Common Object Model
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
community object
COM object
complete object crediting
Component Object Model
composite object
Composites Runtime object model
computational object template
computer object
Concise Binary Object Representation
configuration object
connected object
connection object
construction object
consumer object
container object
control device object
control object
cooperating object
credit for complete object
cult object
cultural object
database object
data object (in programming languages)
data object
description of an object
digital object identifier
direct object
directory object
DirectX Media Object
Distributed Component Object Model
dynamic object
Document Object Model
edge of an object
educational object (US)
embedded object
enlistment object
excavation object
Excel Object Model
falling-object protective structure
file-mapping object
flint object
Format Object task pane
frangible object
Generic Object Exchange Profile (GOEP)
geological and geomorphological natural object
[grammatical] object
handling object
horn object
household object
identification of an object
immovable object
indirect object
infinitive of object*
information object (in electronic mail)
information object
inline object
inspection of object
JavaScript Object Notation
key object
layout object
Large Object
Legal Entity Object
linked object
local object
logical object
mail-enabled object
managed object
managed object boundary
managed object class
media object
metal object
monomedia object
multimedia object
museum object
museum-quality object
near-Earth object
notification of missing object
object (in hypermedia and multimedia)
object (in programming languages)
object (in computer security)
object against
Object Browser
object clause
object code
*object cost calculation
Object data type
Object Dependencies pane
object detection
object documentation
Object Explorer
object expression
object extension
object file
object flow
object flow state
object handle
object identifier
object in state
object label
object layout
object language
object library
object lifeline
Object Linking and Embedding
Object Linking and Embedding Database
object linking and embedding for POS
Object Management Group
object member
object model
object model diagram
object module
object of accounting
object of classification
object of cognition
object of construction
object of exchange
object of museum value
object of property
object of taxation
object-oriented graphics
object-oriented language
object-oriented programming
object permission
object program
Object Pull Profile
Object Push Profile (OPP)
Object Request Broker
object support
object tab
object type
object to
object to a witness or expert
object variable
object zoom
OLE embedded object
OLE object
OLE Object data type
on-object UI
on-object user interface
Outlook Object Model
payment object
parent object
performance object
persistent object
PowerPoint Object Model
preferential object
Project Object Model
provider object
Publisher Object Model
rare object
Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling diagram
recipient object
relationship object
rendering object model
repository object
restriction by object
restriction of competition by object
right to object
right to object to derogatory treatment
Runtime object model
schema-scoped object
securable object
semantic object
service object
Simple Object Access Protocol
system object
source object
space object
SQL Server object
SQL Server Object Explorer
state object
stolen object
stone object
task object
taxable object
taxation object
test object
type object
type of object
to clean (an object)
trust object
unbound object
unbound object frame
unique object
unsafe linked object
untreated object
user-defined object
user object
utilitarian object
vector object
virtual object
Visio Object Model
wooden object
Word Object Model
notification of missing object
ziņojums par zudušiem priekšmetiem
извещение об утрате
Muzeoloģijas terminu vārdnīca — R., Latvijas Muzeju asociācija, 1997
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija