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Atrasti 377 termini
2% proof stress
absolute proof
accounting balance sheet
active sheet
advance (show) sheet
alternative proof
annual balance sheet
author's sheet
automatic end and front sheet pasting machine
automatic end sheet paster (pasting machine)
automatic sheet feeding
Backlog Sheet
balance sheet
balance sheet account
balance sheet analysis
balance-sheet analysis
balance-sheet assessment
balance sheet basic principles
balance sheet book
balance sheet criticism
balance sheet figure
balance sheet figures
balance sheet item
balance sheet items
[balance sheet] liabilities
balance sheet recession
balance sheet reconciliation
balance sheet repair
balance sheet structure
balance sheet transaction
balance sheet value
baryta proof
barrier sheet
blank sheet
book sheet
bullet-proof glazing
bullet-proof jacket
bullet-proof vest
burden of proof
call sheet
canvas sheet
cascading style sheet
cast acrylic sheet
certificate of proof
chart sheet
cheat sheet
cylinder sheet
clean machine proof
clean sheet
clear evidence of proof
closing balance sheet
coach signs the score sheet
compliance monitoring summary sheet
composite balance sheet
composite balance sheet of money relations*
composite proof
consignment sheet
consolidated balance sheet
contact sheet
continuation sheet
continuity of balance sheet
control sheet
conventional printed sheet
corrected line proof
corrected proof
correctness proof
correct proof (pull)
customer price sheet
customer reference price sheet
data (compilation) sheet
data input sheet
date of balance sheet
*decipher sheet
defective sheet
delivery sheet
die sheet
documentary proof
double sheet
draw sheet
drip-proof electrical device
drip-proof electric machine
drip-proof [electric] motor
drip-proof lighting fittings
dust-proof electrical device
dust-proof electrical equipment
dust-proof electric machine
dust-proof [electric] motor
dust-proof lighting fittings
editor's proof
editor's specification for proof readers
education work sheet
electrical-sheet steel
electronic proof reading
element of proof
embedded style sheet
energy balance sheet
engine type-certificate data sheet
European Standardised Information Sheet
evident proof
exchange sheet
explosion-proof box
explosion-proof construction
explosion-proof electrical device
explosion-proof electrical equipment
explosion-proof electric machine
explosion proof [electric] motor
explosion-proof installation
explosion-proof lamp holder
explosion-proof luminaire
explosion-proof transformer
explosion proof wiring
explosion-proof wiring
exportation sheet
extra charge sheet
fact sheet
fake social proof
fill in score -sheet
final proof
financial identification sheet
fire-proof material
first page of a sheet
first proof
flame-proof transformer
flat pile [sheet] feeder
flat sheet delivery
flow sheet
fluttering of sheet
folded sheet
food balance sheet
forecast balance sheet
gas-proof electric machine
glutin animal glue (sheet)
ground sheet
heat-proof material
heat-proof varnish
hectographic proof
high standard of proof
Human Interactive Proof
ice sheet
ice sheet mass balance
imperfect sheet
import sheet
imposing sheet
independent proof
insert sheet
inspection sheet
interleaving sheet
keep a clean sheet
layout sheet
lay sheet
laminated sheet
legal entity identification sheet
lightning-proof transformer
linked style sheet
LSPA term sheet
machine proof
make-ready proof
make-ready sheet
make-up proof
make-up sheet
margin of the paper sheet
material composite balance sheet*
means of proof
method of proof
mode of proof
multi-sheet folding machine
multi-sheet knife folding machine
no-sheet feeding
oblique sheet
octavo sheet
off-balance sheet
off-balance sheet asset
off-balance-sheet business
off-balance sheet commitments
off-balance sheet exposure
off-balance-sheet item
off-balance sheet liability
off-balance sheet position
offset sheet printing
on-balance sheet exposure
one-up sheet
onus of proof
opening balance sheet
outer component sheet
page sheet
paper sheet
part of sheet
perfecting sheet
post balance sheet event
Preparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRS
preparation of the score sheet
press proof
press sheet
prima facie proof
printed sheet
printed sheet capacity
print of sheet
process sheet
program correctnes proof
proof ammunition
proof copy
proof for crumpling
proof of accommodation
proof of a rebutting case
proof of correctness
proof of delivery
proof of delivery service
proof of exportation
proof of identity
proof of life
proof of origin
proof of originating status
proof of ownership
proof of payment
proof of parentage
proof of private accommodation
proof of purchase
proof of sponsorship
proof of submission service
proof of the origin of products
proof print
proof-reader's pencil
proof sheet
property sheet
publisher's sheet
quad sheet [knife] folding machine
quantum-proof cryptography
quarter of a sheet
quarto sheet
rebound-proof circular saw blade
receipt and other proof of payment
registered letter with proof of delivery
register sheet
replacement proof of origin
reversal of the burden of proof
revised proof
revised proof-sheet
*rout sheet
safety data sheet
sample sheet
scientific proof of parentage
scorebook (sheet)
score sheet
score-sheet, result card
score-sheet (scorecard, scoring paper), record sheet
second proof
second revise sheet
separate sheet for affixing a visa
set-off sheet
sheet [and plate] bending machine
sheet brush
sheet calender
sheet catcher (catching device)
sheet conveying device
sheet conveyor
sheet counter
sheet counter (counting device)
sheet counting device
sheet cutter (cutting unit)
sheet deliver
sheet delivery [apparatus]
sheet dryer (drying apparatus)
sheet edge
sheet-fed offset press
sheet-fed photogravure
sheet-fed [printing] press
sheet-fed rotary
sheet-fed rotary press (printing machine)
sheet-fed scanner
sheet feed
sheet feeder
sheet feeding
sheet filter
sheet finisher
sheet fly
sheet folding machine
sheet-forming quality
sheet gripper
sheet guide roller
sheet guiding
sheet hold-down
sheet holder
sheet impression
sheet microfilm
sheet music
sheet of cardboard
sheet of composition
sheet of paper
sheet pick-up suction
sheet presswork[ing]
sheet printing
sheet registration
sheet remover
sheet [rolling] mill
sheet run
sheet separating (separation)
sheet separation system
sheet separator
sheet- signature line
sheet size
sheet slow-down device (mechanism)
sheet slowing-down device (mechanism)
sheet sorting and counting machine
sheet spoilage
sheet (square) cutter
sheet steel
sheet transfer
sheet transfer mechanism
sheet travel
sheet travel speed
sheet turning drum
sheet varnishing machine
shortcut sheet
single sheet
single-sheet feeder
single-sheet flat press
size sheet
system of negative proof
sliding sheet
SME proof
sound-proof material
specimen sheet
splash-proof electrical equipment
splash-proof electric machine
splash-proof [electric] motor
Sprint Planning Sheet
standard of proof
style sheet
strike sheet
suction sheet feeding
summarised balance sheet
supplementary sheet
supply balance sheet
swing sheet feeding
tableau, scoreboard (sheet)
tamper-proof seal
Term Sheet on the ESM
Term Sheet on the European Stability Mechanism
test sheet
thin sheet
tight covering sheet
time sheet
title sheet
TLAC Term Sheet
to correct proof
to future-proof
total loss-absorbing capacity term sheet
transit sheet
trial sheet
veneer sheet
water proof lamp holder
water proof lamp socket
water-proof lighting fittings
width of sheet
work sheet (US)
zero-knowledge proof
zero knowledge proof
sheet pick-up suction
lokšņu piesūkšana
присасывание листов
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija