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[service] life
Atrasti 256 termini
2014 Year of Reconciling Work and Family Life in Europe
adaptive life cycle
animal life
application life cycle
article service life
Association Life Category
attributional life cycle analysis
attributional life cycle assessment
battery life
Better Life for Cancer Patients Initiative
Better Life Index
biological half-life
certificate of life
certified life limit
cycle life
claims (non-life insurance)
Collapse of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
Commissioners’ Group on Promoting our European Way of Life
Commissioners’ Group on Protecting our European Way of Life
Committee of Inquiry into the collapse of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
Committee of Inquiry into the crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
Committee on Improving Quality of Life, Exchanges between Civil Societies and Culture
Committee on the Promotion of the Quality of Life, Human Exchanges and Culture
consequential life cycle analysis
consequential life cycle assessment
contribution to the costs of married life
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level
Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life
crime against life
crime against life, limb or personal freedom
Crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
decay half-life
design life
Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU
direct life insurance
direct non-life insurance
disability-free life expectancy
economic life
elimination half-life
end-of-life battery
end of life care
end-of-life cost
end-of-life vehicle
entry into working life
European Life Cycle Assessment Platform
European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment
European Reference Life Cycle Database
EU strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life
expectancy of life
expectation of life
expectation of life at birth
extracorporeal life support
family life cycle
fatigue life
feral life
fish early life stage toxicity test
fish full life cycle test
guaranted life
Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products
half-life period
half-life time
half-life value
half-life (value) of drying
Healthy Life Years
identity life cycle
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
International Reference Life Cycle Data System
Keep your life in sync
LIFE+ Committee
life activity
life annuity
life assurance
life assurance undertaking
life catastrophe risk
life certificate
LIFE CET sub-programme
life cycle
life cycle analysis
life cycle approach
life cycle assessment
life-cycle costing
life-cycle costs
life cycle financial planning
life cycle GHG emissions
life cycle global warming potential
life-cycle Global Warming Potential
life cycle greenhouse gas emissions
life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions
life cycle GWP
life-cycle hypothesis
life cycle impact assessment
life cycle inventory
life cycle inventory dataset
life-cycle saving motive
Life Cycle Thinking
life-cycle toxicity test
LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme
life-contingent annuity
life-course approach
life course perspective
life disability-morbidity risk
life expectancy
life expectancy at birth
life expectation
life-expense risk
life imprisonment
life insurance
life insurance activity
life insurance and annuity entitlements
life insurance product
life insurance undertaking
life jacket
life maintenance
life pension
life probability
life processes of plants
life product
LIFE Programme
life reinsurance activity
life science professional
life sciences
life scientist
life sentence
life skills
life style / way of life
life test
life time of a tree
life-time prelubrication
life underwriting risk
life underwriting risk module
limited life
limited life derogation
limited life time derogation
liquidation of life
long-life fixed tangible asset
long-life function of random loading process
loss of life
marine life
market life
medium-life fixed tangible asset
metabolic half-life
minimum storage life
Modern Life Center
net non-life insurance premiums
non-life activity
non-life business
non-life catastrophe risk
non-life catastrophe risk sub-module
non-life catastrophe underwriting risk
non-life gross premium risk
non-life insurance
non-life insurance activity
non-life insurance claims
non-life insurance obligation
non-life insurance product
non-life insurance services
non-life insurance technical reserves
non-life lapse risk sub-module
non-life mass lapse risk
non-life premium risk
non-life product
non-life reinsurance
non-life reinsurance activity
non-life reserve risk
non-life underwriting risk
non-life underwriting risk module
non-life written premium
non similar to life techniques health
notional life capital add-on
notional life Minimum Capital Requirement
notional non-life capital add-on
notional non-life Minimum Capital Requirement
operating life
participation of foreigners in public life
participation of foreign nationals in public life
Party of Free Life of Kurdistan
plant life
plasma half-life
Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies
production life-cycle*
product life
product life cycle
project life cycle
Promoting our European way of life
proof of life
Protecting our European Way of Life
protection of animal life
protection of plant life
protection of private life of individuals
protection of the health and life of humans, animals or plants
quality-adjusted life year
Quality-adjusted life years
quality of life
quantitative life cycle inventory
radioactive half-life
rating life (of a bearing)
raw material acquisition and pre-processing life-cycle stage
real life support
reconciliation of work, family and private life
reconciliation of work and family/household life
reconciliation of work and family life
re-entry into working life
reintegration into working life
respect for private and family life
right to life
right to life, survival and development
rural life museum
school life
school-working life relations
second life application
sedentary way of life
service life
[service] life
shelf life
short life article
short-life radionuclide
signs of life
similar to life techniques health
system life cycle
System Life Cycle (review the computer acquisition, development, operations, maintenance, and replacement phases)
social life
software life-cycle
software life cycle
storage life
straight-line service life depreciation method
straight-line service life remaining depreciation method
Strategy for European Life Sciences
subsequent service life relevant for this use
tool life
tourism destination life cycle
unique life number
unit-linked/index-linked life insurance
unit-linked life insurance
Universal Equine Life Number
useful life
Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life
Vice-President for Promoting the European Way of Life
Vice-President for Protecting our European Way of Life
way of life
weighted average life
whole life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions
whole life costing
whole life policy
Wide dispersive indoor use of long-life articles and materials with high or intended release including abrasive processing
Wide dispersive indoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release
Wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with high or intended release, including abrasive processing
Wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release
working life
work-life balance
Work-Life Balance Directive
school-working life relations
skolas un darba attiecības
Beziehung Schule/Berufsleben
relation école-vie professionnelle
EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
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