Piektdiena, 3. janvāris
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LV latviešu
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DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
AND element
Atrasti 207 termini
2-element constraint
acrobatic connection (element)
acrobatic element
active element
actuating element
add an element (to)
additional element
addition of an element
A-element, A-move
aid element
alphabetic code element set
alphanumeric code element set
ancestor element
AND element
aperiodic element
architectural element
array element
astatic element
attribute of an element
authentication element
balance element
B-element, B-move
bibliographic element
binary code element set
blade element momentum theory
block element
bondary element method
boundary element
bound element
and element
building element
catching element
C-element, C skill
chart element
chemical element
child element
choreographicall element
circuit element
clock vector element
code element
code element set
colouring element
computing element
conforming element
contact element
container element
continuous medium element
control element
corrective element
coupling element
covert authentication element
critical network element
dangerous element
data element
data element (in databases)
data element type
delay element
derived element
design element
detectable element
difficult element (part)
digital element
displacement of the medium element
display element
document element
easy element
electric heating element
element isolated from the human body
element norm
element of an ornament
element of area
element (of a set)
element of a term
element of design
element of mass
element of production
element of value
*element rating
element without value
enlarged element
exclusive element
finite element
finite-element metod
fiscal element
fiscal element of duty
fuel element
fuse element
Geo-meteorological and Oceanographic Support Coordination Element
GeoMETOC Support Coordination Element
grant element
grid element
heating element
identity element
IF-AND-ONLY-IF element
IF-THEN element
immersed heating element
incompatible element
inductive heating element
instantaneous element
insurance policy with an investment element
isoparametric element
label element
laminar flow element
language element*
lexical element
linear element
linking element
logic[al] element
logical element
logic element
main conditions of technique element execution
majority element
media element
medium (average) difficulty (element)
memory element
micro element
most difficult element, ultra-stunt
AND element
natural radioactive element
network element
non-linear element
NOR element
NOT element
NOT-IF-THEN element
nourishing element
numeric code element set
omission of B-element
omit an element
ordinary element
otherwise element
overt authentication element
parallel element
parent element
passive element
picture element
pixel (picture element)
postpositive element
prepositive element
programming element attribute
prosodic element
quadrilateral element
quick-response thermoelectric element
rectifying element
relevant grid element
required element
resistive element
reverse an element
reversing an element
risk element
risky element
robot element
rolling element
root element
safety element
scorecard element
second element cost
secure element
security element
semantic element
semiconductor element
semi-covert authentication element
sensing element
signal element
singular element
symmetry element
system element
stabilizing element
standard element*
storage element
strength element
structural element
substantive and procedural element
supplemental label element
supporting element
suprasegmental element
surface element
temperature remote sensing element
tempo element
term element
texture element
thermoelectric element
threshold element
time element
time-lag element
tipping element
typological element
trace element
transition element
transmission system element
transplutonium element
transport chain element
transuranic element
transuranium element
TRU element
unexecuted element
user interface element
valuable element
virgin element
volume element
workflow decision element
workflow element
XML element
immersed heating element
iegremdējams sildelements
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija