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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
ATC clearance
Atrasti 150 termini
accounting clearance
action for post-clearance recovery
air traffic control clearance
annex concerning clearance for home use
annual financial clearance
annual performance clearance
approach clearance
ATC clearance
await the clearance of a lorry
axial clearance
back clearance
baggage clearance
band clearance
bar clearance
bill of clearance
bottom clearance
clearance angle
clearance arrangements
clearance between open contacts
clearance between poles
clearance certificate
clearance crop-growing
clearance decision
clearance fit
clearance for home use
clearance for transit
clearance from bonded warehouse
clearance gage
clearance guidance sector
clearance inwards
clearance label
clearance level
clearance limit
clearance of accounts
clearance of accounts decision
clearance of accounts procedure
clearance of cargo
clearance officer
clearance of goods
clearance of merchandise
clearance of pre-financing
clearance of rights
clearance of the goods out of charge
clearance of the hips
clearance of tourist traffic
clearance on exportation
clearance on importation
clearance outwards
clearance plough
clearance procedure
[clearance] sale
clearance sale
clearance sale price*
clearance seal
clearance supervisor
clearance through customs
clearance to obstakles
clearance zone
compliance clearance
computer assisted customs clearance
computerized air freight clearance system
conformity clearance
conformity clearance procedure
contact clearance between open contacts
Convention on centralised customs clearance, concerning the allocation of national collection costs retained when traditional own resources are made available to the EU budget
copyright clearance
customs clearance
customs clearance charges
customs clearance formalities
customs clearance system
customs formalities clearance
decision on the clearance of the accounts
decisions on clearance of accounts
documents on customs clearance
downstream clearance
drug clearance
earth clearance
entry clearance
European Coordination Office for Coordinating the Clearance of Vacancies and Applications for Employment
European Office for Co-ordinating the Clearance of Vacancies and Applications for Employment
expansion clearance
expeditious customs clearance of goods
fault clearance
fault clearance time
financial clearance
financial clearance of accounts
financial clearance procedure
fisted clearance (ball)
forest clearance
goal clearance
ground clearance
humanitarian mine clearance
inland clearance depot
inland clearance depot (UK)
main air clearance
mine clearance
minimum obstacle clearance altitude
multimedia rights clearance system
obstacle clearance altitude
obstacle clearance altitude /height
obstacle clearance height
office of clearance
oil clearance
patent clearance
permissible clearance
personal security clearance
personnel security clearance
phase-to-earth clearance
phase-to-ground clearance
phase-to-phase clearance
post-clearance audit
post-clearance checking of declaration
post-clearance control
post-clearance examination
post-clearance recovery
post-clearance recovery of import or export duties
post-clearance verification
pre-arrears clearance grant
pre-clearance declaration
pre-clearance procedure
procedure for the clearance of accounts
radial clearance (gap
radial clearance (play)
recorded goods customs clearance procedure
refusal of entry clearance
road clearance
running clearance
safe clearance
safe clearance working
safety clearance
security clearance
security clearance of personnel
side clearance angle
take-off and early part of the bar clearance
take-off and early part of the hurdle clearance
tax clearance certificate
to carry out customs clearance
tool normal clearance
tool orthogonal (normal) clearance
to remove the declarant's pre-clearance
to take measures on customs clearance
UCC Centralised Clearance for Import
valve clearance
visit entry clearance
Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Clearance
working clearance
working orthogonal clearance
radial clearance (gap
[gultņa] radiālā spēle
радиальный зазор (люфт
Mašīnbūves terminu vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 2004
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija