Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
Allow list
Atrasti 352 termini
access control list
accession list
accessions list
access list
accordion list
acquisition list
acquisitions list
action list
activity list
address list
advanced list
allow list
alphabetical subject index (list)
alternate list
amber list
App list
arrival and departure list
Attendee/Recipient List
authorisation list
Basic Block List
bed occupancy list
Bending Picture Accent List
bequest list
bidirectional list
biometric candidate list
Black book / list
black flag list
black list
black list of flags
Blocked Senders List
Blocked Top-Level Domain List
budget list
bulleted list
calendar list
call list
candidate list
capability list
carbon leakage list
cause list
certificate revocation list
certificate revocation list distribution point
certificate trust list
chained list
chained list search
check list
Chevron List
circular list
classification list
collection list
combined events list
common EU list of safe countries of origin
common list of aliens for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry
common list of exemptions
common list of liberalized products
common list of military equipment
common merit order list
common military list
Common Military List of the European Union
Common RSS Feed List
Community IUU vessel list
Community list
Community list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the Community
Community list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the Union
compression exclusion list
concordance list
Configuration Deviation List
*consolidated list
contact list
Contacts list
contingency list
Continuous Picture List
contract data requirements list
conversion list
Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List
*covering list
crew list
cross-reference list
Daily Task List
debtor’s list
discount list
discretionary access control list
distribution list
donor list
*drawing up a list of material values
drop-down list
drop-down list box
Enterprise Mode Site List
Enterprise Mode Site List Manager
equipment assembling price list*
Error List
EU air safety list
EU common list of safe countries of origin
EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions
EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes
EU positive list
European List
European list of airlines subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the European Union
European List of Notified Chemical Substances
European List of ship recycling facilities
European list of waste
European positive list
EU sales list
EU sanction list
EU sanctions list
EU terrorist list
exchange list
*expenses list
External Data Related List
External Data Related List Web Part
external list
external list deployment
field list
Field List pane
file list
finds list
fixed party list
Folder List
free list
freight list
frequency list
friends list
general list
global address list
green list
grey flag list
grey list
Grouped List
Hardware Compatibility List
Hierarchy List
History list
*holder of title-list
homework list
Horizontal Bullet List
Horizontal Picture List
incoming circuit responsibility list
individuals not on a list
*individuals on a list
instruction list
international list
inventory list
*inventory list
Allow list
Allow List
Allow List
provider configuration
Allow List
provider service
IP Block list
IP Block List provider
IP Block List provider configuration
IP Block List provider service
IUCN Red List
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
IUU vessel list
Joint List View
jump list
legislative list
*limit-card list
*limit list
linear list
linked list
linked list search
list A
list B
list box
List Builder
list comprehension
list control
list head
list index
list of abbreviations
*list of accumulation
list of active substance suppliers
list of air carriers that are subject to an operating ban in the Community
list of airlines banned within the EU
list of archaeological monuments
list of customs offices
list of deductions
list of deferments
list of documents
list of duplicates
list of equipment requirement
list of EU crimes
list of exceptions
list of goods
list of harmonised classification and labelling
list of headings
list of instructions
list of items that are prohibited
list of large containers
list of materials
List of Members
list of missing objects
list of players
list of plans
list of posts
list of professional representatives
*list of professions
list of questions
list of restricted substances
list of settlements
list of signatories
list of speakers
List of Specific Commitments
*list of subject headings
list of suitable candidates
list of the goods
List of Waste
list of wastes
*list of work
list price
list processing
list processing language
List Relationships
list separator
list-separator character
list server
list structure
list view
list voting system
loading list
*loan adjustment list
*loan repayment list
local list (in UDC)
mailing list
mailing list manager
mailing list server
marketing list
Master Category List
Master Minimum Equipment List
match calendar, fixture table (list)
message list
MFU list
Microsoft List Builder
minimum equipment list
Most Frequently Used List
multiple-selection list box
Munitions List
muster list
negative list
negative list of goods and services
nomenclature price-list*
non-legislative list
Notebook List
notify list
NSG trigger list
numbered list
official list
opt-out list
ordered list
*order list
packing list
*payment list
participant list
parts list
patient list
percent of list
PerformancePoint Content List
periodicals check-list
phrase list
picking list
Picture Accent List
Picture Caption List
Pin this list
PivotTable list
Pyramid List
polling list
positive list
positive list of goods and services
price list
price list item
Process List
Prodcom list
Product and Service Items list
product list
product master list
publication access list
public health emergency critical devices list
pushdown list
pushup list
Quick Filters for message list
Radial List
reading list
real-time block list service
Recipient Block list
Red List of Wadden Sea species and biotopes
registration list
Remove from Contact List
Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
reserve list
resource list
restricted substances list
routing list
safe list collection
Safe Recipients List
Safe Senders List
scatter/gather list
sensitive word list
SharePoint list
SharePoint list indicator
shelf list
symmetrical list
system access control list
smart list
Stacked List
starting list
start list (starting protocol)
supervision list
supervision list entry
Table List
Target List
*tariffing list
task list
tax list
team roster, team list
teams list
Tenant User List
to-do list
to enter in a list
to make a list
transfer list
Transit/Security List of Items
transnational list
Trapezoid List
trigger list
trusted list
trust list
trustworthy AI assessment list
unified work list
update list
Vertical Arrow List
Vertical Block List
Vertical Box List
Vertical Bullet List
Vertical Chevron List
Vertical Picture Accent List
Vertical Picture List
voting list
wage list
wait list
Watch List
white flag list
white list
Windows Phone Reading List
Windows Reading List
wine list
wish list
workflow list form
World Heritage List
zipped list
zipper list
linear list
lineārs saraksts
ISO 2382 04.08.04, prot. Nr. 261 (13.01.2006)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
© 2005–2025
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija