Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
CSF Funds
Atrasti 130 termini
additional own funds
additional own funds requirement
administrator of advance funds
advance funds
allocation of funds
*alloted funds
amortization of capital funds
appropriation of funds
basic own funds
borrowed funds
budgetary funds
budgetary management of the Structural Funds
capital funds
cash funds
*cash funds of a bank
client funds deposits
Committee for the Home Affairs Funds
Committee on the Agricultural Funds
Common Strategic Framework Funds
consolidated own funds
consumer goods funds
Council Directive 89/299/EEC on the own funds of credit institutions
CSF Funds
decommitted funds
deduction from own funds
deferred profit sharing/investment funds
deposits and borrowed funds
Directorate 6 - Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds
disposition of the funds
diversion of public funds
diversion of public funds for personal gain
Economic and Financial Affairs, Budget, Structural Funds Directorate
electronic funds transfer
embezzlement of public funds
ESDM Working Group on Overbidding and Hedge Funds
ESI Funds
European Development Funds
European Federation of Investment Funds and Companies
European Structural and Investment Funds
evidence of maintenance (funds)
expenditure of funds
expenditures of funds
foreign nationals' recourse to public funds
freezing of funds
fund of funds
funds borrowed
funds borrowed on capital markets
funds incorrectly used
funds lent
funds lost
funds transfer
funds unduly paid
funds wrongly paid
general own funds disclosure template
guidance on additional own funds
hedge funds
High Level Group monitoring simplification for beneficiaries of ESI Funds
High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification for Beneficiaries of the European Structural and Investment Funds
High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification of European Structural and Investment Funds
illicit funds
insufficient funds
insurance corporations and pension funds
interstate funds
lack of funds
loan funds
manager of alternative investment funds
market funds*
minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities
misappropriation of public funds
mismanagement of funds
misuse of public funds
Multilateral Climate Funds Action Plan on Complementarity and Coherence
national private insurance corporations and pension funds
non-budgetary funds
non-sufficient funds
not sufficient funds
offshore funds
original own funds
outside funds
own funds
Own Funds Directive
own funds instrument
own funds requirement
own funds requirement for credit risk
own funds requirement for foreign exchange risk
own funds requirement for operational risk
pension funds
person-to-person transfer of funds
pooled funds
pre-seed funds
*provision with funds
public funds
public procurement involving EU funds
recoverability of the funds
recovery of funds lent
*reduction of funds
Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds
Regulation laying down common provisions for the European Structural and Investment Funds
regulatory own funds
reserve funds
seed funds
shares of investment funds
social security funds
source of funds
Sovereign Wealth Funds
specification of funds
Stabex funds
Structural Funds
sufficient funds
surplus of funds
task force for better implementation of EU funds
tax funds
tax on funds
to accumulate funds
to allocate funds
to amass funds
to channel funds
to derive funds
to dispose of the funds
to invest funds
to obtain funds
to raise funds
to route funds
tracing of funds
transfer of funds
transitional own funds disclosure template
units of investment funds
UN programmes and funds
wrongful retention of funds
offshore funds
investīciju fonds, kas reģistrēts zemē, kurā darbojas nodokļu atvieglojumi
ārzonas investīciju fonds
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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