Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
CW agent
Atrasti 254 termini
act as a paying agent
activating agent
Active Directory Management Agent
Address Rewriting agent
Address Rewriting Inbound agent
Address Rewriting Outbound agent
adrenergic blocking agent
adventitious agent
agent amount
agent assembly
agent bank
agent character
Agent Desktop
agent family income
agent firm
agent gross revenue
agent household income
agent income
agent noun
agent of disease
agent of persecution
agent return of transactions
agent revenue
agent's bill
agent's commission
agent taxable income
agent update
Agent XP
AI agent
AIT Agent
ammonium nitrate-fuel oil blasting agent
ampholytic surface active agent
anaesthetic agent
anionic surface active agent
anti-arrhythmic agent
antiarrhythmic agent
antibacterial agent
anti-caking agent
anti-dysrhythmic agent
anti-dusting agent
antiepileptic agent
antifoam agent
anti-foaming agent
antifreeze agent
antifreezing agent
antifungal agent
antinociceptive agent
antiprotozoal agent
antisecretion agent
antisecretory agent
anti-sprouting agent
anti-swelling agent
Application Agent
Application Impact Telemetry Agent
artificial moral agent
authorised agent
aversive agent
background agent
bacteriostatic agent
binding agent
biocontrol agent
biological agent
biological control agent
biological warfare agent
bleaching agent
bleaching agent for wood
blister agent
blowing agent
blowing [foaming] agent
brightening agent
build agent
bulking agent
bulking [loading] agent
calcium channel-blocking agent
call agent
carcinogenic agent
cargo agent
cationic surface active agent
chelating agent
chemical agent
chemical warfare agent
chemical warfare incapacitating agent
chemical warfare nerve agent
clarifying agent
clearing agent
Client Sync Agent
coagulating agent
coating agent
collections agent
colouring agent
commercial agent
commission agent
complexing agent
concentrating agent
Connection Filter agent
contagious agent
contract agent
contrast agent
cooling agent
copilot agent
cross-linking agent
customs agent
customs clearing agent
cutting agent
CW agent
CW incapacitating agent
CW nerve agent
decay provoking agent
defoaming agent
degreasing agent
dewatering agent
Directory System Agent
Directory User Agent
disease agent
dispersing agent
distribution cleanup agent
drying agent
economic agent
embedding agent
emulsifying agent
endpoint agent
end-point agent
enzyme inducing agent
estate agent
expanding agent
export agent
extraneous agent
filming agent
first-line antimicrobial agent
fiscal agent
fixing agent
flocculating agent
fluorescent brightening agent
fluorescent whitening agent
flux(ing) agent
foaming agent
forwarding agent
freight agent
gelling agent
gluing agent
handling agent
heat-transfer agent
heat transfer agent
hosted management agent
IATA accredited / approved travel agent / agency
immunosuppressant agent
immunosuppressive agent
import agent
impregnation agent
infectious agent
infective agent
inflating agent
information agent
insurance agent
intelligent agent
Internet Agent
Inventory Agent
investigational therapeutic agent
journaling agent
levelling agent
Local Sync Agent
Log Reader Agent
management agent
mean agent income
message transfer agent
metaphase arresting agent
microbial pest control agent
Microbial Pest Control Agent as manufactured
moral agent
multi-agent system
narcotic agent
(navigation) agent
nerve agent
network agent (in network management)
neuromuscular blocking agent
neuromuscular junction blocking agent
non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agent
non-ionic low osmolar contrast agent
non-ionic surface active agent
Novichok agent
Novichok nerve agent
Office Telemetry Agent
optical brightening agent
outage planning agent
Outlook Live Management Agent
oxidising agent
paying agent
parting agent
patent agent
pathogenic agent
personal agent
pickling agent
polishing agent
precipitating agent
preserving agent
propping agent
purchasing agent
Quarantine Agent
quaternary ammonium anticholinergic agent
Queue Reader Agent
rational agent
real estate agent
reducing agent
registered agent
regulated agent
releasing agent
relevant antimicrobial agent
residual virus-killing agent
reversal agent
rinsing agent
riot control agent
sales agent
saponification agent
scheduling agent
septic agent
settlement agent
shipping agent
ship's agent
short-stopping agent
single agent PSUR
sympathomimetic agent
System Agent
system health agent
slagging agent
sole agent
solubilising agent
SQL Server Agent
stabilising agent
statutory agent
supply agent
support agent
surface active agent
surface treating agent
swelling agent
tanning agent
temporary agent
texture agent
thickening agent
tied agent
trade mark registered in the name of an agent
transfer of a trade mark registered in the name of an agent
travel agent
travel agent / retail travel agent
undercover agent
user agent
vesicant agent
virus-like agent
wetting agent
whitening agent
withholding tax agent
wood agent
working agent
customs agent
muitas aģents
customs agent
muitas aģents
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
customs agent
muitas aģents
Sk. arī:
Eiropas Savienības terminu vārdnīca. — R., UNDP, 2004
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija