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EU body
Atrasti 363 termini
accreditation body
actual speed of arms, legs, body
administrative, management or supervisory body
administrative, managerial or supervisory body
administrative body
adminstrative body
advisory body
agricultural sector representative body
airport managing body
angle body (angle position)
appeal body
Appellate Body
appointed body
approved body
arch body position
artificial body section
artificial water body
assessment body
attainment of horizontal body position
audit body
backward somersault piking and straightening body dismount
bad body position (wrong position of the trunk)
basic body positions
basic positions of the body
bend body (stoop)
bending sideways (side body bend, trunk leaning)
black body
black body locus
black body radiation
blow for the body
body (in electronic mail)
body (in programming languages)
body, trunk flexion (bending)
body action (movement)
body and legs bent
body angle
body area network
body armour
body axis
body balance
body bent
body broad axis
body-centered cubic lattice
body-centered cubic packing
body-centered lattice
body cent(e)red unit cell
body check
body composition
body contact
body current
body exercises
body extension
body fake (swerve)
body fingerprint
body forces
body for free movement of workers
body for the promotion of equal treatment
body function
body governed by public law
body (hip) circle backward (forward)
body implementing a financial instrument
body in full extension
body in white
body jumping
body language
body mass index
body matter
body modification implant
body odour detection
body odour recognition
body of a hammer
body of a mortar
body of a mould
body of a pendant
body of a shield boss
body of a suspension clamp
body of a table
Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications
body of groundwater
Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment
body of representatives
body of saw
body of surface water
body of the Community
body of the entry
body of the horse
body of water
body packer
body paper
body posture
body rotation (rotation on the body’s longitudinal and latitudinal axes)
body search
body section
body stock
body structure
body stub
body stuffer
body suit
body surface area
body-tail modelling threshold
body technique
body text
body type
body (upperbody) turning (twisting), trunk curling
body wave backward (forward)
body weight
body with hips flexed, legs straight, knees locked
body with jurisdiction at first instance in public procurement cases
body worn computer
breeding body
broad axis of the body
central body
central purchasing body
certification body
certifying body
Chairman of the Joint Supervisory Body
change of body size
chartered body
chartered professional body
chartered status body
collection body
Community body
competent body
conformity assessment body
Consultative Advisory Body on Human Dimension
consultative body
contact with any part of the body
control body
controlling body
control of the body
coordinating body
coordinating body of delegated councillors
coordination body
corporate board or equivalent body
corporate body
correct body position
Council preparatory body
cupola body
decision-making body
decision-making body (EU)
delegated body
demountable body
designated body
Diplomatic Body
Dispute Settlement Body
Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO
document body
[drill] body
ECHA body
elastoplastic body
elbow support scale and half turn, body horizontal and raise slowly to handstand
element isolated from the human body
equality body
establish a body
Ethics Body
EU body
EU body
for police and judicial cooperation
EU Ethics Body
European standardisation body
European Union body
excessive arch of the body
executive body
extension of body
external audit body
extrajudicial body
Farmers' and Stockbreeders' Coordinating Body
foreign body
forward roll straight body
free-body diagram
free fall [of body]
free in the air with a stretched body
front body wave
fruiting body
full-body suit
fundamental body mechanics
gender equality body
general body of creditors
generic body
governance body
governing body
Governing Body of the ILO
Governing Body of the International Labour Office
governmental gender equality body
government body
half split, body bent
handstand, press with bent body and bent arms
handstand, press with bent body and straight arms
handstand, press with bent body and straight arms from straddle cross support on one rail
handstand, press with straight body and bent arms (hollow -back press to handstand)
handstand, press with straight body and straight arms
handstand forward bend body
hard body armour
health data access body
heating body
heavily modified water body
heterogeneous body
homogeneous body
hone body
human rights treaty body
ILO Governing Body
immersed body method
in a body
inclusion body
incorrect body form
independent audit body
independent national equality body
individual whole body chamber exposure
in locate forward with bent body
in locate (forward) with straight body
inspection body
insufficient suppleness of body
intellectual property collective rights-management body
Interinstitutional Body for Ethical Standards
Interinstitutional Ethics Body
intermediate body
international intergovernmental body
international standardisation body
international standardizing body
issuing body
joint body (EU)
joint supervisory body
Joint Supervisory Body of Eurojust
Joint Supervisory Body of Europol
judicial body
judicial or quasi-judicial body
jump in place with raising joined legs to still handstand forward and stretch body backward
keep the body arched
kinematics of rigid body
large body size
large body wave
legal body
legislative body
local and regional body with special status
local body
longitudinal body axis
loop body
lower stretched body forward
management body
management body in its management function
management body in its supervisory function
managing body of an airport
managing body of the airport
managing body of the port
medical body area network
medical body area network system
message body
moment of inertia of a body
motion of rigid body about fixed point
national accreditation body
national audit body
national equality body
national standardisation body
national supervisory body
needle body (head)
non-intimate body search
non-profit-making body
notified body
oblique body bent lunge
occlusion body
Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications
opening of the body
original body section
out-of-court body
out-of-court complaint body
out-of-court dispute settlement body
overall physical (body) condition
oversight body
perfectly smooth body
Performance Review Body
piking action in the body
plow body
pole body
pole body insulation
press handstand with bent arms and bent body
press handstand with bent body and straight arms
press handstand with straight body and bent arms
press handstand with straight body and straight arms
primary body
professional body
professional defence body
proper distribution of body weight
public body
public law body
public sector body
raise bent body with bent arms to handstand
raise straight body with straight arms to handstand from free front support scale
rapid extension (of the body)
receiving water body
refringent body
regional body
regulatory body
related body
research body
reverse body wave
rigid body
rough body
salto backward with bending and stretching of the body (piked stretched somersault backward)
scattering body
self-purification of water body
self-regulatory body
shift body weight onto left leg
sideward body-wave
slow moving water body
SOAP body
soft body armour
solid [body]
Special EU Programmes Body
split(s) scale, bent body
sponsoring body
sports body
Standing Appellate Body
static water body
straight body handstand (straight handstand)
straight body (layout, hollow) inverted hang
stretched (straight) body inlocate
subordinate body
Subsidiary Body for Implementation
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
supervisory body
supplying movement of the body
surface water body
swap body
swop body
tank swap body
taxation body
technical body
Textiles Surveillance Body
type body
typed body service
total body surface area
tower body
tower body extension
trade body
Trade Policy Review Body
treaty body
treaty monitoring body
UN human rights treaty body
United Nations human rights treaty body
UN subsidiary body
uterine body cancer
variable-mass body
varnish body
viral occlusion body
walkover backward, through a brief handstand, chest roll stretched arms and arched body
water body
whole body autoradiographic technique
whole body autoradiography
whole body autoradiography technique
win by a body length (to)
winding-up body
wireless body area network
woman’s body
wooden body of the discus
WTO Appellate Body
control body
kontroles organizācija
kontroles institūcija
organisme de contrôle
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