Trešdiena, 12. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
FX contract
Atrasti 329 termini
administrative contract
advance under a contract
agreement / contract
agreement contract
ancillary contract
annual contract for ordered labour
annulment of contract
atypical contract
atypical employment contract
automatic dependent surveillance-contract
award a contract
award of contract
award of the contract
basic contract
*before-contract delivery
*before-contract supply
breach of contract
building contract
capacity reservation contract
capacity to contract
capital at risk in a contract
collective wage contract
commercial contract
commercial contract price
commodity futures contract
completed contract
complete (sign) contract
complex contract
concession contract
conclusion of a contract
conclusion of contract
*construction by contract
construction contract
construction services contract
consumer contract
consumer contract law
consumer sales contract
contract address
contract administration
Contract Administration Service
contract agent
contract award criteria
contract award notice
contract award procedure
contract-based payment
contract boundary
contract change control system
contract clause
contract closeout
contract compliance
contract construction
contract data requirements list
contract discipline
contract documents
contract farming
contract for difference
contract for (future) delivery
contract for importation
contract for loan and guarantee
contract for novation
contract for pecuniary interest
contract for the purchase or rental of a building
contract for the supply of digital content
contract freedom
contract goods
contract governed by private law
contract governed by public law
contract grade
Contract Implementation Service
contract interest
contract item
contract law
contract liability
contract line
contract management plan
contract modification*
contract notice
contract obligations
contract of carriage
*contract of construction
contract of employment
contract of guarantee
contract of indemnity
contract of insurance
(contract of) lease
contract of limited duration
contract of pledge
contract of purchase
contract of sale
contract of transportation
contract penalty
contract price
contract prices
contract provision
contract relations
contract renewal option
contract research
contract review
contract service
contract system
contract staff
contract staff member
contract supervision
contract template
contract tenor
contract termination
contract terms
contract territory
contract to sell
contract value
contract work
contract work activity*
contract work breakdown structure (CWBS)
cost plus award fee (CPAF) contract
cost-plus contract
cost plus fee contract
cost plus fixed fee contract
cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract
cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) contract
cost plus incentive fee (CFIF) contract
cost plus incentive fee contract
cost-plus-incentive-fee (CPIF) contract
cost-reimbursable contract
cost-reimbursement contract
criteria for the award of the contract
currency derivative contract
decrease of contract price
delivery contract
derivative contract
digital contract
direct award of a contract
*direct contract
Directive (91/533/EEC) on an employer's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship
discharge of contract
distance contract
dividend index futures contract
draft contract
electricity supply contract
electric power delivery contract
emission allowance derivative contract
employment contract
estimated total value of contract
European contract law
exclusive contract
execution of contract
executory contract
expert on contract
expiration of contract
felling contract
final part of a contract*
financial contract
finite reinsurance contract
fixed-term, fixed-price electricity supply contract
fixed-term contract
fixed-term employment contract
flat fee contract
foreign-exchange contract
forward contract
forward exchange contract
forward foreign exchange contract
framework contract
freedom of contract
freight contract
fulfilment of contract
future [contract]
futures contract
FX contract
gas supply contract
gender contract
group contract
hire contract
implementation of a contract
incapacity to contract
indemnity for breach of a contract
index-linked contract
in-house contract award
initial estimated total value of the contract
insurance contract
interpretation of contract
involuntary fixed-term contract
involuntary temporary contract
labour contract
law of contract
licence contract
licensing contract
loan contract
long-term contract
*long-term contract of lease
low value contract
lump-sum contract
making a contract paid-up
management contract
margined derivative contract
marriage contract
material contract
member of the contract staff
middle-value contract
mixed contract
mixed-purpose contract
mortgage contract
multi-annual contract
multi-year contract
multiple framework contract
negotiated contract
negotiated procedure after prior publication of a contract notice
negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice
negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice
*non-performance of contract
non-standard labour contract
notional contract size
notional contract value
novated contract
obligation of contract
off-premises contract
on a contract basis
onerous contract
one-sided contract for difference
one-way contract for difference
on-the-run contract
*open-end contract
open-ended contract
open-ended employment contract
option contract
OTC derivative contract
over-the-counter derivative contract
partnership contract
penalty for contract violation
performance of a contract
permanent contract
placing of the contract
private contract on financial instruments
privity of contract
Procurement and Contract Management Unit
procurement contract
protocol part of a contract*
provisions of the contract
public contract
[public] procurement contract
public procurement contract
public service contract
public supply contract
public works contract
purchase contract
recurrent contract
reinsurance contract
research under contract
reserved contract
sales contract
*seasonal contract
seasonal contract
sector reform contract
serious breach of contract
service contract
services contract
short-term contract
simplified contract notice
smart contract
social contract
specific contract
spot commodity contract
spot contract
standard contract
State-Building Contract
stock index futures contract
subject-matter of a contract
subject of contract
sub-ordered labour contract
subsidy contract
*sum agreed by contract
supplementary contract
*supplement to a contract
supplies contract
supply contract
take or pay contract
taxes on insurance contract
team contract
*temporal contract
temporary employment contract
tenderer to whom the contract is awarded
termination of a contract
term of the contract
term of validity of a contract
terms of a contract
terms of contract
the choice must be expressed or demonstrated with reasonable certainty by the terms of the contract
the present contract
tying contract
type of contract
to avoid a contract
to break a contract
to carry out a contract
to carry out a contract of guarantee
to conclude a contract
to contract liabilities
to contract out of an agreement
to discharge a contract
to enter into a contract
to free from obligations under the contract
to fulfil a contract
to hold a contract
tolling contract
to make a contract
to meet contract terms
to negotiate a contract
to perform a contract
total final value of contract
transport contract
*turnkey contract
two-day spot contract
two-sided contract for difference
two-way contract for difference
unfair contract terms
Unfair Contract Terms Directive
unfair terms of contract
Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail
unit-linked contract
unit-price contract
unmargined derivative contract
validity period of contract
value of the contract
vendor contract
very low value contract
work contract
work contract book
works contract
zero-hours contract
exclusive contract
ekskluzīvs līgums
contrat d'exclusivité
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