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Jūs meklējāt
Hang Up
Atrasti 83 termini
angled hang, half lever hang, hanging L
arched hang
back hang giant circle (in locate giant)
back-up flank over into reverse hang
back uprise in mixed grip and rear vault over bar with ¼ turn to swing forward in hang
back uprise to straddle under hands to rearward swing in hang rearways
back uprise to straddle under hands with half (½) turn to swing forward in hang
back uprise with reverse grip hecht vault over bar with half (½) turn to forward swing in hang
back-up straddle over into reverse hang
backward (back) hang, hang rearways, rear (reverse) hang
basket to forward swing in hang
basket to forward swing in hang, from cross stand
basket to forward swing in hang, from forward swing in support
basket to forward swing in upperarm hang, from cross stand
bent inverted hang, piked-reverse hang
cast from front support (backward into a hang)
cast from high bar to long hang
cast out (layout) to long hang, pushaway to a hang
cast to hang from support
cast to rearward swing in upperarm hang
descent from support to hang
dive to upperarm hang
drop kip with half turn to swing forward in upperarm hang
drop shoot to upperarm hang
ellgrip, twisted hang
fall over forward to rearward swing in hang and Stemme to support from handstand
fall over forward to rearward swing in hang from handstand
flic-flac to hang on HB from a brief squat stand on HB
folded hang (bent hang)
free hip circle rearways forward and straddle outward releasing and regrasping of grip to swing forward in hang
free hip circle rearways forward with full turn swing backward in hang
free hip circle rearways forward with half turn (½) to swing forward in hang
free knee circle backward to catch in hang on HB
front horizontal hang, front scale in hang
front lying (leaning) hang
front lying support hang on low bar, low -front oblique position
giant swing in hang rearways
glide on LB, kip with full (half) turn to catch HB in hang
grand Czech circle (turn) in back hang
half inverted hang, half-reversed suspension
hang inlocate and turn forward to inverted hang
hang (LJ)
hang position
hang up
hock hang, knee hang
hock swing backward to catch in hang on HB
in locate forward to inverted hang and straddle (with half turn) to dismount
inverted (front) hang, reverse hang, reversed suspension
inverted front hang with arms extended
inverted piked (pike) hang
jump to hang
jump with full twist to long hang on HB
kip (hang, support position)
Korbut flip with full twist to front lying hang
L hang (glide), kip hang position
lying rear hang
long swing , free hip circle, catch with full twist to hang on high bar
mixed hang
nest hang
over-grip hanging, ordinary hang
rear kip hang
rear lying support hang on low bar
rearward turn in hang
R (L) knee hang
roll in upperarm hang
shoot through to hang rearways
slide kip-up with half turn to swing forward in upper arm hang
squat hang
squat position (hang)
straddle jump over LB to catch HB in long hang
straight body (layout, hollow) inverted hang
straight hang
stretched hang
toes hang
travelling in hang
underswing to hang
underswing with one and a half (1½) turns to hang
upperarm (cross) support (hang, rest)
upperarm hang, upstart to support (upperarm kip)
upstart from upperarm hang
vertical hang
wide grasp hang
descent from support to hang
nolaišanās no balsta kārienā
опускание из упора в вис
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