Pirmdiena, 20. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
I V curve
Atrasti 130 termini
adhesion utilisation curve
adiabatic curve
adjustable load curve
advance curve
aggregate expenditure curve
area under the curve
attenuation curve
ballistic curve
base curve
bathtub curve
Beveridge curve
budget curve
calibration curve
catenary curve
characteristic curve
cycle stress-strain curve
cyclic durability distribution curve
compaction curve
compression curve
concentration response curve
concentration-response curve
cubic Bezier curve
cumulative frequency curve
curve, bend
curve-based (curved) surface
curve fitting
curve follower
curve generator
curve plotter
curve squeal
daily load curve
decay curve
deflection curve
deflection curve of a bar
demagnetization curve
demand curve
distribution curve
dynamic magnetization curve
dose-response curve
elliptic curve
elliptic curve cryptography
end of the curve
Engel’s curve
expanded low level curve
external curve
fatigue strength distribution curve
fixed load curve
flattening of a curve
freeform curve
[French] curve
frequency curve
full dose-response curve
Gaussian curve
grain-size distribution curve
granulometric curve
heating curve
hydrostatic curve
Hugoniot curve
ignition advance curve
indifference curve
inflection of a curve
inhibition curve
initial magnetization curve
injection curve
integral distribution curve
isoilluminance curve
I-V curve
yield curve
Laffer’s curve
least-cost curve
limit value curve
load curve
load duration curve
load-duration curve
Lorenz curve
magnetization curve
master curve
moment diagram (curve)
no-load curve
nonlinear curve fitting
peaky distribution curve
performance curve
Phillips’ curve
planned investment curve
plasma concentration-time curve
power-angle curve
power duration curve
pressure curve
pressure-expansion curve
preventive load curve
price-consumption curve
quadratic Bezier curve
Rankine-Hugoniot curve
regression curve
regulation curve
relaxation curve
reverse curve
road curve
saving curve
scatter curve
shearing stress curve
short-circuit curve
short-run supply curve
short-run supply curve of a firm
short-run supply curve of competetive industry
shoulder curve
sine curve
skeleton curve
slope of a curve
S-N curve
S-N curve for a given failure probability
spline curve
start of the curve
supply curve
swing curve
three-point curve
timing advance curve
timing curve
tone reproduction curve
torque-angle curve
UV curve
V-curve characteristic
velocicty curve
viscosity curve
voltage-time curve
wind velocity-duration curve
Woeler curve
Wöhler curve
magnetization curve
magnetization characteristic
magnetizēšanas līkne
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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