Ceturtdiena, 9. janvāris
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JSA Customs
Atrasti 595 termini
abolition of customs duties
abolition of customs duty
ACP-EC Customs Cooperation Committee
action programme for customs and taxation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
action programme for customs in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
activity against customs offences
ad valorem [customs] duty
advisory committee on customs matters
Agreement on Cooperation and Customs Union between the European Economic Community and the Republic of San Marino
airport customs
air transport costs to be included in the value for customs purposes
alteration of customs duties
alteration of customs duty
amount due to customs
amount due to the Customs
amount of customs duties
amount of customs duty
annex concerning appeals in customs matters
annex concerning customs facilities applicable to travellers
annex concerning customs formalities applicable to commercial means of transport
annex concerning customs formalities in respect of postal traffic
annex concerning customs formalities prior to the lodgement of the goods
annex concerning customs offences
annex concerning customs transit
annex concerning customs warehouses
annex concerning information supplied by the customs authorities
annuity customs duty
applicable customs duty
application of customs laws
approved for transport under customs seal
attendance by customs
authorised economic operator for customs simplifications
basis upon which customs charges are calculated
breach of customs requirements
breach of customs seals
Budget, Tax, Customs Union and Cohesion Policy Directorate
Bureau of the Customs
certificate by customs authorities
chain of customs guarantees
change in customs position
charge in excess of customs costs
charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties
check on entering a customs territory
check on leaving a customs territory
circumvention of customs laws
clearance through customs
clearing through customs
Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs
Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud
Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud
common customs tariff
Common Customs Tariff heading number
Community action programme for the vocational training of customs officials of national administrations
Community Customs Code
Community system of reliefs from customs duty
completion of the customs formalities
computer assisted customs clearance
conduct of customs operations
contravention of customs legislation
contravention of customs regulations incurring administrative fines
control by the customs authorities
control by the customs authority
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrations
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the Use of Information Technology for Customs Purposes
Convention on centralised customs clearance, concerning the allocation of national collection costs retained when traditional own resources are made available to the EU budget
Convention on mutual assistance and cooperation between customs administrations
Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures
Customs 2020
customs administration
customs advantage
customs agent
customs airport
customs and excise act
customs and excise division
customs and excise warehouse
customs and traditions
customs appeals system
customs approved route
customs approved treatment
customs-approved treatment or use
customs attendance
Customs Audit Guide
customs authorities
customs authority
customs authorization
customs barriers
customs blockade
customs board
customs bond
customs broker
customs bulletin
customs certificate
customs check
customs checkpoint
customs clearance
customs clearance charges
customs clearance formalities
customs clearance system
customs clearing agent
customs code
Customs Code Committee
customs collections
customs commissariat
customs commissioner
customs control
customs control equipment
Customs Control Equipment Fund
Customs Control Equipment Instrument
customs controlled areas and compounds
customs convention
customs convention on containers
Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods
customs convention on the international transit of goods
customs convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets
customs convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Convention
customs convention on the temporary importation of commercial road vehicles
customs convention on the temporary importation of packings
customs convention on the temporary importation of private road vehicles
customs cooperation
customs cooperation committee
Customs Cooperation Council
Customs Co-operation Council
Customs Cooperation Council nomenclature
customs co-operation procedure
Customs Cooperations Council
Customs Cooperation Working Party
customs corridor
customs criminological institute
customs debt
customs debt on exportation
customs debt on importation
customs debtor
Customs Decisions System
customs declaration
customs declaration form
customs declaration form TIF
customs declaration for release for free circulation
customs department
customs document
customs dog
customs dog handler
customs dog training centre
customs dog training centre instructor
customs drawback
customs driving school
customs due
customs duties
customs duties and charges
customs duties and charges having equivalent effect
customs duties on exports
customs duties on imports
customs duty
[customs] duty
customs duty exemption
customs duty-free admission
customs duty of fiscal nature
customs duty on exportation
customs duty on exports
customs duty on import
customs duty on importation
customs employee
customs endorsement
customs enforcement
customs enforcement office
customs entry
customs entry certificate
Customs entry transaction
customs escort
customs examination
customs export formalities
customs facilities
customs fees
customs field
(customs) field office
customs files identification database
customs form
customs formalities
customs formalities clearance
customs formalities for putting goods into free circulation
customs formalities prior to the lodgment of the goods declaration
customs formality
customs fraud
customs fraud relating to containers
customs freight
customs frontier
customs goods manifest
customs harmonisation
Customs Headquarters
Customs headquarters offices
customs house
customs house of destination
customs import formalities
Customs Information System
customs infringement
customs inspection
customs inspector
customs integration
customs investigation
Customs Joint Supervisory Authority
Customs JSA
customs laboratory
customs law
customs law enforcement office
customs laws
customs legislation
customs legislation committee
customs load
customs lock
customs maritime zone
customs mark
customs matters
customs mission
customs offence
customs office
customs office at the frontier
customs office en route
customs office handling tourist traffic
customs office of consignment
customs office of departure
customs office of destination
customs office of discharge
customs office of entry
customs office of exit
customs office of export
customs office of guarantee
customs office of presentation
customs office of settlement
customs office of surveillance
customs office of transit
customs officer
customs office responsible for warehousing
customs official
*customs operation
customs operation
customs operations
customs permit
customs plate
customs point
*customs policy
customs policy
customs post
customs preference*
customs premises
*customs privileges
*customs procedure
customs procedure
customs procedure suspending duties
customs procedure with economic impact
*customs proceedings
customs profession
customs provisions
customs questions committee
customs receipt
customs receipts
customs regime
customs regulations
customs related
customs representation
customs representative
customs requirements
customs restrictions*
customs revenue*
customs revenue
customs revenues
customs route
customs rules
customs seal
customs seal string
customs security measure
customs service
customs service budget
customs shopping
customs simplification
customs simplification authorised economic operator
customs system
customs staff training centre
customs stamp
customs station
customs status
customs storehouse
customs supervision
*customs supervision
customs supervisory post
customs surety bond
customs surveillance
customs surveillance zone
customs survey
customs surveyor report
customs suspensive procedure or arrangement
customs tariff
customs tariff bureau
customs tariff matters
customs tariff nomenclature
customs tariff policy
customs tariff system
customs tax
customs territory
customs territory (EU)
customs territory of the Community
customs territory of the Union
customs [training] college
customs transit
customs transit operation
customs transit system
customs treatment
customs treatment procedure
customs union
Customs Union Group
Customs Union Performance
Customs Union Performance tool
customs union service
customs valuation
customs valuation committee
customs valuation law
customs valuation procedure
customs valuation system
customs valuation technique
customs value
customs value of goods
customs vessel
customs visitation
customs war
customs warehouse
customs warehousing
customs warehousing arrangements
customs warehousing procedure
customs waterguard service
date for valuation for customs purposes
deferment payment customs system
deficiency in customs agents' performance
definition of value for customs purposes
determination of the value for customs purposes
DG Taxation and Customs Union
Directorate 2 - Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Criminal Matters, Police and Customs
Directorate 3 - Police and Customs Cooperation, Schengen
Directorate for Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Criminal Matters, Police and Customs
Directorate for Police and Customs Cooperation and Schengen
Directorate-General C - Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and Information Society, Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport, Energy
Directorate-General for Competitiveness, Innovation and Research, Industry and the Information Society, the Internal Market, Competition and Customs, Transport and Energy
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
disarray in the customs accounting control
disguised customs duty
documents on customs clearance
drawback of customs duties
drawback of customs duty
EC-Turkey Customs Cooperation Committee
EC-Turkey Customs Union
EC-Turkey Customs Union Joint Committee
electronic customs
electronic customs system
elimination of customs duties
elimination of customs duty
enter the goods under a customs procedure
entry for customs purposes
entry into the customs territory
entry of goods for a customs procedure
EU customs action plan
EU Customs Action Plan to combat IPR infringements
EU Customs Authority
EU Customs Data Hub
EU customs procedure
EU Customs Single Window Certificates Exchange System
European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances
European Union Customs Authority
European Union Customs Data Hub
European Union Customs Single Window Certificates Exchange System
European Union Single Window Environment for Customs
European Union-Turkey Customs Union
EU Single Window Environment for Customs
EU-Turkey Customs Cooperation Committee
EU-Turkey Customs Union
EU-Turkey Customs Union Joint Committee
EU-Türkiye Customs Cooperation Committee
EU-Türkiye Customs Union
EU-Türkiye Customs Union Joint Committee
exemption from customs duties
exemption from customs duty
expeditious customs clearance of goods
export customs procedure
extinction of customs debt
extinguishment of customs debt
foreign customs counterparts
foreign customs enclave
foreign customs territories
frontier customs office
frontier customs office of exit
funeral customs
goal of customs activities
goods brought into the customs territory of the Union
goods declaration for customs transit
goods imported into the customs territory of the Union
goods under customs seal
Green Paper on detection technologies for law enforcement, customs and other security authorities
habitual offender against customs laws
head of customs commissariat
head of customs office
High Level Working Party of the Directors General of Customs
incidence of customs duties
in compliance with the customs declaration
customs duties on exports
Angļu-latviešu nodokļu terminu vārdnīca. — R., RTU, 2006
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