Piektdiena, 24. janvāris
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More resources
Atrasti 246 termini
account for own resources
additional resources
Advisory Committee on Own Resources
Advisory Committee on the Communities' Own Resources
aesthetic resources
allocation of resources
animal resources
available energy resources
balance of gross resources*
balance of labour resources
balance of natural resources
balance part of resources*
*bank resources
base energy resources
biological resources
biological resources of the sea
budgetary resources
Budget Management and Human Resources Unit
*budget resources
claims to resources
collection of own resources
Commission for Natural Resources
Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Committee on the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture
Committee on the Conservation, Characterisation and Utilisation of Genetic Resources in Agriculture
Communities' system of own resources
computer resources
conservation of fisheries resources
conservation of fishery resources
conservation of genetic resources
conservation of marine biological resources
conservation of resources
*control over use of material resources
Convention on centralised customs clearance, concerning the allocation of national collection costs retained when traditional own resources are made available to the EU budget
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources in the South-East Atlantic Ocean
Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea
Convention on the Conservation and Management of the High Seas Fisheries Resources in the North Pacific Ocean
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
Council Decision on own resources
Council Decision on the system of own resources of the European Union
Council Decision on the system of the European Communities' own resources
Council Regulation on the methods and procedure for making available the traditional, VAT and GNI-based own resources and on the measures to meet cash requirements
curative resources
Decision on the system of own resources
decrease of housing resources
definitive uniform arrangements for the collection of own resources accruing from value added tax
depletion of natural resources
DG Human Resources and Security
direct access (electronic resources)
Directive 2010/30/EU on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products
Directorate 1A - Human Resources
Directorate 1 - Human Resources and Personnel Administration
Directorate E – Human Resources and Finance
Directorate E - Human Resources and Finance
Directorate for Human Resources
Directorate for Human Resources and Finance
Directorate for Human Resources and Internal Services
Directorate for Political Structures Financing and Resources
Directorate for Resources
Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security
disk (electronic resources)
dissipation of resources
distributed energy resources
economic resources
economy of resources
edition: electronic resources
Education Resources
efficient allocation of resources
energetic resources
energy resources
Environment and Natural Resources Thematic Programme
equal access to resources for women and men
evaluation of resources
exhausted resources
exhaustion of resources
exploitation of resources
extractive resources
file (electronic resources)
financial resources
Financial Resources Management and Controls Unit
Financial Resources Management Unit
Financial Resources Unit
fisheries resources
fishery resources
fish resources
flora and fauna resources
food resources
*forest resources
forest resources
forest resources assessment
fraud in respect of revenue not arising from VAT own resources
fraud in respect of revenue other than revenue arising from VAT own resources
freezing of economic resources
fresh water biological resources
gene resources conservation
genetic resources conservation
High Level Group on Own Resources
housing resources
human resources
Human Resources and Organisation Unit
Human Resources and Strategic Monitoring Unit
Human Resources Directorate
Human Resources Information System Implementation
Human Resources Planning and Management Unit
Human Resources Service
Human Resources Unit
illegal diminution of the resources of the budget managed by the Union
illegal diminution of the resources of the Union budget
information resources
integrated water resources management
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises
labour resources
labour resources in tourism and leisure areas
*land resources
licence for using natural resources
living aquatic resources
living marine biological resources
living marine resources
living resources conservation
living resources of the sea
local energy resources
loss of traditional own resources
maintenance of housing [resources]
making available of own resources
making available own resources
making own resources available
management of natural resources
management of resources
management of water resources
manpower resources
marine biological resources
marine living resources
marine resources
marine resources conservation
market of production resources
material resources
microbial genetic resources
mineral resources
monetary resources
More resources
Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
natural (or mineral) resources
natural resources
Natural Resources and Environment
nature of the resources
network resources
nonbook resources
non-renewable resources
open educational resources
optimization of resources management
over-exploitation of resources
own resources
own resources account
own resources accruing from value added tax
own resources accruing from VAT
own resources ceiling
Own Resources Decision
own resources of the EU
own resources of the European Union
own resources of the Union
perpetual resources
plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
plant resources
Pooled Resources Unit
power resources
prearranged liquid financial resources
pre-funded resources
primary energy resources
production resources
public resources
Publishing Resources
raw material resources
recycled resources
recreational resources
recreational resources cadastre
recreation resources
Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 on the conservation of fisheries resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures
remote access (electronic resources)
renewable energy resources
renewable resources
replacement of resources
replenishment of the resources of the GEF Trust Fund
reproduction of natural resources
resources of the sea
Resources Unit
resources waste energy
revenue resources
scarcity of resources
scattering of material resources
*science of resources
secondary resources
security of resources
system of own resources of the Community
system of own resources of the Union
soil resources
State power resources reserves
state resources
Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility
straddling fishery resources
Strategic use of resources, smart house
*study of resources
support scheme to promote the use of energy from renewable resources
*surplus of resources
surplus resources
Team Resources
technical resources
Thematic Programme for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources including Energy
to allocate resources
to finance from own resources
to fund from own resources
to safeguard resources
to shift the resources into drug interdiction
tourism resources
traditional own resources
transfer of resources
tropical forest resources
underwater mineral resources
uninhabitable housing resources
unsustainable exploitation of natural resources
unsustainable use of resources
uses (and resources)
utilization of customs resources
*utilization of forest resources
utilization of land resources
utilization of natural resources
*utilization of nature resources
Vice-President for Budget and Human Resources
Vice-President of the European Commission for Budget and Human Resources
waste energy resources
water resources
water resources management
WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge
Working Party on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture
Working Party on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture (Genetically Modified Organisms and other innovations relevant to agriculture)
Working Party on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture (Genetic Resources)
Working Party on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture (GMO and other innovations relevant to agriculture)
Working Party on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture (Plant Breeders' Rights)
Working Party on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture (Seeds, Propagating and Planting Materials)
Working Party on Genetic Resources in Agriculture
Working Party on Own Resources
World Resources Institute
illegal diminution of the resources of the Union budget
illegal diminution of the resources of the budget managed by the Union
nelikumīga līdzekļu samazināšana Savienības budžetā
rechtswidrige Verminderung der Mittel aus dem Haushalt der Union
diminution illégale de ressources du budget de l'Union
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