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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
My account
Atrasti 418 termini
access account
account alias
account authority
account balance
account bill
account book
account breach
*account calculation
account card
account certification
account certification service
account code segment
account consignor
*account credit
account current
account data*
account data
account debit
account discipline*
account document*
account domain
account entry
account expiration
*account for decentralized downputs
account forest
account for own resources
account harvesting
account holder
account information
account information service
account information service provider
account linking
account lockout
account manager
account money
account number
account number portability
account of extraordinary charges
account of extraordinary expenses
account of extraordinary income
account of preceding financial year relating to implementation of budget
account payment
account picture
account policy
account protection
account provider
account reconciliation
account record
account rule
account service
account servicing payment service provider
account set
account statement
account structure
account takeover
account turnover*
acquisitions of non-financial assets account
active account
active contrary account
Active Directory account
active-inactive account
ad account
additive contra account
admin account
administrator account
ads account
advance in current account
advance on account of wages
advance on current account
advertising account
Agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Andorra on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of San Marino on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the automatic exchange of financial account information to improve international tax compliance
aircraft operator holding account
allocated gold account
allocation of primary income account
allowance account
analytical account
annual account
anonymous account
ansver account
*appropriation account
approval of account
auction collateral delivery account
automatic transfer service account
balance account
balance of account
balance of payments on current account
balance on current account
balance sheet account
bank account
bank-account penetration
bank account register
bank account registers interconnection system
bank account registers single access point
basic account
below-line account
beneficiary correspondent account
bilateral account
billing account
blocked account
bridging account
budget account
built-in administrator account
business account
calculation account
capital account
change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers account
cheking account
chequered account
*chequered account
child account
clearing account
closing of account
closing of bank account
collation account
commercial processing for foreign account
Common standard on reporting and due diligence for financial account information
complex cost account
computer account
concentrative-distributive account
consolidated account
consolidation account
content access account
contra account
control account
correspondent account
crawling account
*credit of a special account
crypto-asset account
current account
current account advance
current account balance
current account credit
current account deficit
current account held with the Office
current account of the balance of payments
current account surplus
customer account statement
date of account*
dealing on own account
deferment account
deposit account
destination company account
detail register account
dial-up account
digital euro payment account
Directive 2014/92/EU on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, payment account switching and access to payment accounts with basic features
disbursement account
distribution tax recapture account
doubtful account
downput to account
email account
e-money account
entering in account
EPSO account
escrow account
ESD Compliance Account
ETS AAU deposit account
ETS central clearing account
EU Allocation Account
EU Auction Account
EU Aviation Allocation Account
EU Aviation Auction Account
EU Aviation Total Quantity Account
EU Regulated Entity Auction Account
EU Regulated Entity Total Quantity Account
European account preservation order
European Unit of Account
EU Total Quantity Account
extension on account of distance
external account
external trading platform account
external transactions account
extra-balance account
extract from account
*extract from the account
extraction from account
extract of account
fake account
fax account
fiduciary account
final account
financial account
Financial Account Identifier
first hand account
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
fully qualified account number
functional account
gain and loss account
gateway deposit account
generation of income account
generic account
generic user account
global account
global securities account
Global Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information
global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters
goods and services account
group account
guest account
historical account
holder of account
holding account
imprest account
inactive account
inactive contrary account
individual learning account
individual retirement account
Industry User Manual Part 2: Sign-up and account management
intercompany account
International Bank Account Number
Internet account
inventory account
investment account
investment savings account
year of account*
year of account
joint account
learning account
ledger account
lifelong learning account
limited account
liquidity account
loan account
local account
loro account
main account
main account category
main account code segment
main account derivation rule
managed service account
maritime operator holding account
Microsoft account
Microsoft account logins
Microsoft account manager
missing account analysis
My Account
multi-file account
name of account
national allowance holding account
national holding account
National Tourism Satellite Account
natural account code segment
neglected account
neutral holding gains and losses account
nominal account
nominated bank account
nominated holding account
nominated Union Registry account
nominee account
non-commodity account
nostro account
notes on account
obligation to restore or account for gifts, advancements or legacies
Office 365 account
Office account
offset account
on account
on-account payment
on-account statement
*on-call account
on-call account
online account
on the credit side of the account
open account
opening of account
opening of bank account
operating account
operation account
Operations Account Manager
operator account
operator holding account
opposite account
overcharging an account
overdraft on current account
own account
own account trading
own-account transport
own account transport operation
owner's equity account
own resources account
paid-in subordinated mutual member account
payable-through account
payment account
payment account identifier
Payments Account Directive
payroll account
parent account
partial account
partially qualified account number
permanent account number
personal account
personal account dealing
person holding account
phon[e]y account
player account
POP-enabled account
posting account
Premium account
presentation of account
price to be taken into account in determining the value for customs purposes
principle of unit of account
privatisation certificate account
production account
profit and loss account
provisioned credit card processing account
proxy account
purchase on account
RAS account
real account
regulated entity holding account
regulation account
reliability of account
reliability of account data
replacement account
report server execution account
resource account
responsibility account code segment
rest of the world account
restricted account
revaluation account
revenue account
risk for own account
root account
ROW account
salary account
satellite account
saving account
savings account
secondary distribution of income account
self-account department*
self-provision account
separate account
service account
service for own account
settlement account
shared account
shared user account
share premium account
Sign in with your work or school account
situation with the state social insurance account
synthetical account
System of National Account
Skype account
social account
social media account
source company account
special account
specified account
standard account
Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information
statement of account
statement of (on) the account
stationary installation holding account
statistical account
statutory account
stock account
stop and account
*structure of account
subledger journal account entry
subsidiary account
sum paid out on account
supplementary account
suspense account
tax derogation deletion account
technical account
technical account manager
third country government deletion account
timer account
time-savings account
to account for
to account somebody innocent
to account to tax authorities
to draw money from one's account
to enter a sum to a person’s account — pārskaitīt naudas summu kontā
to exact an account from somebody
to keep a stock-account of goods
to pass an account
to settle account
to settle an account
to square account
to transfer money into an account
to verify account
trading account
trading for own account
trading platform holding account
transfer into account
transport on own account
unallocated gold account
unattended service account
uncollectible account
unilateral account
Union allowance deletion account
Union Deletion Account
*account credit
konta kredīts
кредит счета
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija