Piektdiena, 24. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
OTC drug
Atrasti 214 termini
action plan on anti-drug trafficking
action plan on anti-drug trafficking and organised crime
adverse drug event
adverse drug reaction
anorectic drug
antiarrhythmic drug
antibacterial drug
anticoagulant drug
anticoccidial drug
anti-convulsant drug
anti-dysrhythmic drug
Anti-Drug Coordination Centre for the Mediterranean
anti-drug interdiction law
anti-epileptic drug
antifungal drug
antihistaminic drug
antihypertensive drug
anti-hypertensive drug
anti-inflammatory drug
anti-microbial drug resistance
antiprotozoal drug
antisecretory drug
antiviral drug
clandestine drug laboratory
coccidiocidal drug
coccidiostatic drug
cognitive enhancement drug
cognitive enhancing drug
comparator drug
compassionate drug
controlled drug
Cooperation group to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in drugs
date-rape drug
date rape drug
depressant drug
designer drug
drug addict
drug addiction
drug antagonism
drug awareness
drug candidate
drug carrier
drug cartel
drug checking
drug clearance
drug consumption facility
drug consumption room
drug courier
drug court
drug crime
drug criminality
drug cultivation
drug dealer
drug dependence
drug-detection dog
drug-detection method
drug development
drug driving
drug-drug interaction
drug enforcement
drug epidemiology
drug-free treatment
drug habit
drug-impaired driving
drug incompatibility
drug-induced death
drug interaction
drug interdiction
drug intolerance
drug law offence
drug metabolism
drug monitoring
drug mule
drug pellet
drug plant
drug precursor
Drug prevention and information
drug product
drug profiling
drug-related crime
drug-related death
drug-related harm
drug-related public expenditure
drug-related public nuisance
drug-related treatment
drug repurposing
drug residue
drug-resistance factor
drug resistant bacterium
drug-resistant infection
drug-resistant microbe
drug-resistant organism
drug safety monitoring
drug seizure
drug service
drug syndicate
drug smuggler
drug smuggling by internal concealment
drug smuggling racket
drug smuggling venture
drug-sniffing dog
drug strategy
drug supply indicator
drug supplying countries
drug surveillance
drug swallower
drug-target protein
drug tolerance
drug traffic
drug trafficker
drug trafficking
drug trafficking cartel
drug-trafficking criminal organisation
drug transit area threat
drug treatment
drug-treatment client
drug user
drug utilisation study
ecstasy-type drug
efforts against drug traffickers
EU roadmap to fight drug trafficking and organised crime
European action plan against drug trafficking
European Database on drug precursors
European Drug Report
European Information Network on Drugs and Drug Addiction
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
extensively drug-resistant bacterium
first-in-class drug
Food and Drug Administration
food-drug interaction
gastrointestinal prokinetic drug
gateway drug
generic drug
hallucinogenic drug
herbal drug
herbal drug preparation
high-risk drug use
human enhancement drug
illegal drug
illicit drug
illicit drug cultivation
illicit drug trade
illicit drug trafficking
immunological veterinary drug
immunosuppressant drug
immunosuppressive drug
injectable drug
injection drug user
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Internet-based drug treatment
intravenous drug abuser
intravenous drug user
IV drug user
legal drug
licit drug
money and drugs are tools of drug trade
multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
multiple drug abuse
multiple drug resistance
multiple-drug resistant bacterium
narcotic analgesic drug
narcotic drug
narrow therapeutic index drug
neuromuscular blocking drug
new synthetic drug
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
open drug scene
ophthalmic drug
ophthalmology drug
opioid analgesic drug
opioid drug
orphan drug
OTC drug
over-the-counter drug
paediatric drug
pattern of drug use
performance and image enhancement drug
performance enhancing drug
pharmaceutical drug
poly-drug use
potential drug carrier
prescription drug abuse
primary drug
problematic drug use
problem drug use
prokinetic drug
psychoactive drug
psychotropic drug
quaternary anticholinergic drug
recreational drug
recreational drug use
reimbursable drug
respiratory drug
response to drug use
resuscitation drug
secondary drug
seized drug
sympathomimetic drug
synthetic drug
small-scale drug smuggling
supervised drug consumption facility
target countries for drug smuggling
to operate drug smuggling
to organize drug smuggling
to shift the resources into drug interdiction
to track drug smugglers
UN International Drug Control Programme
United Nations Drug Control Programme
United Nations International Drug Control Programme
United States Food and Drug Administration
US Food and Drug Administration
Veterinary Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Activities
veterinary drug
generic drug
ģeneriskās zāles
generisches Arzneimittel
médicament générique
EuroVoc tēzaurs v4.12 © Eiropas Savienība, 2020
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