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Jūs meklējāt
P.T.O. power
Atrasti 879 termini
absorptive power
abuse of power
acoustic[al] power
acoustic power
AC power cord
active power
active power balance
active power consumption
active power flow analysis
active power frequency response
active power output
active power over Ethernet injector
active power plan
active power relay
active power reserve
active power transmission
active-state power management
Active State Power Management
actual wheel power
adhesive power
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
Advanced Power Management
advisory power
aggregate power flux-density
air drag power
Air Power
alternating current [power] supply
alternating current power transmission
alternative maritime power
apparent power
arc power
atomic power engineering
automatic power down
auxiliary power
auxiliary power consumption
auxiliary power plant
auxiliary power unit
auxiliary transformer of a power station
available power
average laser output power
average output power
average power
backup power
backup power supply
balance of fuels and electric power
balance of labour power
balance of power
balancing power
balancing power market
bargaining power
base-load power station
base power
block heat and power plant
brake power
brake-power assist unit
breaking power
broadband over power lines
budgetary power
buyer power
buying power
bulk power system
calculated power
calorific power
carrier power
carrier power of a radio transmitter
carrier power (of a radio transmitter)
central receiver solar power plant
charging power
coal-burning power plant
coal-fired power plant
coal-fired power station
coal power plant
coefficient of power
cogeneration power plant
co-generation power station
colouring power
Combined cycle power plant
combined cooling, heating and power generation
combined heat and power
combined heat and power generation
combined heat and power installation
combined heat and power plant
combined heat and power production
combined heat and power station
combined production of heat and power
Committee on the conditions governing imports of agricultural products originating in third countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station
complex power
compressed air power station
compressed-air power station
computational power
computer power
computing power
concentrated solar power
concentrating solar power
condensing power station
conditional stability of a power system
Conference of European regions with legislative power
constant current power supply
constant voltage power supply
consumed power
controlling power range
conventional thermal power station
countervailing buyer power
critical power unit
current power supply
DC-connected power park module
DC-connected power park module owner
decision power
decommissioning of power stations
delegate power of signature
delegation of power
delivered power
demand response active power control
demand response reactive power control
demand response very fast active power control
demand side response active power control
demand side response reactive power control
demand side response very fast active power control
dependent power operation
design power
development of power
development of strength, power-building
diesel power station
direct current-connected power park module
direct current [power] supply
direct current power transmission
directional sound power
directly exported thermal power
discretionary power
display power management system
dissipated power
distortion power
disturbance power
draft power
drawbar power
drive [power] shaft
driving power
early intervention power
earning power
economic power
effective isotropically radiated power
effective monopole radiated power
effective monopole radiated power (e.m.r.p.) (in a given direction)
effective monopole radiated power in a given direction
effective power
effective power input
effective radiated power
effective radiated power (e.r.p.) (in a given direction)
effective radiated power in a given direction
electrical power
electrical [power] distribution system
electrical power engineering
electrical power network
electrical power system
electrical [power] system
electrical power supply
electric power
electric power consumption
electric power delivery contract
electric power distribution
electric power for everyday necessities*
electric power for lighting*
electric power generation
electric power generator
electric-power industry
electric power plane
electric power system
electric power station
electric power storage
electric power substation
electric power supplier
electric power supplies*
electric power supply
electric [power] supply
electric [power]supply
electric power train
[electric] power transmission
electric power transmission
emergency power system
emergency power station
emergency [power] supply
emergency power supply
engine drag power
engine power setting
equivalent isotropically radiated power
equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p)
equivalent isotropic radiated power
equivalent power flux-density
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants
European Wind Power Action Plan
European Wind Power Package
excess power
exchange power control
excitation power
Executive Power
expenditure of power
exposure of a telecommunication line to a power line
external electric power
external power supply
fall in purchasing power
fan power input
fault interruption rating power
feedthrough power
fire radiative power
firm power
fluid power cylinder
fossil-fired power plant
fossil fuel power plant
frequency restoration power interchange
fuel consumption of power chain-saw machine
full power conversion
full-power steering equipment
full-power tapping
fusion power plant
gas turbine power station
gender power relation
general power
geothermal power plant
geothermal power station
geothermoelectric power
germinating power
germination power
gross head of hydroelectric power station
gross output of a power station
ground power unit
guaranteed sound power level
hand power saw
hard power
heating power
heat power
heat power engineering
heat-power equipment
hiding power
high-head hydroelectric power station
high-power capacitor
high-power recharging point
high-power transformer
high reliability power line
high-voltage power line
high-voltage [power] network
high-voltage power transmission
hybrid electric power train
hybrid power plant
hybrid power system
hybrid power train
hydraulic energy; hydraulic power
hydraulic power
hydraulic power engineering
hydraulic power system
hydroelectric power
hydroelectric power plant
hydroelectric power station
holdihig power
idle power
idle-state power management
IGCC power plant
imbalance netting power interchange
impelling power
Independent Power Transmission Operator
inherent stability of a power system
input power
in situ sound power
installed power
installed power generation capacity
installed wind power capacity
installed wind power generation capacity
instantaneous power
insufficiency of purchasing power
integrated gasification combined cycle power plant
integrated power system
[integrated] water [power] development
interchange power
interconnected power system
interconnection of power systems
interference power
internal power supply
interruptible power
isolated generating [power] station
judicial power
leakage power
legal power
legislative power
licence of power supply
license of power supply
lifting power
load power
local public power system
loss of purchasing power
low-head hydroelectric power station
low power [electric] motor
low-power motor
low-power processor
low-power semiconductor
low-power transformer
Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA) network
low-power wide-area network
low power wide area network
low-voltage power line
low-voltage [power] network
low-voltage power transmission
magnetohydrodynamic power station
magneto-hydro-dynamic thermal power station
manifesto for entrepreneurship & innovation to power growth in the EU
man power
market power
maximum 30 minutes power
maximum HVDC active power transmission capacity
maximum net power
maximum power
maximum power point tracking
maximum power relay
maximum take-off power
mean power
mean power of a radio transmitter
mean power (of a radio transmitter)
mechanical (power) drive
medium head hydroelectric power station
mental power
MHD power station
micro-combined heat and power
Microsoft Power BI Report Server
Microsoft Power Platform
Microsoft Power Query for Excel
minimum HVDC active power transmission capacity
minimum power relay
[minimum usable power flux-density]
misuse of power
mobile power station
model[l]ing of electric power system
motive power
nail holding power
natural power
naval power
net head of hydroelectric power station
net output a power station
net power
noise power
noise-power-distance data
noise-related power parameter
no-load power
nominal power
non-interruptible power
non-power system fault tripping
normal power recharging point
nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania
nuclear energy; atomic power
nuclear power
nuclear power engineering
nuclear power plant
nuclear power station
nuclear [thermal] power station
ocean or sea temperature gradient power station
Office 365 Enterprise E5 without Power BI and Cloud PBX
Office 365 Government E5 without Power BI and Cloud PBX
Office 365 Government E5 without Power BI and PSTN Conferencing
off-peak power rate
offshore power grid
offshore power park module
offshore wind power
OnNow Power Initiative
onshore power supply
onshore wind power
open/closed cycle magnetohydrodynamic electric power generation
operating power
operator with significant market power
osmotic power
outnumbering (power-play)
output power
own power of decision
parity of purchasing power
Partner Center Analytics app for Power BI
peak envelope power
peak envelope power of a radio transmitter
peak envelope power (of a radio transmitter)
peaking power
peak[-load] power station
peak-load power station
peak load time of power system
peak power
peak power current
peak power density
peak-power limitation
peak power rate
percussion power press
personalisation of power
physical power flow
photovoltaic power system
political power
pondage power station
power amplifier
power and heat generation
power and heating plant
power and heat supply
power-angle curve
Power Apps Checker
Power Apps Community
power assisted brake
power-assisted braking system
mechanical (power) drive
mechanischer Antrieb
Mašīnbūves terminu vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 2004
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