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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
PnP device
Atrasti 533 termini
absolute pointing device
accessory for a medical device
accessory for an in vitro diagnostic medical device
accumulating device
acoustic deterrent device
acoustic harassment device
active device
active implantable medical device
active implanted medical device
active matrix display device
active medical device
add-on device
a device for climbing a bee-tree
adjusting device
aeration device
aerial lift device with insulating arm
AI-based medical device
AI-enabled medical device
AI-powered medical device
air-operated (pneumatic) clamping device
alarm device
alcohol interlock device
all-in-one [device]
alternate device
analog device
anchored fish aggregating device
angular diameter of the retro-reflecting device
annual ring measuring device
anti-climbing device
anti-misfuelling device
anti-pollution device
anti-pumping device
anti-skid device
anti-tampering device
arc control device
artificial feedback device
artificial intellect enabled medical device
asynchronous I/O device
asynchronous I/O device interface task
assistive device
attached device
audible warning device
aural warning device
automatic brake adjustment device
automatic brake wear adjustment device
automatic handling device
automatic loading-unloading device
auxiliary device
auxiliary release device
Azure Active Directory Device Registration
Azure AD Device Registration
backup device
band saw soldering device
basic instrument training device
belt pre-loading device
belt weighing device
biometric capture device
book-keeping automatic device
brake input device
breath-alcohol testing device
Bring Your Own Device
'Bring Your Own Device' principle
brushing device
brush pressure device
cable detecting device
calligraphic display device
calling device
camera-monitor device
capacitor tripping device
card interface device
Cast to Device
caul inserting device
centering device
certified device
chain delivery [device]
character display (device)
charge-coupled device
charging device
choice device
cylinder clamping device
clamping device
clarifier device
closing device
cochlear device
cold-start device
cold starting device
collar protective device
complete device
complex programmable logic device
compound device
computing device
connected device
control device
control device object
copying device
correcting device
Counter Improvised Explosive Device
counting device (apparatus)
cross-device action
current collecting device
custom device
custom-made device
dangerous device
data medium protection device
dedicated measurement device
dedicated metering device
deexciting device
default device
defeat device
delivery device
demonstration device
desktop device
detecting device
device allocation
Device as a Service
device attack
Device Bay
device CAL
device channel
Device Channels
device claim
device conflict
device connectivity and configuration data
device control character
device controller
device coordinate
device deficiency
device discovery
device driver
Device Encryption
device fingerprint
device fingerprinting
device font
device for automatic adjustment
device for indirect vision
device for micro/nano-scale integration
device for self-testing
device for threading-in of paper
device group
Device Guard signing
Device Health
device ID
device identity
device independent bitmap
Device Information Retrieval
device interface task
device management
Device Manager
device metadata package
Device Metadata Retrieval Client
device name
device pairing
device partnership
device password
device PC
Device performance & health
Device Portal
device refurbisher
device security
device sharing
device space
device stack
Device Stage
device type
Device Trade-In
device transformation
device used for in vitro diagnosis
device writeback
dialling device
digital device
directed-beam display device
display device
distance control device
drifting fish aggregating device
drip-proof electrical device
dump device
dust-proof electrical device
dust removing device
dust-tight electrical device
e-book device
edge cutting device
edge device
electrical device
electricity storage device
electronic achromatizing device
electronic counter device
electronic device
electronic signature creation device
emergency tripping device
emptying device
energy storage device
Enhanced Small Device Interface
Enhanced Storage device
etching device
ethaust-cleaning device
excess flow limiting device
explosion-proof electrical device
explosive device
external device
falsified device
falsified medical device
feeding device
field programmable logic device
film lettering device
fingerprinting device
fish aggregating device
fish aggregation device
fitness tracking device
fixed-trip switching device
fixing device
flaring device
flight simulation training device
Flight Training Device
focusing device
folding device
force threshold of control device
frontline device profile
front underrun protection device
front underrun protective device
fuze setting device
gasifuing device
gateway device
generic device group
ghost device
gymnastic device
glove input device
glove output device
GPS device
Graphical Device Interface
graphic display (device)
graphics device interface
grip device
gripping device
handheld device
hand-held impact device
handling device
hand-operated device of robot control
headless device
healthcare wearable device
hearing aid device
heating device
hybrid receiving device
hoisting device
hopper-type loading device
household electrical device
Human Interface Device
hunting device
illicit device
illuminating device
illuminating surface of a lighting device
illuminating surface of a light-signalling device other than a retro-reflector
imaging device
implantable device
imprinting device
improvised explosive device
incendiary device
indicating device
indoor device
indoor electrical device
inertia control device
input device
input-output device
insertion device
integrated device electronics
intelligent device
interlocking device
intermediary network device
interpreter (device)
invasive device
invasive respiratory device
investigational device
in vitro companion diagnostic device
in vitro diagnostic medical device
IoT device
IoT device attack
IoT device management
IP encryption device
IVD companion diagnostic device
IVD medical device
jar seed-feeding device
Kiosk device profile
knurl device
lateral flow device
lateral protection device
legacy device
lifting device
lifting-in device
lighting device
lightning protective device
light-signalling device
load distribution device
loading device
locator device
locking device
lock-off device
logical device
logic device
LPT device
machine learning-enabled medical device
MAM without device enrollment
managed device
marine mammal excluder device
marine mammal exclusion device
marine mammal mitigation device
marking device
mass storage device
matrix cleaning device
measuring device
mechanical brake-cylinder locking device
mechanical locking-up device
mechanical switching device
medical device
Medical Device Coordination Group
Medical Device Shortages Steering Group
medical wearable device
memory device
memory device (unit)
metering device
Microsoft 365 device management
Microsoft Store device app
ML-based medical device
ML-enabled medical device
ML enabled medical device
mobile device
mobile device attack
mobile device forensics
mobile device management
Mobile Device Management for Office 365
Mobile Operator Open Mobile Alliance - Device Management
monitor device
multifunction device
multilevel device
narrow quoin device
network device discovery
non-slip device
normalized device coordinate
NOx after-treatment device
nuclear explosive device
numbering device
OBFCM device
Office 365 ProPlus (device)
Office enabled device
off-line device
offline device
on-board fuel and/or energy consumption monitoring device
on-board fuel and electric energy consumption monitoring device
on-line device
online device
optically variable device
orb input device
Organic Light Emitting Device
outdoor electrical device
output device
overcurrent blocking device
overhang measuring device
overspeed device
paginating device
paper feed[ing device]
paper fluff extractor (removal device)
paper hanging device
paper tensioning device
paper unreeling device
parallel control device
parallel device
particulate after-treatment device
passive flue gas heat recovery device
passive flue heat recovery device
passive matrix display device
PCMCIA device
performance of a device
peripheral device
personal protective device
photo-finish device
photovoltaic device
pick device
Pitot-based flow device
pneumatic loading device
PnP device
pointing device
pollution control device
portable device
portable electric shock device
position indicating device
Power user device profile
preloading device
primary storage device
print device
printer's mark (emblem, device)
printing device
Privileged access device profile
programmable device
programmable logic device
programming arrangement (device)
proportioning device
protective device
protective device of a capacitor voltage transformer
PV device
quadding device
qualified electronic seal creation device
signature creation device
electronic signature creation device
paraksta radīšanas ierīce
elektroniskā paraksta radīšanas ierīce
Einheit zur Erstellung elektronischer Signaturen
elektronische Signaturerstellungseinheit
dispositif de création de signature
dispositif de création de signature électronique
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