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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
RF channel
Atrasti 162 termini
adjacent channel
admission channel
allotment radio frequency channel
analog channel
assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel
backward channel
backward LAN channel
B channel
Beta Channel
byte multiplexer channel
blade channel
cable channel
calcium channel
calcium channel blocker
calcium channel-blocking agent
calling channel
carrier[-current] channel
channel (in computer conferences)
channel agility
channel bank
channel capacity
channel catfish
channel coding
channel concentrator
Channel Disti - ProWins
channel dues
Channel fixed link
channel flow
channel glass
channel (hypermedia and multimedia)
channel induction furnace
Channel Islands
channel moderator
channel number
channel of commerce
channel of distribution
channel of infection
channel of standard accuracy
channel partner
Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit
channel shaped glass
channel site
channel spacing
channel switching centre
channel wiring
commodity channel index formula
communication channel
communications channel
communications channel controller
cooling channel
covert channel
credit channel
cross-channel connection
cross-Channel Fixed Link
Current Channel
Current Channel (Preview)
data channel
D channel
DDE channel
dedicated channel
delivery channel
delivery channel type
Dev Channel
device channel
digital channel
diplomatic channel
direct channel
Direct Memory Access channel
dynamic data exchange channel
Dynamics 365 Channel Integration Framework
DMA channel
double channel simplex
dual channel system
duplex channel
Eastern Channel
Eastern English Channel
eduction channel
English Channel
Entitlement Channel
escalation channel
forward channel
forward LAN channel
frequency channel
half-duplex channel
input-output channel
interleaved channel
Interregional Group "North Sea-English Channel"
YouTube channel
leased channel
legal channel
lightning channel
line assembling channel
logical channel
Long Term Servicing Channel
M2 ion channel blockers
magazine channel
manure channel
meteorological operational channel
Micro Channel Architecture
Monthly Channel (Targeted)
Monthly Enterprise Channel
Mozambique Channel
multiplexer channel
noisy channel
North Sea-English Channel Interregional Group
omni-channel business
omni-channel distribution
optical fibre [communication] channel
orthogonal co-channel
outlet channel
p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor
*principle of one-channel payments
private channel
(radio frequency) channel
rain gutter channel
receiving channel
recording channel
Release Preview Channel
reporting channel
reverse channel
reverse LAN channel
RF channel
sales channel
second adjacent channel
secondary channel
secure channel
selector channel
Semi-Annual Channel
Semi-annual Channel (Pilot)
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview)
shared channel
Sicily Channel
single channel simplex
single coordinated channel
slug channel
slurry channel
social channel
sodium channel
sodium channel blocker
standard channel
take-home channel
telemetering channel
telephone-type channel
the Channel
to channel funds
to choose between the red and the green channel
transmission channel
Treaty concerning the construction and operation by private concessionaries of a channel fixed link
two-channel amplifier
update channel
vane channel
virtual channel
voice channel
voltage-dependent channel
voltage-dependent ion channel
voltage-gated calcium channel
voltage-gated ion channel
voltage-gated sodium channel
shared channel
koplietojams kanāls
общий канал
freigegebener Kanal
canal partagé
A Teams channel to which team owners can add users (people) who aren't members of the team.
Microsoft Terminology 2023. Entry from the Microsoft Language Portal.
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