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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
Surface ADR - PC
Atrasti 319 termini
abrading surface
actual surface
adhesion surface
adjoining surface
alkalis for wood surface treatment
ampholytic surface active agent
anionic surface active agent
apparent surface
articular surface
artificial surface
asphalt surface
attack surface
attack surface reduction
attack surface reduction rule
autonomous surface vehicle
autonomous surface vessel
back surface reflector
basic profile of surface
bearing surface
bending of a plate to a cyindrical surface
bleeding (as a defect on the surface)
bleeding-through (as a surface defect)
body of surface water
body surface area
boundary surface
bounding surface
braking surface
burial on the surface of the earth beneath a barrow
cationic surface active agent
chamfered surface
charge surface density
cylindrical surface
cleavage surface
closed surface
closed-up surface
colour surface
concave surface
concealed surface
conducting surface
conical surface
constant-pressure surface
contact surface
cooling surface
curing of wood-surface
curve-based (curved) surface
curved surface
cutting surface
datum surface
design surface
display surface
drying surface
earth's surface
emitting surface
epidermal surface
equipotential surface
European Patrol Class Surface Ship
evaporation surface
external surface
flaked surface
flight control surface
frame surface cooled electric machine
friction surface
frontal surface
frontal upper surface
furniture surface
geometrical surface
glued surface
good surface water status
granular surface
grinding surface
gripping surface
growing surface
guided surface-to-air missile
heat absorbing surface
heat-exchange surface
heating surface
heating [surface] area
heat-reflecting surface
heat-releasing surface
heat-transfer surface
helical (helicoidal) surface
hidden surface
high-adhesion surface
hollow surface grinding
homogenous surface
illuminating surface
illuminating surface of a lighting device
illuminating surface of a light-signalling device other than a retro-reflector
illuminating surface of a retro-reflector
imposing stone (surface, table)
inland surface waters
inside surface temperature
isobaric surface
isostatic surface
isothermal surface
yield surface
jointing surface
landing surface
light emitting surface
low-adhesion surface
machined surface
Medium-sized Semi-Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Medium size Semi-Autonomous Surface Vehicle
mesosaprobic surface water
Metal surface treatment products, including galvanic and electroplating products
Microsoft Surface Hub
middle surface of a plate
middle surface of a shell
natural opposite surface of a burin
neutral plane (surface) (elasticity)
nominal surface
non-abrasive surface (futsal)
non-ionic surface active agent
non-metal-surface treatment product
nucleus surface
occupational hygiene upon surface treatment
outside surface temperature
paper surface
phreatic surface
plate surface
polished surface
predicted environmental concentration in surface water
pressure on the internal surface of a hole
printing surface
processing time (for surface improvement with fluids)
radiant surface
radiating surface
reciprocating-table horizontal-spindle surface grinding machine
regression surface
retouched surface
road surface
root surface
rotary table vertical-spindle surface grinding machine
roughing of the surface
rough surface
rubbing surface
ruled surface
runway surface condition
saw kerf surface
scraping of wood surface
sea-surface temperature image receiver
selective surface
shearing surface
shear surface
sheltered surface
sliding surface
smoked surface
smoothing (of the surface)
soaking of wood surface
specific surface
specific surface energy
specular surface
spherical surface
standard isobaric surface
step surface
strain surface
striking surface
supporting surface
surface active agent
surface active substance
Surface ADD - HUB
Surface ADD - PC
Surface ADR - HUB
Surface ADR - PC
surface analysis
Surface Arc Mouse
surface area
surface blue
Surface Book
surface breakdown
surface burning
surface (case) hardening
surface charge
surface chart
surface check
surface chemistry
surface coat
surface coating
surface combatant
surface condenser
surface condition
surface conduction
surface contamination
surface count
surface course
surface crack
surface current
surface decoration
surface defect
surface density
Surface Diagnostic Toolkit
Surface Dial
surface discharge
surface effect
surface element
surface energy
Surface Exchange of Services
surface expansion
surface (external) broaching
surface filtration
surface find
surface finish
surface finishing
surface finish tester
surface flaking
surface flood
Surface for Business
surface forces
surface form
surface fungi
surface gauge
surface ga[u]ge
surface grinding
surface-grinding machine
surface hardness
Surface Headphones 2+ for Business
surface heat exchanger
surface heat treatment
Surface Hub
surface impoundment
surface impregnation
surface interaction
surface irregularities
surface irrigation
surface irrigation system
Surface Keyboard
surface knot
surface layer
Surface Laptop
Surface Laptop 4 for Business
surface level of head water
surface level of tail water
surface load
surface longline
surface loss[es]
surface mining
surface mycelium
surface modeling
surface modification
surface moisture content
surface-mounted conduit
[surface] normal
surface of constant curvature
surface of contact
surface of fracture
surface of friction
surface of revolution [of rotation]
surface of sliced particles
surface of strains
surface ozone
surface passivation
Surface Pen
surface planer
surface plate
surface pressure
Surface Pro
Surface Pro 4
surface profile
surface profile deviation
surface profile tolerance
surface property
surface quality
surface quenching
surface record
surface resistance
surface retouch
surface rigidity
surface roughening
surface roughness
surface roughness symbol
surface runoff
surface run-off water
surface ship
surface silvering
surface speed
surface stability
surface storage
surface strength
surface stress
surface stripping
surface structure
Surface Studio
surface temperature
surface tension
surface-type outlet
surface-to-air guided missile
surface transport
surface treating agent
surface treatment
surface treatment by fuming
surface vessel
surface viscosity
surface water
surface water body
surface water status
surface wave
surface waviness
surface Web
surface wind
take-off surface
tapping surface
type-bed surface
tooth flank surface
tooth reference (pitch) surface
tooth tip surface
toroidal surface
total body surface area
transient surface
unruffled surface
visible surface
visible surface contamination
water of surface origin
wax polishing as surface treatment
wear surface
work[ing] surface
adjoining surface
pieguļošā virsma
прилегающая поверхность
angrenzende Oberfläche
Mašīnbūves terminu vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 2004
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