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Turn in
Atrasti 193 termini
About turn! , About face!
back dive with half turn roll over
back shears with half turn
back turn (twist)
back uprise in mixed grip and rear vault over bar with ¼ turn to swing forward in hang
back uprise to straddle under hands with half (½) turn to swing forward in hang
back uprise with reverse grip hecht vault over bar with half (½) turn to forward swing in hang
back-up with half (½) turn to rear vault and catch
backward fly-away with full turn
backward scissors with half turn
backward turn
base turn
Burda turn
carriage turn-round
cartwheel with half turn (handspring sideways with ¼ turn)
cast half turn to support
cast half turn to upperarms support
circling of both legs with half turn
circling of one leg with half turn to front leaning support
Diamidov (turn)
double-turn rope jumping
double-turn table
drop kip with half turn to swing forward in upperarm hang
eagle with half turn
elbow support scale and half turn, body horizontal and raise slowly to handstand
flank turn
forward scissors with full turn
forward scissors with half turn
free hip circle backward and hecht dismount with full turn
free hip circle backward with half turn to handstand in reverse grip
free hip circle backward with half turn to undergrasp to backward swing in mixed grip
free hip circle rearways forward with full turn swing backward in hang
free hip circle rearways forward with half turn (½) to swing forward in hang
free jump over LB with half turn to catch HB, kip up to front support
free knee circle backward half turn to front support
front half turn (parallel bars)
front salto piked with half turn
front somersault with full turn (front full)
front somersault with half turn dismount, forward fly-away with half turn (barani, barani off)
front somersault with half turn (front half turn)
front up(rise) with half turn
front vault half turn from handstand
full turn (twist), pirouette
gate turn-off thyristor
glide on LB, kip with full (half) turn to catch HB in hang
grand Czech circle (turn) in back hang
grand Russian turn
half seat circle backward(s) in over-grasp extend legs forward and half turn to swing forward in mixed grasp
half turn from backward (forward) swing
turn in
to handspring full turn out vault
half turn jump pirouette from backward swing
half turn left (right) (military)
half turn to rear support
half turn travel
handspring, followed by salto forward piked with half turn vault
handspring with full turn vault
handspring with half turn vault
handstand turn
hang inlocate and turn forward to inverted hang
head kip with half turn through momentary handstand to front leaning support
hock swing backward, half turn to front support
hollow backward fly away with full turn
hollow forward fly away with half turn
impetus turn
in locate forward to inverted hang and straddle (with half turn) to dismount
in turn
inwards turn
Yamashita (vault) with full turn
Yamashita (vault) with half turn
jump and
turn in
the air, turning leap
jump backward to neck stand and kip upward push-off and half turn through momentary handstand to front leaning support
jump backward with half turn and pike (tuck) front somersault
jump backward with half turn through momentary handstand to roll forward
jump backward with half turn to still handstand
jump (leap, pirouette) with full turn
jump squat over LB to catch HB, immediate underswing half turn
jump turn
jump with half turn
kicking (shot) on the turn
kick one half turn
knee turn-pike
Left face! , Left turn!
long fly with half turn vault
loop off with half turn
multi-turn conversation
natural pivot turn
natural promenade turn
natural turn
near-end handspring with full turn vault
near-end hecht vault with full turn
neck kip with half turn through momentary handstand to front leaning support
neck kip with half turn to still handstand
one-and-a-half (turn)
one-half circle (turn), half twist
turn in
to handspring - one-half turn off to rear stand, vault
open impetus turn
open turn
outward turn
pike open full turn somersault dismount
pike (piked) handspring vault with full turn
pike (piked) handspring vault with half turn
pivot turn
pivot (turn-around) shot
quarter-turn beit drive
quarter turn left (right)
quater turn
turn in
reverse pivot turn
reverse turn
Right turn! , Right face!
roll backward to momentary handstand and half turn push-off to still handstand
round turn trading
runway turn pad
salto backward with full turn to outer cross stand
salto backward with half turn to outer cross stand
salto forward with full turn to outer cross stand
salto forward with half turn to outer cross stand
salto (somersault) with full turn (twisting salto)
salto with half turn
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seat circle forward and extend then full turn to swing backwards in mixed grasp
sharpness of turn
short-circuit turn
side turn
side-turn rearward
slide kip-up with half turn to swing forward in upper arm hang
solo turn
spot turn
spot turn to left
spot turn to right
spring coil (turn)
squared (closed) end turn
standing jump with turn
straddle over LB with half turn to recatch HB
straddle turn on the beam
straddle vault with half turn to catch
straight back(ward) somersault with half turn, step out
swing over, turn-over, overthrow
to turn down
to turn out
to turn the blind eye (on)
to turn to
turn about (around)
turn a log
turn around horizontal axis
turn around longitudinal axis
turn backward, drop back
turn backward (upward circle, shoot-up) to support, back shoot-up to support, hip -swing-up
turn camera off
turn camera on
turn[ed letter]
turn flank to support frontways on the pommels
Turn in
turn[ing] table
turn in
turn in
to the straight
turn off
turn-off time
turn-off voltage
turn of thread
turn on
turn on one's heels
turn on the balls of both feet
turn-on time
turn-out leg
turn-over (parallel bars)
turn-over table
turn-over (trampoline)
turn-pike (trampoline)
turn radius
turn-round of containers
turn switch
turn table
turn to left
turn to right
turn-to-turn fault
turn-to-turn short-circuit
turn-to-turn test
undercast with half turn
uprise backward with half turn
uprise forward with half turn
uprise forward with half turn to handstand
*waggon turn-over time
wagon turn-round time
work-end-turn forme
wrap and full turn to catch
wrap and half turn to catch
side turn
pagrieziens sānis (90º) (b/b)
поворот в сторону
Drehung seitwärts
Sporta spēļu vārdnīca
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