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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
VAT base
Atrasti 266 termini
100 Base-T
10 Base 2
10 Base 5
10 Base T
abrasive base paper
acid/base balance
acid-base balance
Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
AGI equity base
Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area
allowance for growth and investment equity base
aperitif with a wine or alcohol base
arrowhead with a two-pronged base
assessment base
asset base
axle base
bayonet base
base, basic (starting score) mark
base 2
Base 64 encoding
base address
base address register
base amount
base analogue
base area
base backup
base calendar
base capacity
base card
base case
base catalysed hydrolysis
base-catalysed hydrolysis
base catalog
base character
base circle
base-circle diameter
base cycle time
base class
base coat
base coating
base component
base currency
base currency unit
base current
base curve
base data type
base earth station
base emission control strategy
Base Emission Strategy
base energy resources
base erosion
base erosion and profit shifting
Base Filtering Engine
base flow
base forecast
base form of morpheme
base functional component
base functional component (BFC)
base functional component type (BFC type)
base heliport
base (horsehair, yarn)
base year
base language
base (leather strip, birch bark)
base level of erosion
base line
base-line value
base load
base load operation
base-load power station
base load set
base measure
base metal
Base metals and alloys
base money
base number
base object
base of a blade
base of a comb
base of a harpoon
base of a mould
base of a notation
base of a quiver
base of a stirrup
base of a tooth
base of code
base [of machine]
base of taper-turning attachment
base of the crown
base of turnover taxation
base oil
base pair
base pair substitution
base pair substitution mutagen
base paper
base period
base pitch
base plate
base power
base practice (BP)
base price
base prospectus
base rate
base-rate fallacy
base rate fallacy
base register
base row
base ship
Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
Base Smart Card CSP
base standard
base station
base station controller
base style
base stock
base stream
base substitution mutagen
base swap
base table
base tangent length
base tariff
base-tax on disposable beverage packaging
base type
base transceiver station
base transmission station
base tunnel
base turn
base unit
base value
base vehicle
base with a groove
base with a rope-hole
bearing base
Brenner Base Rail Tunnel
Brenner Base Tunnel
capital base
VAT base
common consolidated corporate tax base
common consolidated corporate tax base-based own resource
common corporate tax base
common EU tax base
consolidated tax base
construction base*
cross-section of a base
crown base
data base
deployment operating base
depreciation base
Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area
differential base
Directory Information Base
domestic corporate tax base
double-base diode
double-base transistor
Eastern Sovereign Base Area
economic base
EU Air Deployable Operating Base
European defence technological and industrial base
European Hull Data Base
file base name
floating-point base
forward operating base
forward operations base
foul line (base line)
free base
fuel base
fundamental (base) skills
fuse base
fuse-base contact
genetic base
Genome Data Base
Global anti-Base Erosion Model Rules
harmonised VAT assessment base
VAT base
hyperlink base
home base
Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
income tax base
industrial base
information base
initial base font
integrated data base
jig base
K base
knowledge base
Knowledge Base Manager
knowledge base population
lamp base
land base value
land base value of city
legal base
long-patch base-excision repair
lubricant base stock
lumber pile base width
maintenance base
Management Information Base
manufacturing base
master (base) cylinder
Michler’s base
Microsoft Knowledge Base
military base
mixed base notation
mixed base (numeration) system
monetary base
morphia base
multilingual knowledge base
naval base
nitrate base
own resource based on the common consolidated corporate tax base
peak width at base
photographic base paper
power base*
power base
printing base
purchase-and-sale base
rapid response data base
reduction in tax base
reduction of tax base
regulated asset base
regulatory asset base
Reid's base line
repair base*
research base
reserve base
resource base
risk knowledge base
robot base
routing information base
sales base
short-patch base excision repair
shoulder (of a base)
Sovereign Base Areas
Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom in Cyprus
Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Cyprus
spade-shaped base
spade-shaped base with sloping shoulders
spade-shaped base with straight shoulders
switch base
taxable base
taxable base for national social insurance contribution
tax assessment base
tax base
tax-base erosion
technological base
the base score per apparatus in competition Nr 2 is 9,4 point
time base
to calculate the tax base
to cap the size of the assessment base
to cap the
VAT base
to form the tax base
tooth base
tooth base shape
total volatile base N
total volatile base nitrogen
to update the data base
Trusted Computing Base
uniform tax base
VAT base
VAT assessment base
VAT base
Western Sovereign Base Area
wheel base
wheel base (fully loaded)
wood-base laminate
lumber pile base width
krautnes pamata platums
ширина подштабельного фундамента
largeur du parc à bois
J. Dolacis. Mežtehnikas, mežsaimniecības un kokrūpniecības terminu vārdnīca. — R., 1998
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija