Otrdiena, 24. decembris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
X ray testing
Atrasti 285 termini
accelerated testing
acceptance testing
accessibility testing
accuracy testing
active testing
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, concerning Genetic Testing for Health Purposes
ad hoc testing
adversarial testing
agile testing
AI testing and experimentation facility
alpha testing
alternative method to animal testing
alternative to animal testing
American Society for Testing and Materials
American Society for Testing Materials
analytical testing
animal testing
antimicrobial sensitivity testing
antimicrobial susceptibility testing
API (Application Programming Interface) testing
artificial intelligence testing and experimentation facility
ash testing
asymptomatic testing
attack-based testing
audit testing
back-to-back testing
backup and recovery testing
bedside testing
behaviour testing
bench testing
beta testing
big-bang testing
black box testing
bottom-up testing
boundary value testing
branch testing
breath-alcohol testing device
business driven testing
business process-based testing
capability testing
capacity testing
cement-testing sand
central testing platform
certificates on vaccination, testing and recovery
checklist-based testing
chemical testing
CLI testing
coast-down testing
combinatorial testing
compability testing
compliance testing
component integration testing
component testing
Computer Aided Software Testing
concurrency testing
condition testing
confirmation testing
conformance testing
conformity to EU-type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing
consultative testing
context-driven testing
continuous testing
control flow testing
conversion testing
COVID-19 self-testing kit
COVID-19 testing material
Critical Testing Processes
database integrity testing
data-driven testing
data flow testing
DBS testing
decision condition testing
decision table testing
decision testing
design based testing
development testing
device for self-testing
direct stress testing machine
dynamic testing
documentation testing
dried blood spot testing
e-Codex central testing platform
efficiency testing
embedded testing
emissions testing
emission testing
end–to–end testing
equivalency testing
European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing
European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing
European Partnership on Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing
exhaustive testing
experience-based testing
exploratory testing
factory acceptance testing
failover testing
fire retardant testing
functionality testing
functional testing
fuzz testing
genotoxicity testing
GUI testing
hardness testing
hardware-in-the-loop testing
hardware-software integration testing
high-stakes testing
impulse testing voltage
incremental testing
independence of testing
insourced testing
installability testing
integration testing
interface testing
internal production control plus supervised product testing
International Rules for Seed Testing
International Seed Testing Association
interoperability testing
invalid testing
in vitro testing
in vivo testing
isolation testing
keyword-driven testing
laboratory proficiency testing
laboratory testing
labour market testing
lacquer testing
LCSAJ testing
link testing
liquid-penetrant testing (defectoscopy)
load testing
load testing tool
logic-coverage testing
logic-driven testing
magnetic-particle testing (defectoscopy)
Main Battle Tank Simulation and Testing Center
maintainability testing
maintenance testing
material testing
means of testing
mechanical testing
mechanical testing [of material]
methodical testing
method of statistical testing
migration testing
model-based testing
modified condition decision testing
modified multiple condition testing
module testing
monkey testing
multi-layer testing
multiple condition testing
mutation testing
near-patient testing
negative testing
neighborhood integration testing
network penetration testing
non-animal testing
non-destructive testing
nondestructive testing
non-functional testing
non-testing method
N-switch testing
n-wise testing
operational acceptance testing
operational profile testing
operational testing
outsourced testing
pair testing
pairwise integration testing
pairwise testing
paper testing
partition testing
passive testing
path testing
pendulum impact testing machine
penetration testing
pen testing
performance testing
performance testing tool
physical testing
pill testing service
point-of-care testing
pooled testing
portability testing
Practical guide 10: How to avoid unnecessary testing on animals
pre-clinical testing
predictive testing
procedure testing
process- compliant testing
process-compliant testing
proficiency testing
Quality Assurance and Testing Service
quality assurance of final product inspection and testing
random testing
reactive testing
real-world testing plan
recoverability testing
regression-averse testing
regression testing
reliability testing
requirements-based testing
risk-based testing
robustness testing
safety testing
scalability testing
scripted testing
security testing
security testing tool
seed testing laboratory
sequential testing
sequential testing strategy
session-based testing
single-dose toxicity testing
site acceptance testing
syntax testing
system integration testing
system qualification testing
system testing
software coding and testing
software qualification testing
software testing
stability testing
standard-compliant testing
statement testing
state testing commission
state transition testing
static testing
statistical testing
stepwise testing approach
stress testing
stress testing tool
stripline testing
structural testing
substance-tailored exposure-driven testing
substantive testing
suitability testing
testing and experimentation facility
testing and quality control laboratory
testing apparatus
testing commission
testing data
testing device
testing exception
testing image
Testing in Production
testing in real-world conditions
testing instrument
testing kit
testing laboratory
testing machine
testing material
testing method
testing methodology
testing of adhesive
testing program(me)
testing proposal
testing rate
testing regime
testing strategy
testing strip
testing supplies
thread testing
threat-led penetration testing
tiered testing
tiered testing strategy
tooth-line testing
top-down testing
tuberculin testing
ultrasonic testing
unit testing
usability testing
use case testing
user acceptance testing
user story testing
user testing
vehicle compliance testing
virtual testing method
volume testing
white-box testing
X-ray testing
non-functional testing
nefunkcionālā testēšana
нефункциональное тестирование
ISTQB Standard Glossary of Terms used in Software Testing v2.2, prot. Nr. 466 (06.11.2015)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
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