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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
air defence
Atrasti 225 termini
air defence
Ad hoc Working Party on defence industry
air and missile defence
air defence
air defence
Air Defence
Identification Zone
air defence
anti-missile defence
area of defence
ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting
ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus
Atlantic Centre for Defence Capacity Building
Baseline Study on Integrating Human Rights and Gender into the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy
break through defence (to)
catch the defence off guard (in disarray)
CBRN Defence Training Range
Central European Defence Cooperation
Chief of Defence
Chief of the Defence Staff
civil defence
Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy Compact
cyber defence
cyber defence technology roadmap
classification for defence reasons
Climate Change and Defence Roadmap
Code of Conduct on Defence Procurement
collapsing man-to-man defence
collective defence
College of Auditors of the European Defence Agency
combination (combined, mixed) defence
Commissioner for Defence and Space
Committee on Security and Defence
common defence
common defence policy
common European defence policy
Common European Security and Defence Policy
common security and defence policy
Common Security and Defence Policy Symposium
common Union defence policy
Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
Coordinated Annual Review on Defence
Council of Defence Ministers
critical defence technology
Defence Academy
Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
Defence and Related Security Capacity Building Initiative
defence as to the merits
defence budget
Defence Capabilities Initiative
defence capability
defence capacity
Defence Capacity Building Initiative
defence equipment
defence expenditure
defence in depth
defence industrial capability
defence-industrial capability
Defence Industrial Reinforcement Instrument
defence industry
Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic
Defence Innovation Hub
defence innovation network
defence intelligence
Defence Joint Procurement Task Force
defence land
defence line
defence manufacturing capability
Defence of Democracy package
Defence of Space Assets
defence of the title
Defence Package
defence planning
defence planning process
defence policy
defence procurement
defence product
defence readiness
defence-related product
defence service provider
defence spending
defence statistics
defence supply chain
DG Defence Industry and Space
diamond-and-one mixed defence
digital self-defence
Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space
electronic defence
EU Cyber Defence Coordination Centre
EU cyber defence policy
EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework
EU council of defence ministers
EU Defence Innovation Scheme
EU policy on cyber defence
European Civil Defence Mechanism
European Cyber Defence Policy
European Defence Action Plan
European Defence Agency
European Defence Airlift Training Academy
European Defence Airlift - Training Academy
European Defence Capability Consortium
European Defence Community
European Defence Equipment Market
European Defence Fund
European Defence Industrial Development Programme
European defence industrial strategy
European Defence Industry Programme
European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act
European Defence Investment Programme
European defence policy
European Defence Research and Innovation Network
European Defence Research and Technology strategy
European Defence Standardisation Committee
European Defence Standardization Information System
European Defence Standards Reference System
European defence technological and industrial base
European Defence Union
European Framework Cooperation for Security and Defence Research
European Security and Defence Academy
European Security and Defence College
European Security and Defence Identity
European Security and Defence Policy
European Space Strategy for Security and Defence
European Union Preparatory Action on Defence Research
European Union Space Strategy for Security and Defence
EU Security and Defence Partnership Forum
EU space strategy for security and defence
eventual framing of a common defence policy
expose one's defence
faking in defence
fixed defence
flat four man defence
floating defence
Foreign Affairs Council (Defence)
Friends of the Presidency Group (European Defence Fund)
Friends of the Presidency Group (European Defence Industrial Development Programme)
full-court defence
full-court man-to-man pressing defence
full spectrum defence capabilities
gap between attack and defence
get past opposing defence
Green Paper - Defence procurement
air defence
Guidelines on the Use of Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief
half-court man-to-man press defence
high defence (player' stance)
High Representative and Head of the European Defence Agency
Hub for European Defence Innovation
immune defence
Implementation Plan on Security and Defence
incomplete defence
individual defence
inherent right of individual or collective self-defence
inherent right of self-defence
instrument for the reinforcement of the European defence industry through common procurement
integrated air and missile defence
joint defence acquisition
joint defence investment
joint defence procurement
keyhole (pivot area) defence
air defence
legal defence
legitimate self-defence
loose defence
make defence show
air defence
match-up (flexing) zone defence
mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
middle defence position
Military and Civil Defence Assets
mixed (combination) defence
mixed defence system
air defence
air defence
air defence
mutual defence clause
National Congress for the Defence of the People
NATO Defence Planning Automated Support System
NATO Defence Planning Process
non-defence goods
non-defence product
operation having military or defence implications
passing-on defence
air defence
People’s Defence Force
People's Defence Units
Policy Framework for Systematic and Long-Term Defence Cooperation
Preparatory Action on Defence Research
professional defence body
progressive framing of a common defence policy
progressive framing of a common Union defence policy
right of defence
rights of the defence
Secretariat of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence
Security and Defence
security and defence commitments
shifting man-to-man defence
Short-term Defence instrument on common procurement
single market for defence
Single Market for Defence products and services
system defence plan
systems of organized defence
smart defence
SME Trade Defence Helpdesk
Special Adviser on European Defence and Security Policy
specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States
spread the defence
Steering Board of the European Defence Agency
Strategic Compass for Security and Defence
Strategic Compass on Security and Defence
strategic defence
strategic Defence Roadmap
Subcommittee on Security and Defence
Sub-Table on Security and Defence
torpedo defence net
tough defence
Trade Defence Helpdesk for SMEs
trade defence instrument
transition from defence to attack
Ukraine Defence Contact Group
Union's preparatory action on defence research
White Paper on the Future of European Defence
zone defence
People’s Defence Force
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