Piektdiena, 3. janvāris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
annual set
Atrasti 195 termini
age determination by annual rings
annual account
annual accounts
annual activity report
annual adjustment
annual adjustments of the financial framework
annual allocation report
annual appropriations
annual assessment
annual audit
*annual average number of workers
annual balance
annual balance sheet
annual budget
Annual budget and finance
Annual Burden Survey
annual capability
annual capacity
annual commitment
annual competition
annual consumption
annual contract for ordered labour
annual contribution income
annual control report
annual coupe
annual cut
annual cutting
annual data
*annual demographic rate
annual earnings
Annual Efficiency Ratio
annual emission allocation
annual emission allocation unit
annual emission report
annual emissions report
Annual Employment Performance Report
annual energy consumption
annual energy demand
annual energy performance
annual-equivalent AE (i)
annual EU human rights report
Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory
annual exemption
annual fee
annual felling
annual figures
annual financial clearance
annual financial statement
annual forest rent
annual general meeting
annual governance check-up
annual growth
annual growth rate
Annual Growth Survey
annual holidays
annual implementation report
annual income
annual income tax return
annual installment
annual instalment
annual instalments
annual internal audit report
annual yearly capacity auction
annual yield
annual leave
annual management and performance report
Annual Management and Performance Report for the EU budget
annual maximum demand
Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors
Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank
Annual Meeting of the EIB's Board of Governors
annual (monthly) exemption
annual output
annual peak
annual-peak load
annual percentage rate
annual percentage rate (APR)
annual percentage rate of charge
annual performance clearance
annual performance report
annual pheasant's-eye
annual plan
annual plant
annual policy strategy
annual possibility
annual premium
annual price
annual production rate
annual profit
Annual Progress Report
Annual Progress Report of the Strategic Compass
Annual Progress Report on the Implementation of the Strategic Compass for Security and Defence
annual quantitative reporting template
annual quantitative template
annual quarterly capacity auction
annual rainfall
annual receipts
annual refund
annual report
annual reporting cycle
Annual Report of the European Investment Bank
annual report on equality between women and men
annual report on gender equality
annual report on the Cohesion Fund
Annual Report on the Situation of Fundamental Rights in the EU
Annual Report on the Strategic Compass Implementation
Annual Report Preparation
annual requirement
annual revenue
annual revenues
Annual Review Conference
annual ring
annual ring boundary
annual ring chronology
annual ring latewood
annual ring measuring device
annual ring structure
annual ring width
annual ring width measurement
annual Rule of Law Report
annual safety report
annual salary
annual sales
annual session
annual set
Annual Single Market Report
annual solidarity pool
annual strategic foresight report
Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy
Annual Sustainable Growth Survey
annual tax
annual [tax] return
annual turnover
annual VAT return
annual verified emissions
annual volume
annual wage
annual work programme
auditing of the annual accounts
*average annual capacity
*average annual capacity decrease
average annual daily traffic
average annual output
average annual rates
average annual salary*
average annual wage*
bark annual ring
Commission's annual work programme
Comprehensive Annual Report on CSDP and CSDP-related Training
Comprehensive Annual Report on ESDP and ESDP-related Training
Coordinated Annual Review
Coordinated Annual Review on Defence
current annual increment
density and annual-ring width
EIB Annual Report
end-of-year balance annual audit
EU Annual Regional and Local Barometer
European annual asylum and migration report
European Green Bond annual allocation report
infra-annual statistics
in tax-sheltereds of annual revenues
inter-annual flexibility mechanism
joint annual report
mean annual temperature
mean annual wind speed
Member State annual turnover
multi-annual contract
multi-annual European e-Justice action plan 2009-2013
multi-annual indicative planning document
multi-annual national control plan
multi-annual performance monitoring
Multi-Annual Strategic Plan
Multi-Annual Strategic Plan for Customs
Multi-Annual Strategic Plan for electronic Customs
multi-annual targets
paid annual leave
preliminary annual amount of emission allowances
preliminary annual number of emission allowances
*premium for annual results
random annual surveillance
Regulation (EU) 2018/842 on binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States from 2021 to 2030 contributing to climate action to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement
relative annual economies
Semi-Annual Channel
Semi-annual Channel (Pilot)
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview)
Semi Annual Risk Assessment
share annual return
sub-annual statistics
third multi-annual programme for Union action in the field of health
to file an annual return
Union annual turnover
verified annual emission report
verified annual emissions report
average annual salary*
average annual wage*
gada vidējā [darba] alga
плата заработная среднегодовая
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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