Pirmdiena, 23. decembris
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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
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artificial gas
Atrasti 103 termini
Administrative Arrangement on Artificial Intelligence for the Public Good
artificial ageing
artificial area
artificial body section
artificial casing
artificial classification
artificial consciousness
artificial cooling
artificial daylight
artificial feedback device
artificial feeding
artificial fibre
artificial food colouring
artificial forest culture propagation
artificial fuel
artificial gas
artificial general intelligence
artificial honey
artificial immunity
artificial insemination
artificial intellect ecosystem
artificial intellect enabled medical device
artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, Intranets and Innovative Digital Solutions Unit
Artificial Intelligence Act
artificial intelligence as a service
artificial intelligence chip
artificial-intelligence-dedicated supercomputer
artificial intelligence ethics
artificial intelligence factory
Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age
artificial intelligence literacy
artificial intelligence product
artificial intelligence system
Artificial Intelligence Skills Alliance
artificial intelligence testing and experimentation facility
artificial land
artificial language
artificial leather
artificial light
artificial lighting
artificial load
artificial mains network
artificial meat
artificial moral agent
artificial neural network
artificial neutral point
artificial pollution test
artificial pruning
artificial pumice stone
artificial-reality engine
artificial reforestation
artificial regeneration
artificial reproduction
artificial resin
artificial restocking
artificial rubber
artificial seeding
artificial selection
artificial stone
artificial strategies test
artificial sun
artificial superintelligence
artificial surface
artificial thinning
artificial title
artificial transfer of profits
artificial ventilation
artificial vision
artificial water body
asymmetric artificial network
bio-inspired artificial system
Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence
Council of Europe convention on artificial intelligence, human rights, democracy and the rule of law
Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
direct current charging artificial network
directive on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence
distributed artificial intelligence system
embodied artificial intelligence
ethical artificial intelligence
Ethics Guidelines for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
European Artificial Intelligence Board
European Artificial Intelligence Office
European Artificial Intelligence-on-demand-platform
explainable artificial intelligence
G7 Hiroshima Process on Generative Artificial Intelligence
general artificial intelligence
general purpose artificial intelligence model
general purpose artificial intelligence system
generative artificial intelligence
Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence
High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence
human-centred artificial intelligence
human-centric artificial intelligence
International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence
narrow artificial intelligence
network of artificial neurons
Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age
trustworthy artificial intellect
weak artificial intelligence
Working Group on Labour market impacts of digitalisation, robotics and artificial intelligence
Working Group on Legal Questions related to the Development of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Working Group on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
artificial gas
rūpnieciskā gāze
Latviešu-angļu enerģētikas un elektrotehnikas vārdnīca — 2006
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