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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
associated company
Atrasti 264 termini
a captive insurance company
acquired company
acquiring company
activity company
affiliated company
aggregated emissions data at company level
*apartment rental co-op company
asset management company
Asset Management Company Blueprint
associated company
audit(ing) commission of the joint- stock company
auditing company
aviation company
bank holding company
big technology company
bogus company
brass plate company
bubble company
*business company
capital company
capital-intensive company
carrier's liability insurance company
cash-in-transit company
cash management company
CIT company
close company
commandite company
commercial rate / corporate rate / company rate
common investment company
Company Action Level
Company administrator
company app
company being acquired
company buyout
company car
company card
company chain
company constituted under civil law
company data
company definition
company earnings
company growth
company hub
company income tax
company in difficulties
company key
company law
Company Law Attachés
company limited by guarantee
company limited by shares
company listed on a stock exchange
company management hierarchy
company member
company modernisation
company museum
company name
company network
company pension
company phone
Company Portal
company profits
company research
company-specific dataset
company-specific process
company structure
company tax
company taxation
company taxes
company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges
company-wide option
company with share capital
composite insurance company
conduit company
contractor company
controlled foreign company
controlled foreign company tax regime
*co-op company
daughter company
destination company account
direct ownership of a company
direct-writing company
division of company
domestic company
dot-com company
dual resident company
dummy company
electricity transmission company
energy saving company
energy service company
EU Company Certificate
EU parent financial holding company
EU parent mixed financial holding company
European company
European Company Statute
European Company Survey
European private company statute
European public limited-liability company
exporting company
fabless company
finance company
financial holding company
financial technology company
FinTech company
First Company Law Directive
forwarding company
front company
full service travel company
gas transmission company
guarantee company
Hewlett-Packard company
high technology company
holding company
holding company of third-country insurance and reinsurance undertakings
IMO unique company and registered owner identification number
in-company training
incorporated company
incorporation of the company
innovative company
insurance company
InsurTech company
inter-company agreement
inter-company cooperation
intermediate company
intermediate insurance holding company
internal company
intra-company pricing
Intune Company Portal
investee company
investment company
invoice company
joint company
[joint-]stock company
joint stock company
[joint]-stock company
joint-stock company
joint-stock company administration
joint-stock company founder
letterbox company
limited company
limited [liability] company
limited liability company
limited liability company (Ltd)
limited liability company sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību
listed company
loan and saving company
loan company
mailbox company
management company
mandatory company-specific process
marketing company
member of company
mid-cap company
middle-capitalisation company
mixed-activity holding company
mixed-activity insurance holding company
mixed-economy company
mixed financial holding company
mixed investment company
mixed-ownership company
money box company
mother company
multinational company
mutual insurance company
mutual loan company
Netherlands Development Finance Company
Nippon Electric Company
non company-wide option
non-cooperating company
non-listed company
non-mandatory company-specific process
nonpublic company
nullity of a company
offshore company
off-the-shelf company
one-person company
payment company
payroll company
paper company
parent company
parent financial holding company in a Member State
parent mixed financial holding company in a Member State
personal investment company
private company
private company limited by shares
private investment company
private [limited] company
private limited company
private limited liability company
private sector company
public company
public company limited by shares
public limited company
public limited company (plc)
public limited liability company
publicly listed company
publicly traded company
public utilities company
pure industrial holding company
quoted company
receiving company
recipient company
registration of a company
RegTech company
reinsurance company
related company
report at company level
resident company
retail energy sales company
road construction and repair company
scale-up company
services company
share company
shelf company
shell company
shipping company
simplified joint stock company
single-member company
single member private limited company
single-member private limited liability company
sister company
small mid-cap company
source company account
spin-off company
spin-out company
spun-off company
start-up company
state joint-stock company
statement company
state-owned company
*statute company
Statute for a European Private Company
Statute for a European public limited-liability company
statutory company
stevedoring company
stock company
subsidiary [company]
subsidiary company
supermarkets company
telephone company
tower company
trade company
transferring company
transnational company agreement
transport company
trust and company service provider
trust company
trust or company service provider
ultimate parent company
umbrella company
Union parent financial holding company
Union parent mixed financial holding company
unlimited company
unlisted company
utility company
virtual company
wholly owned subsidiary company
Working Party on Company Law (Accounting)
Working Party on Company Law (Accounting and Statutory Auditing)
Working Party on Company Law (Cross-border Mergers)
Working Party on Company Law (Second Directive)
Working Party on Company Law (Shareholders' Rights)
zombie company
[joint]-stock company
akciju sabiedrība
Angļu-latviešu muitas terminu vārdnīca — R., Jāņa sēta, 1997.
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