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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
audit log
Atrasti 193 termini
activity audit
ad campaign audit
audit log
African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
annual audit
annual internal audit report
appropriate audit evidence
Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
audit (in networking)
audit activities
Audit and Control Management Server
audit approach
audit assurance
audit authority
audit board
Audit Board of the European Investment Fund
audit body
audit brief
audit certificate
audit client
Audit Committee
Audit Committee of the EIB
Audit Committee of the European Investment Bank
audit compendium
audit conclusion
audit conclusions
audit coverage
audit criteria
audit diagram
audit enquiry
audit evidence
audit evidence: competent relevant reasonable (economical)
audit expert
audit fatigue
audit field
audit findings
audit functions
audit hold
audit(ing) commission of the joint- stock company
audit institution
audit log
Audit log
audit mandate
audit manual
audit mode
audit objective
audit of accounts
audit of compliance of computer system with laws, regulations, and guidelines
audit of computer economy and efficiency
audit of computer system data
audit of computer system security
audit of expenditure
audit of return
audit of revenue
audit opinion
Audit Panel
audit plan
audit policy
audit preview
audit procedure
audit procedures
audit program
audit programme
Audit Progress Committee
Audit Quality Control Committee
audit recommendations
audit report
audit risk
audit role
audit sample
audit scope
audit service
audit software
audit sphere
audit standard
audit standards
audit strategy
audit task
audit team
audit techniques
audit testing
audit tool
audit trail
Carribean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
certification audit
clinical audit
closure audit
Code of Conduct for the Members of the Audit Committee of the EIB
combined audit
Commissioner for Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud
Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud
Common Audit Service
Community eco-management and audit scheme
complete audit
compliance audit
Comprehensive Audit (both regulatory/financial audit and performance value-for-money audit)
Computer assisted audit techniques
computer-assisted audit techniques
computer-system audit
concluding audit
configuration audit
conformity audit procedure
Customs Audit Guide
desk audit
due diligence audit
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
EDP audit
EIF Audit Board
end-of-year balance annual audit
energy audit
environmental audit
European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions
European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
ex ante audit
external audit
external audit body
field audit
financial audit
financial statement audit
findings of the audit
gender audit
general audit
Generally accepted audit standards
Generally accepted government audit standards
improving audit techniques
independent audit
independent audit body
initial audit engagement
integrity audit of computer system effectiveness
internal audit
internal audit capability
internal audit function
internal audit progress committee
Internal Audit Service
Internal Audit Unit
International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions
International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions
IT audit
joint audit
Joint Audit Committee
Joint Audit Programme
audit log
management audit
national audit body
National Audit Bureau
office audit
operational audit
Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions
participatory gender audit
performance audit
performance audit (economy, efficiency, effectiveness)
post-audit (a posteriori)
post-clearance audit
pre-audit (a priori)
pre-authorisation audit
principal audit officer
regularity audit
relevant audit evidence
reliable audit evidence
road safety audit
sampling audit
security audit
security audit trail
selected audit
self-audit questionnaire
senior audit officer
single audit
system-based audit
systems audit
skills audit
social audit
South Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions
statutory audit
sufficient audit evidence
Supreme Audit Institution
tax audit
tax field audit
third-country audit entity
to audit accounts
to carry out an audit
to carry out audit
to conduct an audit
to conduct audit
to execute audit
to perform an audit
to perform audit
value-for-money audit
waste audit
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
Starptautiskā Augstāko revīzijas iestāžu organizācija
Valsts kontroles izstrādāti termini
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