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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
available capacity
Atrasti 418 termini
absorption capacity
absorptive capacity
act in an advisory capacity
acting in an advisory capacity
actual capacity
adaptation capacity
adaptive capacity
additional capacity
adequate capacity
adjustment capacity
administrative capacity
adult lacking capacity
advisory capacity
aggregate capacity
air traffic control capacity
air traffic flow and capacity management
allocated capacity
amount of capacity
annual capacity
annual yearly capacity auction
annual quarterly capacity auction
Atlantic Centre for Defence Capacity Building
autonomous capacity
available capacity
*average annual capacity
*average annual capacity decrease
average crop capacity
balancing capacity
base capacity
bearing capacity
binding capacity allocation phase
blotting capacity
booked capacity
breaking capacity
breaking capacity test
budgetary capacity
buffer capacity
buffering capacity
bundled capacity
bundled capacity products
Capacity & Continuity
capacity allocation
capacity-allocation mechanism
capacity-allocation procedure
capacity bid
capacity booking platform
capacity building
Capacity building for Roma civil society and strengthening its involvement in the monitoring of national Roma integration strategies
Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency
capacity building in support of development and security for development
Capacity Building in Support of Security and Development
Capacity-building in the East Africa Region Working Group
capacity calculation
capacity calculation approach
capacity calculation methodology
capacity calculation process
capacity calculation region
capacity calculation time-frame
capacity ceiling
capacity charge
capacity conversion service
capacity credit
capacity delivery
capacity development
*capacity factor
capacity factor
capacity fade
capacity for innovation
capacity for labour
capacity for work
capacity hoarding
capacity load
capacity loss
capacity management
capacity management module
capacity market
capacity mechanism
capacity object
capacity of container
capacity of melting pot
capacity of railway infrastructure
capacity of stocks*
capacity of territory
capacity of the recreational territory
capacity planning
capacity planning object
capacity pricing methodology
capacity procurement optimisation function
capacity provider
capacity ratio
capacity remuneration mechanism
capacity request
capacity reservation
capacity reservation contract
capacity right
capacity test
capacity testing
capacity throughput
capacity to act
capacity to bear debt
capacity to contract
capacity to dispose of property upon death
capacity to exercise rights
capacity to have rights and obligations
capacity to inherit
capacity to integrate new members
capacity to make a disposition of property upon death
capacity to marry
capacity use
capacity utilisation
capacity utilization factor
cargo capacity
[cargo-]carrying capacity
carrying capacity
carrying capacity of crane
carrying capacity of rolling bearing
carrying capacity ratio
certificate of capacity to marry
certificate of legal capacity to marry
channel capacity
child protection and protection of the adult lacking capacity
cyber capacity building
cybersecurity capacity building
cylinder capacity
climbing capacity
CO2 injection capacity
competitive capacity
computer storage capacity
concentration of counterbalancing capacity by issuer/counterparty
container capacity
contracted capacity
contractual capacity
cooling capacity
coordinated capacity calculator
coordinated net transmission capacity
coordinated net transmission capacity approach
core responsiveness capacity
criminal capacity
crop capacity
cross zonal capacity
daily capacity
daily standard capacity product
day-ahead capacity
day-ahead capacity auction
deadweight capacity
declaration of lack of capacity
declared capacity
declared capacity for heating
Defence and Related Security Capacity Building Initiative
defence capacity
Defence Capacity Building Initiative
designed capacity
determination of capacity
digester capacity
disaster response capacity
discharge capacity
dryer capacity
drying capacity
drying chamber capacity
drop in crop capacity
ecological capacity
ELA's capacity building strategy
electrolyser output capacity
electrolysis capacity
energy capacity
engine capacity
Enhanced Response Capacity
Enhanced Response Capacity Programme
*equipment capacity
equipment capacity
*established capacity
EU Cancer Treatment Capacity and Capability Mapping
EU Capacity Building Mission in Niger
EU Cyber Capacity Building Board
EU Cyber Capacity Building Network
EU Laboratory capacity index
EU Rapid Deployment Capacity
European Emergency Response Capacity
European fishing fleet capacity
European Humanitarian Response Capacity
European Labour Authority's capacity building strategy
European Space Situational Awareness capacity
European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia
European Union Mission on Regional Maritime Capacity Building in the Horn of Africa
excess capacity
exchange of balancing capacity
executive capacity
existing capacity
explicit capacity allocation
export capacity
extra capacity
extra high load capacity
extra load capacity
farming capacity
fattening capacity
field capacity
filled to capacity
financial capacity
financing capacity
finite capacity
firm capacity
first reception capacity
fiscal capacity
fishing capacity
fishing capacity ceiling
fishing capacity management
fishing fleet capacity
fleet capacity
fleet capacity ceiling
flow-based capacity calculation methodology
forced vital capacity
forward capacity allocation
full load of production capacity
gender capacity building
germinative capacity
Global Forum on steel excess capacity
guaranteed capacity
hardening capacity
harmonised capacity calculation methodology
heat absorption capacity
heat capacity
high-capacity boiler
high-capacity burner
hydrating capacity
hourly capacity
implicit capacity allocation method
in a personal capacity
increase in capacity
increasing the crop capacity
incremental capacity
incremental capacity process
incremental capacity project
individual capacity
infrastructure capacity
innovation capacity
innovative capacity
installed capacity
installed capacity of consumer
installed generation capacity
installed power generation capacity
installed wind power capacity
installed wind power generation capacity
institutional capacity
institutional capacity for gender mainstreaming
integration capacity
intelligence capacity
interconnection capacity
interest capacity
interruptible capacity
interrupting capacity
in their individual capacity
in their personal capacity
intraday capacity
yearly capacity
yearly standard capacity product
yield capacity
labour capacity index of efficiency
large capacity container
legal capacity
legislative capacity
lending capacity
lifting capacity
lifting capacity of crane
limited capacity
limiting breaking capacity
limiting cycling capacity
LNG facility capacity
load-bearing capacity
loadbearing capacity of floor (US)
load capacity
load-capacity index
load capacity of a journal (friction) bearing
load capacity reserve
load-carrying capacity
[load-]carrying capacity
load[-carrying] capacity
load carrying capacity
load carrying capacity of sleeve bearing
long-term capacity optimisation
loss-absorbing capacity
loss-absorption capacity
low-capacity boiler
low-capacity burner
low-capacity establishment
low-capacity game-handling establishment
low-capacity slaughterhouse
making capacity
management of fishing capacity
manufacturing capacity
manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies
market capacity
material capacity
maximum capacity
maximum HVDC active power transmission capacity
memory capacity
metal capacity
Microsoft Viva Insights Capacity
minimum HVDC active power transmission capacity
mismatched unbundled capacity
moisture capacity
monthly capacity
monthly standard capacity product
nameplate capacity
net transmission capacity
Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation
net-zero technology manufacturing capacity
new capacity
nominal capacity
official capacity
operational capacity
optimizing on capacity
overload capacity
*paid for capacity
paying capacity
parenting capacity assessment
Parliamentary Support and Capacity Building Unit
passenger-carrying capacity
passenger holding capacity
peak[ing] capacity
physical activity (capacity)
planned capacity
planned crop capacity
plant capacity
Power BI Premium Capacity Metrics
power capacity
power carrying capacity
Premium Capacity Metrics
printed sheet capacity
production capacity
production capacity factor
protection of an adult lacking capacity
pumping capacity
quarterly capacity
quarterly standard capacity product
railway infrastructure capacity
rated capacity
*rated capacity
rated heat output capacity
Readmission Capacity Building Facility
reception capacity
recovery capacity
reducing capacity
redundant capacity
register capacity
remaining capacity
reproductive capacity
rescEU capacity
reserve capacity
residual work capacity
restaurant capacity
reverse-flow capacity
risk-bearing capacity
rupturing capacity
scheduled [production] capacity
seating capacity (stadium)
secondary capacity booking platform
sentient capacity
sequencing capacity
short-circuit breaking capacity
short-circuit making capacity
simultaneous capacity allocation
Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity
soil carbon sequestration capacity
spare capacity
specific capacity
specific-heat capacity
specific heat capacity
standard capacity product
station capacity
status and legal capacity of natural persons
steam capacity
storage capacity
storage yard capacity
swelling capacity
switching capacity
tank capacity
taxable capacity
taxpaying capacity
technical capacity
thermal capacity
thermal overload capacity
Timetable Redesign for Smart Capacity Management
tyre load capacity
to act in an undercover capacity
to be packed to capacity
total capacity
total capacity fade
total loss-absorbing capacity
total loss-absorbing capacity term sheet
tourism industry carrying capacity
to work in the capacity of
transfer of balancing capacity
transmission capacity of a line
transmission capacity of a link
transport capacity
unallocated capacity
unbundled capacity
*underloaded capacity
unused capacity
average crop capacity
vidējā ražība
средняя урожайность
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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