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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
axe head
Atrasti 332 termini
aid intensity per head
air-floating head
arms overhead, hands above head
available [pressure] head
band head-saw
banging head on wall
barbed three-edged head
beam head
beast-head ends
bent knee squat, arms raised above the head
bent wrench for hexagon-socket head screws
bipyramidal tanged head
bolt head
boring head
broad fabric head ornament
casing-head petrol
cask head
cast head
casting head
cheese-head screw
cylinder head
cylinder head drill
clasp the hands behind the head
cleaning head width
cluster head
cone head rivet
conical head
countersunk-head screw
coupling head
covering for the back of the head
cross-rail head
cross section of a head (point)
cup-shaped head with a central spike
cutter block (head)
cutter head
cutting head
data at head of title
department head (US)
deputy head
deputy head of unit
design of the head
dividing (index[ing]) head
dynamic [pressure] head
domed head
dome head bolt
double button with a conical head
double-head box wrench
double-head wrench
drill head
drill[ing] head
drop head
dropped head
duck of the head
duplex head moulding machine
ear-head pin
electric [switching] ga[u]ge head
embossing head
engraving head
erase head
erasing head
fabric head ornament
face-mill type cutter head
fail to adjudicate on a specific head of claim
faulty position of the feet (hands, head)
femoral head
fixed head disk
flat-disc head
flat head
flying head
floating head
flower head
forearm head stand
frame cross-head shaft
frame-saw blade head
from above (over, behind) head
gear-cutting head
gib head taper key
gravity [pressure] head
gross head of hydroelectric power station
gross [pressure] head
haft head
hammer head
harpoon (head)
head/disk assembly
head (and-hand) balance, headstand
head and shoulders slumped down
Head and shoulders usually with drapery
head -balance walk
head bander
head beam
head box
head bridge
head coach
head column
head conservator (US)
head couch
head covering
head crash
head cutting
head decoration
head-end controller
head-end remodulator
head fake
head forest-guard
head gap
head (guide) word
head (hair) ornaments
head (headed) a goal
Head-Head with or withaut neck no drapery
head height
head impact
Head Injury Criteria value
head judges' panel
head kip to crouch position
head kip with half turn through momentary handstand to front leaning support
head lettuce
head loading zone
head loss
head margin
head (master) judge
Head Mounted Display
head-mounted display
head of a beam
head (of a boot)
head of a club
head of a fibula
head of agricultural holding
head of a key
head of a mace
head of a nail
head of an expedition
*head of an index
head of a pile
head of a pin
head of a shank
head of customs commissariat
head of customs office
head of delegation
head of delegation (chef of mission)
head of department
head of entry*
head office
head office taxation rules
head office taxation tax return
head of government
head of household
Head of Mission
head of sector
head of State
head of State or Government
*head of statistic index
head of stores (GB)
head of the Delegation
head of the excavation
head of the femur
head of the holding
head of unit
head-on collision
head-on impact
head ornament
head ornament of a strip of leather bound in metal
head ornament of a twist
head ornament of bronze rings
head ornament of spirals
head ornament of spirals with spacers
head parking
head pass
head performance criterion
head piece
head product
head receiver
head-related transfer function
head restraint
head rivet
head rule
head shield
head stick
head switching
head tax
head the ball (to)
head the ball with jumping
head-type jig bushing
head -to-foot axis
head -to-hand balance
head -to-head balance
head trimmer
head trimming machine
head up
head water
head with one barb
head with rhombic section
head with two barbs
head wrought of wire
hexagonal head screw
hexagon-socket head screw
high-head hydroelectric power station
high-head turbine
high one-hand on head
High Representative/Head of Agency
High Representative and Head of the European Defence Agency
hydrostatic [pressure] head
hob swivel head
horsehair head ornament
horse-head pin
hot-head press
impeller head
income per head
inductance-type ga[u]ge head
infection with yellow head virus
infection with yellow head virus genotype 1
internal chord with a spiral axle in the head of the bow
joist head protection
lancet-shaped head
leaf-shaped head
list head
lyre-shaped head
low-head hydroelectric power station
low-head turbine
magnetic head
malignant head catarrh
measuring head
medium head hydroelectric power station
metal head ornament
mission head
multiple-spindle boring head
mushroom-shaped head
nail-head ends
narrow fabric head ornament
needle body (head)
needle-shaped head
net head of hydroelectric power station
net [pressure] head
no-hand headstand (head balance)
opening (head) page
oval countersunk head rivet
oval-head screw
pantograph head
pass with the head (head pass)
phantom head
photic head shaking
pin with a button head
pin with a conical head
pin with a disc-head
pin with a flat-disc-head
pin with a head of rough bone
pin with a loop and a ribbed head
pin with a loop and a thickened head
pin with a profiled head
pin with a rhomboid head
pin with a rosette-shaped head
pin with a round head
pin with a round head ornamented with pits
pin with a spade-shaped head
pin with a triangular head
pin with a wheel-shaped head
pin with cruciform head
pin with double-spiral plate head
pin with projections in the lower part of the head
piston head
pitchfork- shaped head
pyramidal head with barbs
plait of a head ornament
planetary thread-milling head
plotting head
polyhedral head
poppy-head ends
power head
pre-read head
[pressure] head
pressure head
primary head
probe head
profiled elongation of a head
proper head position
radar head
radar head electronics constituent
ram-head pin
read/write head
read head
real head office
rhombic three-edged head
rivet head
round [button] head rivet
round-head borers
round-head screw
running head
running head [line]
saw-head feller-buncher
scan head
see-through head-mounted display
self-opening [thread-cutting] head
shake head
side head
single-head open-end wrench
single-staged head [line]
snail-head pin
snap head
spade-shaped head
spindle head
spreading head
squeegee head
squeeze head
stitching head
stopping with the head (ball)
suction head
superfinishing head
surface level of head water
suspension hole above the head
suspension hole in the head
suspension hole under the head
thread-cutting head
three-edged head
types of fibulae (as to the design of their head, bow, foot)
tool head
tool-holding head
tool-support[ing] head
tracing head
trawl head
triangular three-edged head
turret head
velocity [pressure] head
win by a head
working [pressure] head
write head
head rule
galvenes līnija
верхняя линейка
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija