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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
back up
Atrasti 475 termini
‘fall-back’ rating
accelerated back (whipback) somersault (whipover)
add back
adjustable back-gauge
arc-back current
arch backward(s), backward lean, lay-back (backward trunk bending)
arched back
arched (hollow -back) jump, jump in arch position
arch (to) one's back (arch to)
around-the-back pass
at the back of the drawer
automatic call back
axe with a straight back
axial [back] relief angle
back, backward
back, drop
back 1 and 3
back 2 and 3 (salto)
back angle
back arching dismount
back arrow
back (backward)handspring, flick-flack (flic-flac), flip flop
back beam
back bend
back break fall
back break fall to a back roll extension
back buffer
Back button
back circle mount to front rest
back clearance
back cody
back course sector
backcourt zone (wing back)
back current
back cut off
back dismount
back dive with half turn roll over
back dive with one and a half (1½) twist to forward roll
back door
back double flyaway
back double salto (somersault)
back drop
back drop, backward somersault to
back drop, cat twist
back drop, cradle
back drop, forward turnover to front drop
back drop, full twist to feet
back drop, half twist to feet
back drop, half twist to front drop
back drop from front drop
back drop kip up
back drop take-off
back drop to feet backover
back drop (trampoline)
back electromotove force
back-end database server
back-end system
back engagement
back entrance
back exercises
back extension
back extension roll
back facing
back fat
back fat thickness
back finishing machine
back flashover
back flip, stomach roll
back flip full twist (US)
back flip (US)
back flow
back-flow check valve
back-gauge movement
back-gauge operation
back gluing
back handspring from knees (Morava)
back handspring on one leg
back handstand pirouette
back hang giant circle (in locate giant)
back hip circle dismount
back hip circle from long swing
back hip circle from long swing (bar)
back hyper-extension exercises
back horizontal lever
back-in full out
back joint
back-kip (back-up) to support
back-kip to cross
back-kip to free support scale
back-kip to L support
back-kip to straddle L support
back layout to one foot
back leg
back leg snap free jump to shoulders
back lingual consonant
back-lining paper
back-lying position
back-lot player
back matter
back mutation
back of a blade
back of a bow
back of a bracelet
back office
back office of the hotel
back of inner book
back of the net
back of the seat
back order
back over bars (flying backward roll)
back page
back payment
back pan
back passage
back pass (to goalkeeper)
back plane
back plate
back pressure
back pressure cylinder
back pressure roller
back-pressure set
back pressure set
back-pressure steam turbine
back-pressure turbine
back[-pressure] valve
back pullover
back rake
back (rearward, backward) swing
back register
back rest
back (reverse) pass
back (right-, left-)
back rise,
back up
rise, back-up (rise, kip)
back roller
back roll to handstand
back rope
back row player's attack
back run
back salto (somersault) stretched
back salto (somersault) with turns
back scissors, shears
back scissors walkover
back seat
back shears travel
back shears with half turn
back shift
back shoot-up
back-sided timber
back somersault feet to seat
back somersault seat to feet
back stop
back straddle
back straddle cut dismount
back straight
back strap
back stretch (limber) exercises
back strip
back stripping
back stroke
back support
back surface reflector
back take-off
back taxes
back title
back titration
back to apparatus position
back to back
back-to-back connection
back-to-back credits
back-to-back evaluation and impact assessment
back-to-back loan
back-to-back method
back-to-back operation
back-to-back shelving
back-to-back test
back-to-back testing
back-to-back trade
back-to-back transaction
back toe-flip pitch
back to H-bar
Back to School
back toss dismount
Back to University
back tracking
back turn (twist)
back up
back-up and straddle
back-up circle straddle
back up
back-up double rear in
back-up flank over into reverse hang
back-up heater
back-up measure
back-up memory
back-up methodology
back-up procedure
back-up rear vault over and catch
back-up register
back up
rise and flank vault to support rear-ways
back up
rise and straddle forward
back up
rise high straddle catch
back up
rise in mixed grip and rear vault over bar with ¼ turn to swing forward in hang
back up
rise ordinary grip and stoop through to free L-support
back up
rise reverse Stutz
back up
rise straddle forward to half lever support
back up
rise to handstand
back up
rise to handstand, followed by backward (forward) pirouette
back up
rise to straddle L
back up
rise to straddle stand
back up
rise to straddle under hands to free support rearways
back up
rise to straddle under hands to rearward swing in hang rearways
back up
rise to straddle under hands with half (½) turn to swing forward in hang
back up
rise with mixed grip, followed by double rear vault to support rear-ways
back up
rise with reverse grip hecht vault over bar with half (½) turn to forward swing in hang
back up
rise with reverse grip to support, change to ordinary grip in free support
back up
rise with stoop stand between hands on bar
back-up service
back-up squat in
back up
back-up storage
back-up straddle in
back-up straddle over into reverse hang
back-up with half (½) turn to rear vault and catch
back veneer
back [veneer]
back voltage
back vowel
back walkover
back walkover on one hand
back walls of a stove
backward (back) hang, hang rearways, rear (reverse) hang
backward (back) roll
backward (back) roll to momentary handstand
backward (back) salto (somersault), back away
backward (back) salto (somersault) layout, hollow -back somersault
backward (back) salto (somersault) piked
backward (back) salto (somersault) tucked
backward (back) somersault with full twist, back full
backward somersault dismount (back fly-away, back-off, toss off)
backward somersault over bars, back toss
backward somersault pike(d) dismount, pike back fly-away dismount
back[ward] wave
back window
ball out forward somersault from the back
ball returned to back court
behind one's back
behind-the-back- dribble
behind-the-back pass
belly back
belly back grind
belly back out (trampoline)
belly back roll
bent-back ends
bent-back (triangular) foot
Be Right Back
book back compressor
book back glueing-off
book back gluer (gluing machine)
book-back rounding
bow with a thickened back
building back better
buy/sell back
buy-back agreement
buy-back deal
buy-back programme
buy-sell back transaction
calendar back (mount)
cast back, cast (from support)
cast back hip circle
center (US) back player
centre (pivot) half-back
centre (US center) back
circle up to handstand, back roll shoot (rings)
concave back
covering for the back of the head
CRM Back End Server
cross-beam under back seat
curved back
design seat-back angle
double back cody
double back dismount
double back somersault layout (piked, tucked)
double salto backward layout (blip double back)
double salto backward piked (double pike back off)
drain-back system
drop back (trampoline)
edge of the back
elastic recovery (spring-back) of particle boards
electrical back-to-back test
elongation of a butt at the back
EU Back to School
EU Back to University
even back
extensor(s) of the back exercises
fade back
fall back (team)
feet-to-feet back (front)
feet to seat back (somersault)
fiddle back grain
fire-back voltage
flat back
flexible back
flexors of the back exercises
follow back
forward trunk flexion with a hollow back, trunk bending with back arched
free back support
front (back) one-hand walkover
front drop to back drop
front-end/back-end application
front-to-back axis
full in, pike-out double back somersault
full in back out
go back
Go back 10 yards!
grand Czech circle (turn) in back hang
guard, defender, back
half back (midfield) player
half Steineman (to back support)
handstand, press with straight body and bent arms (hollow -back press to handstand)
high -back balance
high jump into tuck back (front) somersault
hip beat
back up
historical look back standardised approach
hydraulic back-flow check valve
hollow -back
horizontal scale backward on one leg, single-leg back lever
judgment referring the case back
jump back
kick with the heel (back heeler)
kneeling seat hips bent, sit (back) on heels
knock the ball back
Korbut back (salto, somersault)
lay-away, long swing and back hip circle
layout back
layout back catch HB
lazy-back piked
leather back
left back player
left circle of left leg from back support
left circle of right leg from back support
left guard, back
left half-back (half)
leg back (cut)
leg kick from back-leaning rest position
lying flat on back
loading-back method
loading back test
locked arm(s) back giant
locked arm(s)
back up
rise to handstand
loop-back test method
loose layout back somersault
loss carry-back
low back oblique position
mechanical back-to-back test
Move back!
narrowed back
oblique back sitting
one-arm in the back balance / support
open-back inclinable crank press
open[-back] (open-frame
out-and-back haul
outer back
over and back pass
pay-back period
pay-back time
pass back, return pass
pass back (to)
pike back somersault dismount with
pike forward roll to back rest
play back to goalkeeper
prone arch back
push back, constrain and engage
rear (back) foot
rebound (bounce back) of the ball
referral back after setting aside
referral of a case back to the Court
back finishing machine
augstuma [piekasīšanas un frēzēšanas] mašīna
[скобильно-фрезерный] ростовой станок
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija