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LV latviešu
EN angļu
RU krievu
DE vācu
FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
bed of press
Atrasts 261 termins
aluminium press (printing) plate
arch press to handstand (dead press)
automatic cylinder [printing] press
automatic embossing press
automatic printing machine (press)
baby press
baking press
balling press
bark press
bar of the hand press
bed of press
belt filter press
belt press
belt press filter
bench press
bending press
bent-lever baling press
bent-lever gilding (gold-blocking) press
binder's press
bi-nip press
block press
board press
book flattening press
bottom press
box-punching press
bundling machine (press)
cam press
capsule press
cylinder bending press
closing time (press)
commercial press
conditioning press
continuous press
couch press
crank press
creasing press
decuple press
dehydration press
dewatering screw press
die cutting machine (press)
Directorate-General Press and Communication
double-action press
double-column press
double-crank (two-point) press
drawing press
drying press
dual press
duplex press
eccentric press
eccentric[-shaft] press
eight-reel press
electric glazing press
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
European Charter on Freedom of the Press
European Youth Press
faggot binder’s press
faggot bundling press
feltless press
fibreboard machine (press)
filter belt press
flat-bed cylinder press
flat-bed rotary machine (press)
flattening press
forging press
form printing machine (press)
four-crank (four-point) press
four-post press
freedom of press
freedom of the press
friction press
friction screw press
full-court press
glazing press
gold-blocking press
half-court man-to-man press defence
hand press
hand spindle press
handstand, press with bent body and bent arms
handstand, press with bent body and straight arms
handstand, press with bent body and straight arms from straddle cross support on one rail
handstand, press with straight body and bent arms (hollow -back press to handstand)
handstand, press with straight body and straight arms
handstand press
heat embossing press
high-speed cylinder printing press
high-speed drying press
high-speed press for collotype printing
high-speed two-revolution machine (press)
hydraulic matrix-moulding press
hydraulic press
hydraulic stamping press
hot-head press
hot matrix moulding press
hot press
hot press loading cage
International Press Association
International Press Institute
joint gluing press
Key press
knuckle-joint press
label cutting press
letterpress printing machine (press)
lithographic press
lying press
marking press
matrix moulding and drying press
matrix moulding press
mechanical press
moulding press
multi daylight platen press
multi-opening press
multiple-impression die (press tool)
multi-unit rotary machine (press, printing machine)
newspaper press
newspaper rotary machine (press)
nipping press
offset press
offset pressman (press operator, printer)
offset [printing] press
one-reel (one-roll) press
open-back inclinable crank press
open-frame crank press
open-front) press
packing press
percussion power press
perfecting machine (press)
platen press
platen press with automatic feed
platen printing press
political press
poster press
press, pressing, pressure
press accreditation
press agency
press and hold
Press and Media Information
press attaché
press box
press briefing
press button
press-button control
press car
press centre
press communiqué
press conference
press conference room
press control
press control system
press drive
press enquiry
press event
press feeder
press-fit jig bushing
press-fit seal
press for a debt
press for payment
press for transverse
press freedom
press gilder
press handstand (press hand)
press handstand with bent arms and bent body
press handstand with bent body and straight arms
press handstand with straight body and bent arms
press handstand with straight body and straight arms
press into (to) handstand
press loader
press material
Press Office
Press office, relations with media
press officer
Press Officers and Relations with Media
press opportunity
press plate
press point
press product
press proof
press release
press remarks
press revise
press room
press sheet
press statement
press stick
press to handstand with straight arms, legs straddled
press to shoulder stand
press tripping
press undertaking
Press Unit
press[ure] roll
primary press
printed (press) product
printing on the platen press
puller (press)
punch press
ram [of press]
reading for press
reel-flat-bed cylinder press
reversed press
reverse press
reversing press
rotary press
rotating book press
saw tooth press
scientific press
screw press
semi-rotary printing press
sheet-fed offset press
sheet-fed [printing] press
sheet-fed rotary press (printing machine)
sign for press
silk-screen machine (press)
single-colour machine (press)
single-crank (single-point) press
single-revolution machine (press)
single-sheet flat press
six-colour [printing] press
size press
sizing press
small rotary press
small size offset press
smoothing press
squeezing press
stacked press
stamping press
stationary printing press
stiff-straddle press
straight-arms, straight -legs press to handstand
straight-line press
straight-sided (close-frame) press
suction press
tandem-type press
three-cylinder type offset press
three-colour press
through the medium of the press
ticket printing machine (press)
top press
top press roll
trimming press
two-colour cylinder press
two-revolution machine (press)
unit-type press
unittype press
variable printing machine (press)
veneer flat-platen press
veneer press
veneer spindle press
vertical pull-up (press) with straight arms sideward to support
vulcanizing machine (press)
web-fed rotary press
wet press
wood chips press
World Press Freedom Day
World Press Freedom Index
worm press
bed plate
bed of press
талерная тележка
тележка [с талером]
Latviešu-angļu-vācu-krievu poligrāfijas un izdevējdarba terminu vārdnīca — R., LITTA, 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija