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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
bit error
Atrasti 232 termini
absolute error
acceptance error
accidental error
adjustment of amounts paid in error
admissible error
alignment error
alpha error
altimetry system error
amplitude error
angular error
area control error
automatic error correction
backward error correction
balanced error
basic error
beta error
bias error
bit error
bit error
bit error
rate (deprecated)
bit error
brutogross error
burst error
calculation error
catastrophic error
circular error probability
circular error probable
clerical error
compilation error
complimentary error
constant error
conventional error
crude error
cumulative (accumulative) pitch variation (error)
current error
data error
data-overrun error
dinamic error
dynamic error
error (deprecated in this sense)
error angle
error checking
error code
error control
error control software
error-correcting code
error correction
error correction code
error-detecting code
error detection
error detection test
error detector
error diagnostics
error estimate
error (fault)
error guessing
error handling
error in calculation
Error List
error log
error management
error message
error model
error number
error of the first kind
error of the second kind
error prediction
error propagation
error protection
error range
error range (deprecated in this sense)
error rate
error recovery
error seeding
error span
error state number
error sum of squares
error tolerance
estimated error margin
estimated error rate
estimate of a systematic measurement error
estimation error
execution error
expected error
extended error rate
false acceptance error
false rejection error
fatal error
fatal exception error
financial error
formal error
forward error correction
fraud and error prevention
frequency restoration control error
GNSS position error
gross error
handling error
hard error
human error
IdFix DirSync Error Remediation Tool
inborn error
indication error
indigenous error
inessential error
input error
input-output error
instrumental error
irrecoverable error
isolated error
yaw error
judging (referees' error)
known error
level of error
level of error, level of significance, significance level
limiting error
logic error
machine error
manifest error
manifest error of assessment
margin of error
material error
maximum error
mean course error
mean error
mean glide path error
mean square error
measurement error
measuring error
medical error
medium error
minimum error rate training
minor error
most likely error
most likely error rate
noticeable error
nullity of marriage on grounds of error
observation error
parity error
path following error
permissible error
phase error
pooled error
positioning error
printer's error
probable error
procedural error
projected error rate
projected random error
protocol error
quantifiable error
random error
reading error
reduced error
Reed-Solomon error correction code
reference limiting error
reference mean error
rejection error
relative error
bit error
residual error
residual error rate
residual sum of squares, error sum of squares
resultant error
rich error
robot device error
robot error indication
rounding error
round-off error
run-time error
sample error
sample maximum error
semantic error
serious (gross) error, major break
server error
sync error
syntax error
systematic error
system error
SMART error
soft error
splitting error
standard error
standard error of correlation coefficient
standard error of difference
standard error of estimate
standard error of regression coefficient
standard error of standard deviation
standard error of sum
standard error of the mean
static error
statistical error
stylistic error
target error margin
type 1 error
type 2 error
type-2 error
type I error
type II error
toast error
to correct an error
tolerable error
tolerable risk of error
to make an error
tooth profile error
tooth-to-tooth composite error double flank
tooth-to-tooth composite error single flank
total composite error double flank
total composite error single flank
total error
total error of distortion
total error rate
total projected error
total projected error rate
total vertical error
transient error
Translation Error Rate
trial and error method
truncation error
uncorrectable error
unrecoverable error
upper error limit
use error
user error protection
visible error
voltage error
Windows Error Reporting
Word Error Rate
α error
β error
bit error
bita [pārraides] kļūda
ошибка [передачи] бита
ошибка (передачи) бита
bit error
bita [pārraides] kļūda
ошибка [передачи] бита
Situācija, kad bita vērtība pārraides procesā ir izmainījusies un uztvērējs to nepareizi interpretē.
LZA TK ITTEA terminu datubāze
bit error
bita [pārraides] kļūda
ошибка (передачи) бита
Situācija, kad bita vērtība pārraides procesā ir izmainījusies un uztvērējs to nepareizi interpretē.
Datu pārraides un apstrādes sistēmas. Angļu-krievu-latviešu skaidrojošā vārdnīca — R., SWH, 1995
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