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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
cam mechanism
Atrasti 315 termini
access mechanism
actuating mechanism
ad hoc vulnerability FLEX mechanism
Ad hoc Working Party on the Banking Supervision Mechanism
Ad hoc Working Party on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Ad hoc Working Party on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania
Ad hoc Working Party on the Single Resolution Mechanism
African Peer Review Mechanism
African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation
aggregation mechanism
alert mechanism
Alert Mechanism Report
allocation mechanism
alternative allocation mechanism
ambition gap mechanism
anti-coercion mechanism
approved reporting mechanism
Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism
articulated mechanism
Asylum Systems Quality Assurance and Evaluation Mechanism
Athena mechanism
AU-IGAD-UNITAMS trilateral mechanism
AU-IGAD-UN trilateral mechanism
automated data quality control mechanism
automatic adjustment mechanism
bayonet mechanism
balancing mechanism
bar advancement mechanism
bar clamping mechanism
blocking mechanism
Board of Directors of the European Stability Mechanism
Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism
breaches of the market mechanism
burden reduction implementation mechanism
cam mechanism
Capability Development Mechanism
capacity-allocation mechanism
capacity mechanism
capacity remuneration mechanism
carbon border adjustment mechanism
cascade mechanism
casting mechanism
centralised automated mechanism
Cyber Emergency Mechanism
Cybersecurity Emergency Mechanism
clean development mechanism
clearing and settlement mechanism
clearing house mechanism
climate adjustment mechanism
climate technology mechanism
collective redress mechanism
Committee on the monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
Common Interactive Watch and Anticipation Mechanism
compensation mechanism
competitive mechanism
Complaints Mechanism
consensus mechanism
control mechanism
cooperation and verification mechanism
cooperative financial mechanism
Coordinating Action on Small Arms Mechanism
Co-ordinating Mechanism for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management
correction mechanism
correction mechanism in favour of the United Kingdom
corrective allocation mechanism
corrective mechanism
cost compensation mechanism
CPC mutual assistance mechanism
crank-and-rocker mechanism
crisis relocation mechanism
crisis resolution mechanism
Crisis Response Mechanism
criterion on participation in the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the EMS
cutting mechanism
delivery gap filling mechanism
delivery gap mechanism
delivery-versus-payment mechanism
deployment mechanism
deterrent mechanism
dispute resolution mechanism
dispute settlement mechanism
driving mechanism
dual recourse mechanism
DVP mechanism
Early Warning Mechanism
ECB payment mechanism
economic mechanism
EEAS Crisis Response Mechanism
EIB Group Complaints Mechanism
election resilience mechanism
emergency brake mechanism
emergency relocation mechanism
Emergency Transit Mechanism
EMS exchange-rate mechanism
enforcement mechanism
escapement mechanism
EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism
EU Civil Protection Mechanism
EU Health Emergency Mechanism
EU Human Rights Defender mechanism
EU Human Rights Defenders mechanism
EU mechanism for preparedness and management of crises related to migration
EU Migration Preparedness and Crisis Management Mechanism Network
European Central Bank Payment Mechanism
European Civil Defence Mechanism
European Cross-Border Mechanism
European financial stabilisation mechanism
European Food Security Crisis preparedness and response Mechanism
European rule of law mechanism
European Stability Mechanism
European Union Civil Protection Mechanism
European Union Human Rights Defenders mechanism
EU-Russia Energy Early Warning Mechanism
EU Sanctions Mechanism
EU vaccine-sharing mechanism
Evacuation Transit Mechanism
evaluation and monitoring mechanism
exchange-rate mechanism
exchange rate mechanism
Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
export authorisation mechanism
fairness mechanism
FDI screening mechanism
feedback mechanism
financial discipline mechanism
financial mechanism
firm day-ahead use-it-or-lose-it mechanism
flexible mechanism
Flex mechanism
folding-and-cutting mechanism
foreign direct investment screening mechanism
full-fledged screening mechanism
funding mechanism
gap filling mechanism
generalised domestic reverse charge mechanism
generalised reverse charge mechanism
Geneva mechanism
global reporting mechanism on illicit conventional arms and their ammunition
global reporting mechanism on illicit small arms and light weapons and other illicit conventional weapons and ammunition
Green Rewarding Mechanism
gripper mechanism
High Level Working Party on the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM)
Human Dimension Mechanism
immune mechanism
incentive mechanism
Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism
Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar
indexation mechanism
inter-annual flexibility mechanism
International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism for Syria
international compensation mechanism
international comprehensive compensation mechanism for the victims of the Russian aggression
International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
inter-transmission system operator compensation mechanism
inter-TSO compensation mechanism
intra-day price spike collar mechanism
intra-day price volatility management mechanism
intra-day volatility management mechanism
invalidation mechanism
ITC mechanism
yawing mechanism
yaw mechanism
year-to-year flexibility mechanism
joint electoral resilience mechanism
joint incident prevention and response mechanism
joint mechanism for electoral resilience
joint purchasing mechanism
Just Transition Mechanism
Kyoto mechanism
lifting mechanism
locking mechanism
loss absorption mechanism
Loss and Damage Mechanism
loss-sharing mechanism
Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism
mandatory solidarity mechanism
market mechanism
market polling mechanism
measuring mechanism
mechanism for cooperation and verification
Mechanism for Coordinating Action on Small Arms
Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals
mechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Community
mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol
mechanism for private listening
mechanism for Schengen evaluations
mechanism for short-term monetary support
mechanism for the temporary suspension of the exemption from the visa requirement
mechanism of collective redress
mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
mechanism to eliminate overexpenditure
mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context
Myanmar Mechanism
monetary policy transmission mechanism
monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States
monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
Moscow mechanism
motor-drive mechanism
mutual assistance mechanism
mutual insurance mechanism
national preventive mechanism
National Referral Mechanism
new market-based mechanism
notice and action mechanism
officially appointed mechanism
OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism
operational coordination mechanism for the external dimension of migration
opt-in mechanism
opt-out mechanism
overriding mechanism
peer-assessment mechanism
Permanent Mechanism of Political Consultation and Coordination
physiological mechanism
pitch control mechanism
planar mechanism
planting mechanism
price mechanism
principal loss absorbency mechanism
prior surveillance mechanism
Prüm mechanism
Quick Reaction Mechanism
Quick Reaction Mechanism against VAT fraud
quota exchange mechanism
rapid financing mechanism
redress mechanism
referral mechanism
registered reporting mechanism
Regulation establishing uniform rules and a uniform procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms in the framework of a Single Resolution Mechanism
release-free mechanism
release mechanism
relocation mechanism
renewable energy financing mechanism
return mechanism
reverse charge mechanism
reversing mechanism
review mechanism
rocker mechanism
rule of law mechanism
rural proofing mechanism
safeguard mechanism
SAP Tracking Mechanism
Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism
Schengen evaluation mechanism
screening mechanism
Secretary-General’s Mechanism
Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical, Biological or Toxin Weapons
Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons
sectoral crediting mechanism
seed-feeding mechanism
separation mechanism
servo mechanism
sheet slow-down device (mechanism)
sheet slowing-down device (mechanism)
sheet transfer mechanism
short-term monetary support mechanism
Single Resolution Mechanism
Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation
single supervisory mechanism
Single Supervisory Mechanism Supervisory Board
symmetric adjustment mechanism
"Skills Insight" mechanism
slider-crank mechanism
solidarity adjustment mechanism
solidarity mechanism
spatial mechanism
special safeguard mechanism
spinning mechanism
split payment mechanism
Stabilisation and Association Process Tracking Mechanism
stakeholder feedback mechanism
steering mechanism
subsidiarity early warning mechanism
subsidiarity implementation mechanism
supplementary trade mechanism
support mechanism
suppression mechanism
suspension mechanism
switching mechanism
Talent Booster Mechanism
Technology Facilitation Mechanism
Technology Mechanism
temporary and exceptional relocation mechanism
temporary protection mechanism
Term Sheet on the European Stability Mechanism
to share the same fiscal mechanism
transmission mechanism
Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism
trigger mechanism
trip-free mechanism
tripping mechanism
Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism
UN-AU-IGAD facilitation mechanism
UN-AU-IGAD tripartite mechanism
Union Civil Protection Mechanism
Union Mechanism
Union renewable energy financing mechanism
United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism
United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen
UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen
up-front insurance mechanism
very short-term financing mechanism
Vienna Mechanism
visa waiver suspension mechanism
vulnerability FLEX mechanism
wage indexation mechanism
wage-setting mechanism
wares (goods) take up motion mechanism (device)
Warsaw International Mechanism
Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts
working mechanism
writing mechanism
WTO dispute settlement mechanism
planar mechanism
plakans mehānisms
плоский механизм
ebenes Getriebe
Mašīnbūves terminu vārdnīca. — R., LNMK, 2004
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