Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
LZA TK termini atrodami
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FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
car to car communication
Atrasti 268 termini
abusive communication
adaptation communication
Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
Agreement on the price reduction of the roaming services in public mobile communication networks in the Western Balkans region
air communication
air-ground communication
air-ground point-to-point data communication
air-to-ground communication
asynchronous communication
asynchronous communication interface adapter
asynchronous communication interface adapter (ACIA)
asynchronous message communication
audiovisual commercial communication
Binary Synchronous Communication
c2c communication
car2car communication
car 2 car communication
carrier-current communication system
carrier's communication of passenger data
car-to-car communication
car-to-x communication
chapeau communication
(charging) communication protocol
cipher communication
cloud communication
code-independent data communication
code transparent data communication
code-transparent data communication
command, control and communication
commercial communication
Commission communication
Commission interpretative communication
Common Communication Support
Common Emergency Communication and Information System
communication adapter
communication aid
communication and information networks
communication and information system
Communication and Information Systems Directorate
Communication and Outreach Unit
communication cable
communication channel
Communication Commission
Communication compliance
communication computer
communication constraints
communication control
communication department
communication domain
communication engineering
communication equipment
communication facilities
communication for development
communication from the Commission
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy - White Paper for a Community strategy and action plan
Communication Group
Communication History
Communication History folder
communication history item
communication infrastructure
communication infrastructure for the Schengen environment
communication interface
communication line
communication management
communication management plan
communication methods
communication models
communication multiplexer
communication nets
communication network
communication policy
communication preferences
communication processor
communication protocol
communication requirements analysis
communication security
communication server
communication service
communication site
communication system
communication skills
communication software
communication[s] system
communication standards
communication subnetwork
*communication tariffs
communication technique
communication technology
communication theory
communication to the public
Communication Unit
concurrent communication diagram
contextualised communication
Coordination Committee for Communication and Information Systems
Coordination of Editorial and Communication Activities Unit
corporate communication
COVID-19 Communication Support System
CSDP communication and information networks
data communication
dedicated short range communication
Department for Communication
DG Communication
Dialogical Communication Method
Digital communication and IT strategy
Digital Communication Unit
direct communication
direct communication[s]
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims
Directorate 1 - Media and Communication
Directorate 5 - Communication and Information Systems
Directorate D – Communication
Directorate D - Communication and Interinstitutional Relations
Directorate for Communication
Directorate for Communication and Information Systems
Directorate for Communication and Interinstitutional Relations
Directorate-General F - Communication and Document Management
Directorate-General F - Communication and Information
Directorate-General for Communication
Directorate-General for Communication and Information
Directorate-General Press and Communication
distance communication means
distance communication technology
duplex communication
East Strategic Communication Task Force
e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange
e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange system
electric communication[s]
electronic communication
electronic communication network
electronic communication service
emergency communication[s]
end-to-end communication
end-to-end communication security
*engineering communication[s]
EU Critical Communication System
Eurojust Communication Strategy
European Critical Communication System
EU Strategic Communication Task Force
frame (in data communication)
freedom of communication
Future Railway Mobile Communication System
Global Centre for Information and Communication Technologies in Parliament
Governmental Satellite Communication
Government Satellite Communication
ground-to-air communication
half-duplex communication
hierarchical communication system
High Performance Communication
I2V communication
illegally using a mobile telephone or any other communication devices while driving
inclusive communication
information and communication networks
Information and Communication System on Market Surveillance
information and communication technologies
information and communication technology
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
information and communication technology risk
information system and communication
infrastructure-to-vehicle communication
infrastructure to vehicle communication
initial communication
innovative communication service
intercellular communication
intercultural communication
Internal Communication Service
Internal Communication Unit
interpilot air-to-air communication
interpretative communication
interprocess communication
interprocessor communication
introductory communication
joint communication
line of communication
lines of communication
*local telephone communication
long-distance communication
M2M communication
machine-to-machine communication
main communication[s]
man-machine communication
mass communication
mass communication media
means of communication
means of distance communication
Media and Communication Directorate
Members' IT Communication Service
mobile communication
Modular Vehicle Communication Interface
multichannel communication[s]
multi-hop communication
multiplexer (in data communication)
museum communication
national communication
near field communication
near-field communication
near field communication sensor
node (in data communication)
non-verbal communication
on-board communication station
one-way communication
optical fibre [communication] channel
peer-to-peer communication
Personal Communication Service
phase encoding (in data communication)
point–to–area communication
point–to–multipoint communication
point–to–point communication
point-to-area communication
point-to-multipoint communication
point-to-point communication
political communication
*postal communication
Private Communication Technology
public communication network
quantum communication
quantum communication network
radio communication
radio communication[s]
required communication performance
required communication performance type
Rich Communication Services
right of communication to the public
risk communication
Robust Communication Infrastructure and Networks
Safety, Security and Communication and Information Systems
satellite communication
satellite communication network
satellite communication system
scientific communication and education
secure communication
Security, Safety and Communication and Information Systems
single-hop communication
situated communication
Syria Strategic Communication Advisory Team
software applications: word processing, spreadsheets, database management, communication, statistical analysis
space communication system
storage and communication
strategic communication
Strategy, Innovation and Communication Unit
surreptitious audiovisual commercial communication
telegraph communication
telephone communication
telephone communication[s]
TESTA II communication network
type of communication
transport, storage and communication services
unsolicited commercial communication
V2D communication
V2I communication
V2V communication
V2X communication
vehicle 2 vehicle communication
vehicle-to-device communication
vehicle to device communication
vehicle-to-everything communication
vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
vehicle-to-vehicle communication
vehicle-to-x communication
verbal communication
Web Communication Unit
Windows Communication Foundation
wireless communication
wireless telephonic communication[s]
Working Group on Information and Communication Policy
Working Party on Information and Communication Policy
I2V communication
infrastructure-to-vehicle communication
infrastructure to vehicle communication
infrastuktūras-transportlīdzekļa komunikācija
infrastuktūras-transportlīdzekļa sakari
infrastructure-to-vehicle communication
I2V communication
infrastuktūras-transportlīdzekļa komunikācija
infrastuktūras-transportlīdzekļa sakari
IATE šķirkli
© Download IATE, European Union, 2024
infrastructure-to-vehicle communication
infrastructure to vehicle communication
I2V communication
infrastuktūras-transportlīdzekļa sakari
infrastuktūras-transportlīdzekļa komunikācija
Lietu interneta termini, prot. Nr. 555 (03.04.2020)
LZA TK ITTEA protokoli
© 2005–2025
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija