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Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
carbon tax
Atrasti 257 termini
2050 low carbon economy roadmap
activated carbon
activated carbon canister
activated carbon injection
activated vegetable carbon
active carbon
Ad hoc Working Party on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
apparatus for carbon dioxide scrubbing
atmospheric carbon
atmospheric carbon dioxide
bio-based carbon
biogenic carbon
biogenic carbon dioxide
biogenic carbon pool
biomass-derived black carbon
black carbon
blind carbon copy
blue carbon
blue carbon sequestration
carbon 14 dating
carbon arc welding
carbon balance method
carbon bisulphide
carbon black
carbon border adjustment mechanism
carbon border adjustment tax
carbon border tax
carbon brush
carbon bubble
carbon budget
carbon buffer
carbon canister
carbon capture
carbon capture, storage and use
carbon capture, storage and utilisation
carbon capture, use and storage
carbon capture, utilisation and storage
carbon capture and storage
carbon capture and use
carbon capture and utilisation
carbon charge
carbon cycle
carbon copy
carbon cost
carbon credit
carbon dating
carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide capture
carbon dioxide capture and storage
carbon dioxide emissions
carbon dioxide equivalent
carbon dioxide footprint
carbon dioxide intensity
carbon dioxide mineralisation
carbon dioxide mo[u]ld
carbon dioxide removal
carbon dioxide scrubber
carbon dioxide sequestration
carbon dioxide sink
carbon dioxide snow
carbon dioxide storage
carbon dioxide tax
carbon disulphide
carbon efficiency
carbon electrode
carbon emission reduction credit
carbon emissions
carbon evasion
carbon farming
carbon farming sequestration unit
carbon fibre
carbon fibre preform
carbon filament
carbon filament lamp
carbon finance
carbon footprint
carbon footprint datastock
carbon footprint study
carbon-free economy
Carbon Fund for Europe
carbon-graphite brush
carbon handprint
carbon holder
carbon impact ratio
carbon intensity
Carbon Intensity Indicator rating
carbon-intensive asset
carbon-intensive hydrogen
carbon-intensive imports
carbon leakage
carbon leakage list
carbon literacy
carbon lock-in
carbon market
carbon monoxide
carbon monoxide emission
carbon-neutral economy
carbon-neutral fuel
carbon neutral growth from 2020
carbon neutrality
carbon offset
carbon offset credit
carbon offset scheme
carbon offsetting
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
carbon oxychloride
carbon oxysulfide
carbon paper
carbon pool
carbon price
carbon pricing
carbon print
carbon productivity
carbon release
carbon removal
carbon removal activity
carbon removal certificate
carbon removal certification framework
carbon removal unit
carbon reservoir
carbon rheostat
carbon rod
carbon sequestration
carbon sink
carbon sorbent
carbon steel
carbon stock
carbon storage
carbon storage in products
carbon storage in product unit
carbon tax
carbon tetrachloride
carbon tetrafluoride
carbon tool steel
carbon usage effectiveness
carbon value chain
certification framework for carbon removals
certified carbon removals
certified carbon removal unit
certified net carbon removal benefit
collective carbon buffer
Conradson carbon residue
cumulative carbon budget
Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage
dissolved organic carbon
dissolved organic carbon die-away
embodied carbon
energy from low-carbon sources
EU carbon removal certification framework
EU certification framework for carbon removals
EU Industrial Carbon Management Strategy
EU roadmap for a low-carbon economy by 2050
fixed carbon
fluorinated (hydro)carbon
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
forest carbon stock
fossil-based hydrogen with carbon capture
fossil carbon
free from carbon dioxide
geological storage of carbon dioxide
global carbon market
Global Carbon Pricing Challenge
high-carbon steel
industrial carbon management
Industrial Carbon Management Strategy
Integrated Carbon Observation System
Integrated Carbon Observation System European Research Infrastructure Consortium
iron-carbon diagram
land-based carbon removals
less carbon intensive fossil fuel
less carbon-intensive fuel
liquid solution of carbon in iron
low-carbon agriculture
low-carbon benchmark
low-carbon development strategy
low carbon economy
Low carbon economy roadmap
low-carbon energy
low-carbon energy technology
low-carbon farming
low-carbon fuel
low-carbon growth plan
low-carbon hydrogen
low-carbon index
low carbon innovation
low carbon leakage
low-carbon literacy
low-carbon society
low-carbon steel
low-carbon technology
low-carbon transition
mainstream low-carbon index
medium-carbon steel
more carbon intensive fossil fuel
natural carbon sink
nature-based carbon removals
net carbon removal benefit
net carbon removals
net zero carbon
net zero carbon building
net zero carbon dioxide
net zero carbon emissions
non-carbon benefits
oenological carbon
organic carbon
permanent carbon removal unit
permanent carbon storage
pooled carbon buffer
positive carbon impact benchmark
positive carbon impact index
Post-2012 Carbon Credit Fund
Post-2012 Carbon Fund
prebaked carbon anode
public version of the carbon footprint study
pure-play low-carbon index
recycled carbon fuel
renewable and low-carbon fuels
Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050
scope 1 carbon emissions
shadow cost of carbon
shadow price of carbon
single-wall carbon nanotube
synthetic low-carbon aviation fuel
soil carbon cycle
soil carbon sequestration
soil carbon sequestration capacity
soil carbon stock
soil organic carbon
solid carbon dioxide
solid solution of carbon in iron
stock of organic carbon
supercritical carbon dioxide
supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
sustainable carbon cycle
temper carbon
theoretical carbon dioxide
tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent
total carbon
total carbon content
total organic carbon
total organic carbon concentration
total organic carbon content
total volatile organic carbon
unburned carbon
unconverted carbon
Union certification framework for carbon removals
vegetable carbon
verified carbon removal unit
zero carbon economy
zero-carbon economy
zero-carbon fuel
zero-rated carbon fraction
zero-rated synthetic low-carbon fraction
net zero carbon building
oglekļa nulles emisijas ēka
bâtiment à carbone zéro
zéro carbone
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