Ceturtdiena, 13. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
charge with
Atrasti 195 termini
additional charge
additional charge for adult
additional charge to salary
admission charge
airport charge
annual percentage rate of charge
assistant to the engineer officer in charge of the watch
at a moderate charge
attack, charge, offensive
attendance charge
battery charge
boost charge
bound charge
buyer’s charge — nodoklis, kuru maksā pircējs
capacity charge
capacitor charge
capital charge
carbon charge
charge air cooler
charge cable
charge card
charge-card/credit-card calls
charge carrier
charge characteristic
charge controller
charge-coupled device
charge credit
charge density
charge-depleting actual range
charge-depleting cycle range
charge-depleting operating condition
charge depleting operation
charge-depleting test
charge forward
charge from....to
charge having an equivalent effect
charge having equivalent effect
charge having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction
charge in excess of customs costs
charge out
charge pipe
charge point operator
charge port
charge surface density
charge-sustaining operating condition
charge sustaining operation
charge transfer
charge variance
charge volume density
charge with
clearance of the goods out of charge
*coefficient of eventual work-day charge
coke charge
common user charge
compulsory charge
congestion charge
constant charge
countervailing charge
courtesy room, room free of charge
daily imbalance charge
depth charge
detention without charge
differential charge
elbow charge
electric[al] charge
electrical charge
electric charge
electric state of charge
electron charge
entity in charge of maintenance
equalizing charge
extra charge
extra charge in public catering
extra charge sheet
fair charge
First Vice-President in charge of Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights
fixed charge
flat charge
forced charge
fragmentation charge
free charge
free of charge
free-of-charge / complimentary product, service
free of charge service
free [of charge] supplement
free-of-charge use
freight charge
furnace charge
generalised domestic reverse charge mechanism
generalised reverse charge mechanism
grant (charge) a time-out (to)
grid charge
illegal charge
import charge
*imposition of extra charge
incremental default and migration risk charge
incremental risk capital charge
incremental risk charge
induced charge
infrastructure charge
interest charge
ionic charge
iron charge
items of charge
late payment charge
legality of charge
merchant service charge
miscellaneous charge
miscellaneous charge code
negative charge
network charge
neutrality charge for balancing
normal overnight charge procedure
*official in charge of procurements
parafiscal charge
parking charge
particle charge
person in charge
point charge
positive charge
pre-charge detention
proceedings that are free of charge
purchase miscellaneous charge
push (charge) an opponent with hands
quasi-fiscal charge
recognizing charge
regulatory capital charge
reinstate charge
remanent charge
rent charge
request that charge be taken
request to take charge
residual charge
reverse charge
reverse charge call
reverse charge calling
reverse charge mechanism
reverse charge procedure
reverse charge VAT
reversed charge
roaming charge
rural extra charge
seller’s charge — nodoklis, kuru maksā pārdevējs
servise charge
*short term charge documents
space charge
specific risk capital charge
specified charge
state of charge
stratified-charge engine
surface charge
take charge of an applicant
take charge of an applicant for asylum
take charge of an applicant for international protection
take charge procedure
take charge request
taking charge of an asylum seeker
tax charge[s]
terminal charge
termination charge
three-fold charge
to be in charge
to bring a charge against somebody
to charge a commission
to charge a duty
to charge a fee
to charge against tariff quotas
to charge a price
to charge a tax
to charge a toll
to charge the duties at ad valorem rates
to charge the duties at specific rates
to charge to the budget
to dismiss a charge
to levy a charge
to take charge of
trade extra charge
transit charge
tuition charge
unfair charge
user charge
value added tax charge on inputs
VAT charge on inputs
Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
volume charge
waive charge
within day charge
wood free of charge
Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit
Xbox 360 Quick Charge Kit
Xbox One Play & Charge Kit
Xbox One Wireless Controller + Play & Charge Kit
extra charge in public catering
sabiedriskās ēdināšanas uzcenojums
наценка в общественном питании
Aufschlag der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung
Ekonomikas, lietvedības un darba organizācijas termini (ELDO) — R., 1995
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Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija