Trešdiena, 12. marts
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Latvijas Nacionālo terminoloģijas portālu
Terminu datubāze
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«Terminoloģijas Jaunumi»
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Akadēmiskā terminu datubāze
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FR franču
LA latīņu
Izmantojiet zvaigznīti * vārda daļu meklēšanai (piemēram, dator* vai *pratība)
Jūs meklējāt
co operation
Atrasti 426 termini
acid operation
action programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the European Union for the period 2014-2020
active phase of an operation
additive operation
administrative co-operation
aircraft certificated for single-pilot operation
aircraft certified for single-pilot operation
air operation
AND-NOT operation (deprecated)
AND operation
application for suspension of operation
application to suspend operation
area of operation
arithmetic[al] operation
arithmetical operation
arithmetic operation
asynchronous operation
asynchronous operation of a synchronous machine
assembly operation
associative operation
AU/UN hybrid operation in Darfur
automated train operation
automated vehicle operation
automated vehicle operation system
automatic operation
automatic train operation
automatic train operation system
autonomous operation
back-gauge operation
back-to-back operation
banking operation
base load operation
Battlegroup-sized rapid response operation
beyond visual line of sight operation
bilateral co-operation
bilateral co-operation agreement
bilateral development co-operation
binary arithmetic operation
binary [N-ary] Boolean operation (deprecated)
binary [N-ary] operation
binary [N-ary] operation (deprecated)
binary operation (deprecated)
binary operation
biological operation
bit operation
bitwise operation
blending operation
Boolean operation
Boolean operation table
borrowing operation
boundary of functional operation
breeding operation
*business [operation]
business operation
Business Operation Framework
capital operation
cash emission operation
cash operation
CAT operation
charge depleting operation
charge sustaining operation
circling approach operation
Civilian Operation Commander
civil military co-operation
cycle of operation
class-level operation
clinker operation
closing operation
collecting return operation
combined operation
commercial air transport operation
Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market
commutative operation
complementary operation
completed operation
computating operation
concurrent operation
conditional implication (operation)
conflict prevention operation
consumer co-operation
continuous operation
continuous-operation penodic duty with electric braking
continuous-operation periodic duty
Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption
Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
co-operation of labour
co-operation of providers and users
co-operation of supplies
co-operation procedure
Coordination Working Party (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
correct operation of protection
Council of Europe International Co-operation Group on Drugs and Addictions
countermine operation
crankcase heater operation mode
crisis management operation
cross–border co–operation
Customs Co-operation Council
customs co-operation procedure
*customs operation
customs operation
customs transit operation
date of putting into operation
dependent manual operation
dependent power operation
development co-operation
digital forensic operation
digitwise operation
dyadic [N-adic] Boolean operation
dyadic [N-adic] operation
dyadic operation
dragnet operation
drilling operation
dual operation
duplex operation
EFVS 200 operation
EFVS operation
emergency operation
enhanced co-operation
equivalence operation
establish forms of co-operation
EUFOR Crisis Response Operation Core
EU-led operation
EU military bridging operation
EU military operation
EuropeAid Co-operation Office
European Armaments Co-operation
European co-operation for Accreditation
European Monetary Co-operation Fund
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities
European Union maritime security operation to safeguard freedom of navigation in relation to the Red Sea crisis
European Union military operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Union military operation in support of humanitarian assistance operations in response to the crisis situation in Libya
European Union military operation in support of the United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) during the election process
European Union military operation in the Central African Republic
European Union military operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
European Union military operation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
European Union military operation in the Mediterranean
European Union military operation in the Southern Central Mediterranean
European Union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the Somali coast
EXCEPT operation (deprecated)
exclusive-OR operation
executive military operation
executive operation
experimental operation
extended range operation
fallback mode of operation
false operation
field operation
financing operation
fine-tuning reverse operation
fishing operation
fleet of machines and tractors in operation
flight operation
floating-point arithmetic operation
floating-point operation
foreign trade operation
Forum for the Co-operation of Trade Unions
gather-write operation
general aviation operation
generator operation
generic operation
generic operational level Cyber Standard Operation Procedure
Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
hack-and-leak operation
hack and leak operation
handling operation
hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation
heir by operation of law
houseload operation
house load operation
hub operation
Human Rights Field Operation in Rwanda
identity operation
IF-AND-ONLY-IF operation
IF-THEN operation
import operation
INCLUSIVE-OR operation
incorrect operation of protection
incorrect operation of relay protection
industrial co-operation
industrial operation
influence operation
information influence operation
instrument approach operation
inter-branch co-operation
interconnected network operation
interconnected operation
interfarm co-operation
international police operation
international policing operation
Interreg operation
intra-branch co-operation
island mode operation
island operation
isolated operation
Joint Co-operation Committee
joint fishing operation
joint operation
Joint Operation Poseidon
Joint Operation Themis
Joint Operation Triton
joint return operation
Joint Return Operation Core Country Group
labour co-operation
ladle operation
lending operation
loading and unloading operation
loan operation
logical operation
logical operation (1)
logic operation (1)
logic operation
longer-term refinancing operation
main refinancing operation
majority operation
management operation
[manufacturing] operation
maritime interdiction operation
maritime operation
mediation [operation]
method of co-operation
mining operation
mixed return operation
monadic operation
Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation in Research, Technology and Development
multiannual operation
multifunctional peacekeeping operation
multilateral co-operation
multinational operation
multi-pilot operation
NAND operation
naval operation
NEITHER-NOR operation
network operation tools
no-failure operation
no-load operation
non-equivalence operation
non-failure operation
non-identity operation
nonmonetary operation
no-operation instruction
normal pump operation
NOR operation
NOT-AND operation (deprecated)
NOT-BOTH operation
NOT-IF-THEN operation
NOT operation
NOT [operation]
NOT-OR operation (deprecated)
offline crypto-operation
off-line operation
one-off operation
online crypto-operation
on-the-spot verification of an operation
open-circuit operation
opening operation
open market operation
operation account
operational co-operation
operation and maintenance personnel
operation and maintenance works
operation and traffic management
operation and traffic management subsystem
Operation Artemis
Operation Aspida (Shield)
Operation ATALANTA
operation auditing
Operation Barkhane
operation breakdown
operation code
operation code trap
operation commander
Operation Concordia
operation console
operation counter
operation exception
operation field
operation flight envelope
operation for fostering crisis response capacities
operation for fostering crisis response capacities in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak
operation having military or defence implications
operation headquarters
operation instructions
Operation IRINI
operation knob (button)
operation limit temperature
operation load
operation of a measure adopted by an institution
operation of strategic importance
operation of taxes
operation of the Institutions
operation part
operation plan
operation principle
operation sequence
operation speed
operation table
operation technology
Operation Themis
Operation Triton
operation with operational credits
Organisation for Economic co-operation and Development
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
OR operation
OR [operation]
OSCE field operation
out-of-step operation
overload operation
own account transport operation
payment operation
parallel operation
peacebuilding operation
peace enforcement operation
peacekeeping operation
peacemaking operation
peace operation
peace support operation
peaking operation
periodic operation
pixel operation
polyadic operation
positively driven operation
positive opening operation
power system operation
power station operation
power take-off operation
PPP operation
printing operation
processing operation
*production and operation needs
production operation
Protocol No.2 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning interterritorial co-operation
Protocol No. 3 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning Euroregional Co-operation Groupings (ECGs)
psychological operation
pulsed operation
putting into operation
putting into operation expenses
putting into operation of new enterprises*
quick operation
radial operation [of a part of a network]
readiness for putting into operation
realtime operation
real-time operation
recovery operation
repo operation
repurchase operation
reverse repo operation
reverse repurchase operation
ring operation
ring operation [of a part of a network]
route operation
SAR operation
scheduled operation
seamless operation
search and rescue operation
secondary power control operation of a generating set
second printing operation
selective operation
self-contained operation
semi-duplex operation
separate network operation
sequential operation
serial operation
settlement operation
shaping operation
shipping operation
simple co-operation
simplex operation
simultaneous operation of a number of machines*
single step operation
single-step operation
symmetry operation
synchronous compensation operation
synchronous operation
synchronous operation of a machine
synchronous operation of a system
system operation conditions
system operation coordination
systems management operation
space operation service
speculative operation
speed of operation
stable operation
standstill operation
start of normal operation
start-stop operation
step-by-step operation
sting operation
*stoppage of equipment operation
suitability for operation
suspension of operation or enforcement and other interim measures
tap-change operation
targeted longer-term refinancing operation
taxation [operation]
termination of the customs transit operation
bilateral co-operation agreement
divpusējs sadarbības nolīgums
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